Mar­ket­ing trends are akin to the weath­er – they change dynam­i­cal­ly, alter­ing every moment to give way to the next best thing. How­ev­er, some trends are here to stay – at least for the year 2020 – and it is best to seize the moment. Qual­i­ty video con­tent seems to be all the rage now: as per Sta­tista, rough­ly 85% of peo­ple around the world watch online videos every day. Brands work­ing in sync with dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing com­pa­nies are aware of the fact that they need to lever­age upon video mar­ket­ing strate­gies for reel­ing in reach and engage­ment that is sus­tain­able over a cer­tain peri­od of time.

As a rule of thumb, it is cru­cial to under­stand that mar­ket­ing strate­gies, espe­cial­ly con­tent-ori­ent­ed ones, should nev­er adopt a one-size-fits-all approach. Choose strate­gies that suit your brand best, while keep­ing in mind what your audi­ence prefers.

Video Content Marketing Strategies for 2020

Here are some con­tent mar­ket­ing strate­gies might come in handy for you:

1. Utilize Video Marketing Analytics for Personalization

As per Wyzowl, more than 81% of audi­ences opine that brand videos hold the abil­i­ty to urge them to com­plete a pur­chase. In order to achieve this effect, one needs to cap­i­tal­ize on indi­vid­ual tastes and rel­e­vance – some­thing only an adept con­tent mar­ket­ing agency can do. The first step for effec­tive video mar­ket­ing is to under­stand your demo­graph­ic so that you can churn out cus­tomized con­tent for them, which can bol­ster engage­ment and conversions.

Ana­lyt­ics play a sig­nif­i­cant role in this process, as it allows you to nar­row down to an appro­pri­ate tone for your tar­get audi­ence. You should also make sure to use the right imagery and cul­tur­al ref­er­ences – for instance, mak­ing a video doused heav­i­ly in Gen Z slang will be quite lost on the Baby Boomer gen­er­a­tion. Hence, the final fron­tier is to move towards absolute per­son­al­iza­tion.

2. Storytelling Moves the Masses

One might argue: what’s the ide­al length for a video? Well, that is sub­jec­tive to the social plat­form, real­ly. Youtube videos work best when they hit the 10-minute mark, while an aver­age Insta­gram video should be between 15 to 20 sec­onds. Apart from keep­ing these dura­tions in mind, it is best to take advan­tage of the stream/binge-watch phe­nom­e­non. Cre­ate a series of cre­ative videos that keep your audi­ence at the edge of their seat.

Storytelling Moves the Masses

3. Find Topics That Are Engaging and Nuanced

Uti­lize the won­ders of 360-video, com­bined with an incred­i­ble top­ic that is cre­at­ing a buzz in the said indus­try. For instance, you’re a high-end Japan­ese restau­rant that wish­es to increase foot­falls and brand aware­ness. In order to achieve this end, you can cre­ate a neon-span­gled video fea­tur­ing flashy Japan­ese typog­ra­phy that chron­i­cles the jour­ney of Sake or Yak­i­tori. This would spark inter­est in the minds of mul­ti­cui­sine enthu­si­asts and food blog­gers, urg­ing them to vis­it the place and be a part of the unique expe­ri­ence. This stance can also be adopt­ed for mul­ti­fac­eted indus­tries that aim to pro­mote a cer­tain product/service.

4. Interaction Goes a Long Way

Inter­ac­tive videos are in vogue and have always been – incor­po­rat­ing cut­ting-edge fea­tures that allow you to inter­act direct­ly with your audi­ence. This cre­ates a seam­less expe­ri­ence of emo­tion­al con­nec­tion and reli­a­bil­i­ty, which are key ingre­di­ents for brand viral­i­ty. Inter­ac­tive fea­tures include:

  • Polls, quizzes, and opinions
  • Drag­gable and inter­ac­tive 360-degree videos
  • Input forms for lead collection
  • Inter­ac­tions that diverts to oth­er videos/landing pages

5. Make Sure Your Videos are Accessible

In the game of viral one-upman­ship on the inter­net, acces­si­bil­i­ty mat­ters. 85% of indi­vid­u­als on Face­book watch videos with­out sound, as they par­take in this activ­i­ty while on-the-go, in-between breaks, on the sub­way, and so on. In order to cater to this trend, it is a smart mar­ket­ing move to include closed captions/subtitles beneath. This move is also great­ly ben­e­fi­cial for the hear­ing impaired, hence widen­ing the ambit of true inclusivity.

More­over, take your video script seri­ous­ly. Be crisp, poet­ic, engag­ing, and remem­ber to not take your­self too seri­ous­ly. Your audi­ence is more like­ly to engage with con­tent that is authen­tic and heart­felt – even if it is humor – and the best videos are those that hook in audi­ences with­in the first 3 sec­onds and keep them engaged right until the end.

6. Create Ripple Effects for In-Person Events

Event videos hold immense poten­tial as one can eas­i­ly reach a glob­al audi­ence with the aid of viral­i­ty. This can be done in an effec­tive man­ner with the help of Face­book Live, Insta­gram Sto­ries, and IGTV feeds. One doesn’t require a high-end bud­get or cut­ting-edge pho­tog­ra­phy skills to set up an event video. Instead, keep it authen­tic and clean: you can use a tri­pod or a hand-held cam­era for the same. The edit­ing does not have to be art­sy or over-the-top, as you can cre­ate an impact with basic, cut-to-cut edits as well.

7. Incorporate Expert Interviews and Educational How-To Videos

When­ev­er you need to high­light a top­ic that requires a  fair amount of crit­i­cal expo­si­tion, it is best to bring in indus­try experts who are capa­ble of explain­ing the mat­ter in an in-depth and engag­ing man­ner. Thought lead­ers and well-known exports help forge bonds of trust and authen­tic­i­ty with audi­ences and inspire view­er­ship and reten­tion. Apart from this, do lever­age upon influ­encer mar­ket­ing so as to high­light their point-of-view.

On the flip­side, instruc­tion­al videos can be uti­lized to edu­cate audi­ences about a new con­cept, prod­uct, or project. Func­tion­al and foun­da­tion­al knowl­edge can be built upon with the help of this strat­e­gy, which audi­ences can ben­e­fit great­ly from and con­nect bet­ter with your brand. This will lead to bet­ter prob­lem-solv­ing as videos are eas­i­er to grasp as opposed to doc­u­ments of text that are cum­ber­some to read or follow.

Apart from these types of videos, one can also cre­ate beau­ti­ful­ly ani­mat­ed videos that work won­ders for con­cepts that are hard to grasp. Ani­mat­ed videos are best for cap­tur­ing abstrac­tions or intan­gi­ble themes that are cru­cial to the audience’s under­stand­ing of the brand. For more in-depth explain­ers, opt for case stud­ies and client testimonials.

Thus, con­quer 2020 with these trail­blaz­ing video con­tent mar­ket­ing strate­gies that are bound to work!

SOURCE: Blog­ging Triggers