Noth­ing is more pow­er­ful than videos when it comes to marketing.

It’s due to this rea­son that near­ly 83% of mar­keters believe that videos are becom­ing a hot trend. The effec­tive use of video con­tent can pos­i­tive­ly impact sales, gen­er­ate more leads, and improve the brand’s credibility.

29% of mil­len­ni­als rely on video-based con­tent before pur­chas­ing a new B2B product/service. Sim­i­lar­ly, 19% of B2B buy­ers use them to resolve their busi­ness problems.

Owing to the rise in video engage­ment plat­forms like Tik­Tok, Twitch, Insta­gram, and YouTube, it has become eas­i­er for peo­ple to con­sume videos in large pro­por­tions. As per a recent study, four of the top eight chan­nels on which glob­al con­sumers watch a video are social channels.

Here is a list of con­tent ideas that you can lever­age for the suc­cess of your next video mar­ket­ing cam­paign.

1. Influencer Marketing

It can be chal­leng­ing for any brand to grow its audi­ence. How­ev­er, with meth­ods like influ­encer mar­ket­ing, you can increase your audi­ence quick­ly. To get the best of both worlds, you can mix influ­encer mar­ket­ing and videos. (now Tik­Tok), a renowned video plat­form, lever­aged this con­cept strate­gi­cal­ly to boost their brand aware­ness. Their goal was to shift the per­cep­tion of their audi­ence and show­case that they’re a glob­al com­mu­ni­ty and not just a musi­cal app.

The com­pa­ny launched an influ­encer video mar­ket­ing cam­paign and part­nered with eight known vlog­gers from dif­fer­ent nich­es (sports, gam­ing, and com­e­dy). Through the cam­paign, they were able to get stel­lar con­tent for all their social media chan­nels and it also helped them get more than 60,000 new signups.

How­ev­er, for your cam­paign to suc­ceed, you need to ensure that you part­ner with the right influ­encers. For that, you should con­sid­er doing hash­tag research using tools like Hash­tag­i­fy. Through it, you can find the top influ­encers in each hashtag.

Sim­i­lar­ly, you can use social lis­ten­ing tools like Hub­Spot to find peo­ple who are talk­ing about your brand. Some of them might be influencers.

Some of the best ways to incor­po­rate influ­encers into your video mar­ket­ing strat­e­gy include:

  • How-to videos
  • Announce offers and promotions
  • Reviews/Testimonials
  • Through expert interviews
  • Influ­encer takeovers
  • Spon­sored videos

The right col­lab­o­ra­tion with influ­encers can help you cre­ate high-qual­i­ty videos that will res­onate well with your audi­ence. This can help you grow your brand.

How­ev­er, it’s essen­tial to find and con­nect with the right influ­encers to increase the chances of the suc­cess of your cam­paign. For this, you can use Nin­jaOutreach, which helps you find reli­able influ­encers on Insta­gram, Twit­ter, YouTube, and Tik­Tok. You can see all of their sta­tis­tics like engage­ment rate, num­ber of fol­low­ers, etc.

2. Use Webinars for Demo Videos

A great way of pro­mot­ing your prod­ucts and ser­vices through video is via webi­na­rs. You can orga­nize a live webi­nar to demon­strate your prod­uct and show­case it to your audi­ence at the same time. This can help you gen­er­ate buzz around it.

Addi­tion­al­ly, a webi­nar also gives your audi­ence a chance to engage with you in real-time. This can help you build brand trust, and you can clear all of their ques­tions right away. The best part about webi­na­rs is that they can lat­er be uploaded onto social media plat­forms as videos.

Pop­u­lar brands such as Net­Suite use this method of video mar­ket­ing to pro­mote their lat­est prod­ucts. Note how the live webi­nar has lat­er been uploaded on YouTube and is still gar­ner­ing views.

To host a webi­nar for your brand, you can use tools like Click­Meet­ing. It allows you to orga­nize both live and auto­mat­ed webi­na­rs so that you can deliv­er your prod­uct demo with ease and scal­a­bil­i­ty. Addi­tion­al­ly, its auto­mat­ed webi­nar time­line edi­tor can help you set up your webi­nar just the way you want it to.

You can drag-and-drop ele­ments like click­able offers, exter­nal videos, and inter­ac­tive sur­veys onto the time­line to design your webi­nar. This can help you cre­ate engag­ing and con­ver­sion-opti­mized prod­uct demo presentations.

3. Q&A Videos

Q&A Videos

Before you launch your prod­uct or ser­vice in the mar­ket, it’s impor­tant to under­stand the needs of your cus­tomers. What’s more cru­cial is answer­ing all of the pos­si­ble ques­tions they may have about your prod­ucts and services.

Answer­ing all of the queries in a text for­mat (via e‑mails or online com­ments) might not be fea­si­ble for your brand. Accord­ing to a sur­vey by Livestream, near­ly 82% of con­sumers rely on live video con­tent from brands on social media.

It’s thus best to stream live videos on social media for Q&A ses­sions with your tar­get audi­ence. This can help you dri­ve you more con­ver­sions and engagement.

4. Behind-the-Scenes Videos

Behind-the-scenes videos act like exclu­sive footage and allow your cus­tomers to take a quick peek into the oper­a­tional side of your busi­ness. This type of video can make them feel spe­cial, and that helps improve their trust in your brand as well.

