In the dig­i­tal age, mov­ing images are a main­stay. In the world of pod­casts, live stream­ing, Insta­gram sto­ries, YouTube, webi­na­rs, and more, video con­tent has become a dom­i­nat­ing form of enter­tain­ment, edu­ca­tion, and engagement.

As video con­tent has gained pop­u­lar­i­ty, it became evi­dent that con­tent mar­keters would also rec­og­nize the ben­e­fits of video mar­ket­ing and incor­po­rate it into their dig­i­tal strategies. 

With the help of a good small busi­ness mar­ket­ing agency, SMBs can achieve tru­ly stel­lar results when it comes to adver­tis­ing their ser­vices or prod­ucts or if they want to boost engagement.

When done right, prop­er video mar­ket­ing can help reach new audi­ences on social media and can trans­form your online pres­ence into a lead-gen­er­at­ing powerhouse.

You already know why online mar­ket­ing is impor­tant. In order to get ahead of your com­pe­ti­tion, you need to opti­mize every aspect of your con­tent, web­site, and social pages to grab your poten­tial cus­tomer’s atten­tion. Video mar­ket­ing and qual­i­ty video con­tent will only fur­ther pro­pel these efforts toward success.

Video Marketing for Small Businesses: It Shouldn’t Have to Be Daunting or Complicated

The major­i­ty of small busi­ness own­ers already know that video mar­ket­ing is a great way to put their name on the dig­i­tal map. How­ev­er, some of them might feel that it can be way too demand­ing and overwhelming. 

Still, most small busi­ness own­ers who are already imple­ment­ing video mar­ket­ing cam­paigns into their strate­gies state that they can see tan­gi­ble improve­ments.

The truth is, with the right kind of help, pro­duc­ing con­tent and video mar­ket­ing can be straight­for­ward and sim­ple (more on that later).

Below, we will dis­cuss a few of the ben­e­fits asso­ci­at­ed with video mar­ket­ing for small busi­ness­es so you can see why it can be a game-chang­er for your busi­ness as well.

Consumers Simply Love Video Content

Some sources state that around 500 mil­lion peo­ple watch videos dai­ly on Face­book alone, total­ing an aver­age of around 4 bil­lion views daily.

On the oth­er hand, experts agree, that YouTube, the sec­ond-largest search engine (fol­low­ing Google), is cur­rent­ly the best place for video shar­ing and adver­tis­ing. Some sources state that over 2.6 bil­lion peo­ple world­wide use the plat­form at least once a month, and it was esti­mat­ed that the num­ber of view­ers in the U.S. alone would hit 210 mil­lion this year.

Sim­ply put, video con­tent is a great way to engage with your audi­ence because peo­ple love watch­ing videos. They are enter­tain­ing, acces­si­ble, and educational.

When you doubt whether you should lever­age video mar­ket­ing, just think about the vast audi­ence you can reach online. 

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Video Content Can Improve Conversions

Accord­ing to a recent study, prod­uct page videos have the poten­tial to increase on-site pur­chas­es by 144%.

Mar­keters have known that video mar­ket­ing – used in the right place and at the right time – can real­ly help tip the scale towards a purchase.

A product’s land­ing page fea­tur­ing an “explain­er video” that highlight’s the product’s fea­tures and char­ac­ter­is­tics is a great way to instant­ly build trust with your poten­tial cus­tomer and to con­vey that your prod­uct tru­ly holds val­ue to them.

Video Marketing Can Build Trust

A strong online pres­ence is all about trust. When assess­ing the ben­e­fits of video mar­ket­ing, we should also men­tion that it’s an out­stand­ing way to build more trust between cus­tomers and brands.

High-qual­i­ty video con­tent can also improve engage­ment and com­mu­ni­ca­tion with your tar­get audi­ence, and you can show that you run a reli­able, trust­wor­thy, and hon­est business. 

Exter­nal reviews from influ­encers or oth­er indus­try experts can go a long way in build­ing trust with the peo­ple to who you’re marketing.

Optimized Video Content Helps SEO Efforts

A well-opti­mized video and a well-exe­cut­ed video mar­ket­ing strat­e­gy can also help you rank higher.

SEO-opti­mized video con­tent with the right thumb­nail, title, and video descrip­tion can sig­nif­i­cant­ly boost your organ­ic traf­fic, espe­cial­ly when your con­tent has the right high-intent keywords.

Fur­ther­more, you can always leave your web­site and social media links on YouTube to dri­ve even more peo­ple toward your pre­ferred destinations.

Still, mar­keters often advise to be cau­tious and not go over­board with the CTA’s and links because con­sumers may feel over­whelmed, annoyed, or even harassed. 

The Future of Video Content is Promising

As tech­nol­o­gy advances, there’s a good chance that video mar­ket­ing will also fol­low suit, with even more con­tent forms than now. 

For instance, live stream­ing may great­ly ben­e­fit from the con­tin­u­ous­ly advanc­ing VR and AR technology. 

As such, it also makes sense to always keep up to date with the lat­est trends and tech so your com­pa­ny can be among the first to ride the newest video mar­ket­ing waves. 

It’s Always Available

Video con­tent isn’t just a great tool to improve your SEO, dri­ve sales, and boost your engage­ment. It’s also a form of con­tent that’s easy to con­sume, no mat­ter if you’re sit­ting in front of a com­put­er or on the go.

Videos are espe­cial­ly impor­tant on mobile devices. Research data shows that around 90% of con­sumers use their mobile devices to watch videos. Fur­ther­more, mobile video views have seen tremen­dous growth from Q3 of 2013 – a breath­tak­ing total of 233%

Fur­ther­more, YouTube reports that its mobile video con­sump­tion dou­bles each year.

Watch­ing videos takes lit­tle effort, and con­sumers can do it lit­er­al­ly any­where. If you want to reach large audi­ences effec­tive­ly, then video is the way to go.

Emails Love Video

If you’ve used email cam­paigns in the past, then you know that some­times it can be a chal­lenge to get your read­er to open their mes­sage in the first place.

How­ev­er, data sug­gests that you can increase your click-through rate sim­ply by putting the word “video” in the sub­ject line by a whop­ping 200 to 300%.

Enrich­ing your email cam­paigns with well-placed video con­tent can dri­ve more suc­cess both in terms of engage­ment and actu­al conversions. 

As you can see, video mar­ket­ing isn’t a one-trick pony. It can also be a fine addi­tion to your exist­ing mar­ket­ing efforts, help­ing you dri­ve even bet­ter results.

Videos Get More Shares 

No mat­ter whether you’re look­ing at YouTube, Tik­Tok, Twit­ter, Face­book, or Insta­gram, videos are con­stant­ly being shared through­out every social chan­nel, even fur­ther increas­ing your reach and vis­i­bil­i­ty (not to men­tion views) with almost no extra effort.

Social media sim­ply loves video. When you take advan­tage of this fact, then you can effec­tive­ly use your video mar­ket­ing strat­e­gy to grow your client base faster.

The Key To Good Video Marketing: Doing it Professionally

As you can see, qual­i­ty video con­tent can be a huge asset to your mar­ket­ing efforts, but only if you do it by the books. Poor video pro­duc­tion and a limp­ing strat­e­gy can actu­al­ly do harm to your brand. 

If your video con­tent isn’t up to par or poor­ly exe­cut­ed, your con­sumers may think that your brand is unre­li­able or doesn’t take itself seri­ous­ly. In these cas­es, they might even turn to your com­pe­