Being trans­par­ent doesn’t indi­cate that you should be upfront about your sales mar­gins. But it more close­ly includes your hon­est approach towards busi­ness oper­a­tions and with your customers.

Behind-the-scenes videos show your audi­ence the work­ings of your busi­ness. They can also show­case var­i­ous fea­tures of your orga­ni­za­tion, such as your work envi­ron­ment. This can help you win the trust of your audi­ence, and as a result, it can improve your chances of get­ting conversions.

A great way of giv­ing a behind-the-scenes look at your com­pa­ny is by part­ner­ing with an influ­encer. You can ask the influ­encer to come over to your office or head­quar­ters and give their fol­low­ers a look at what a typ­i­cal day in your com­pa­ny looks like.

You can even ask them to take over one of your social media han­dles for the day and post-behind-the-scenes videos. This can help you get the atten­tion of both your audi­ence and theirs.

5. Product Launches

Prod­uct launch videos are a pow­er­ful mode of con­tent shar­ing as they both engage and edu­cate peo­ple about your company’s lat­est offer­ings. They can also help in gen­er­at­ing a buzz around your new prod­uct before its launch.

Apple took the best advan­tage of this strat­e­gy when they revealed their iPhone 6s. It helped them gen­er­ate buzz about it.

There are dif­fer­ent forms of prod­uct launch videos that can help you cre­ate excite­ment about the prod­uct among your audi­ence. Few of them which you can try are:

  • Explain­er videos: Detailed videos cre­at­ed to help your cus­tomers under­stand the fea­tures of your prod­uct, and how it can solve their pain points
  • Live videos: Live videos are a great way to boost your sales. Tech giants like Apple and Google rely heav­i­ly on live videos to show­case their new prod­ucts around the globe. As a mar­keter, you can uti­lize Face­book, Insta­gram, or YouTube based on your audience.
  • Videos that nar­rate a sto­ry: You should con­sid­er cre­at­ing videos that tell the sto­ry of your brand. This can also be done when you’re launch­ing your prod­ucts. Note how Google uses sto­ry­telling to pro­mote itself on YouTube.

6. How-To Videos

How-to videos are a great asset for your video mar­ket­ing cam­paigns as they help your tar­get audi­ence under­stand how to use your prod­uct or service.

These videos are extreme­ly pop­u­lar as they allow your audi­ence to learn some­thing new about your offer­ings. When they under­stand your prod­uct bet­ter, it can push them to pur­chase it as well. Near­ly 72% of peo­ple pre­fer to learn about a prod­uct or ser­vice through videos.

These instruc­tion­al videos are use­ful even for train­ing your in-house sales and ser­vice teams. They can help them inter­act bet­ter with cus­tomers, under­stand their pain points, and solve their problems.

Pan­daDoc used these sorts of videos to pro­mote their brand, which is a doc­u­ment automa­tion tool. Their short video explains how their prod­uct works in just one minute.

7. Team Introductions

Team Introductions

Peo­ple are some­times skep­ti­cal when it comes to col­lab­o­rat­ing with new peo­ple, espe­cial­ly on impor­tant projects. So, team intro­duc­tion videos can help you show­case the col­lec­tive mis­sion of the com­pa­ny with­out much hassle.

Intro­duc­ing your team allows them to open­ly express the “why” behind their love for your orga­ni­za­tion. It also gives your videos a more human touch. By shar­ing their per­son­al work expe­ri­ences in the videos, they get to con­nect with view­ers. This, in turn, can help devel­op their trust in your brand.

You can sched­ule these and oth­er such videos for post­ing on social media using var­i­ous plat­forms. This way, you can ensure that your videos are seen by the max­i­mum num­ber of peo­ple. It also helps you post con­tent reg­u­lar­ly on your social media account.

8. Time Lapse

A gener­ic video frame rate ranges between 24fps (frames per sec­ond) to 100 fps. How­ev­er, in the case of time-lapse videos, the fps is cut down to a few frames per minute or even an hour. This speeds up the sub­ject of your video and allows you to cap­ture mul­ti­ple days/weeks in the span of a few sec­onds or minutes.

Adding time-lapse videos in your mar­ket­ing cam­paign is a smart option because these videos can hold a viewer’s atten­tion. This would be espe­cial­ly true if the video show­cas­es some cre­ation process of your product.

Time-lapse videos have numer­ous use cas­es, so you should craft them accord­ing to the mes­sage you want to send out. For instance, you can make a video to con­vey one of your employee’s sto­ries or to show­case how a par­tic­u­lar ser­vice order gets com­plet­ed with­in your organization.

Since peo­ple have short­er atten­tion spans today, time-lapse videos work extreme­ly well as they can con­vey a lot of infor­ma­tion in a short time. They are espe­cial­ly help­ful if you want to show­case a long process in a con­densed format.


A visu­al approach is the best way to ensure that the brand mes­sage is con­veyed to your audi­ence quickly.

The video land­scape is con­stant­ly evolv­ing, but the right imple­men­ta­tion can do won­ders for your busi­ness. It can boost your sales, increase reten­tion, and help build a great brand enrich­ing cus­tomer expe­ri­ence.

Cre­ate a vari­ety of videos from prod­uct launch videos to time laps­es to engage your audi­ence and win their trust.

Your videos must also help your con­sumers under­stand how your product/service will ben­e­fit them.

Are there oth­er forms of video con­tent you’ve used to mar­ket your brand? Let us know in the comments.

SOURCE: Busi­ness 2 Community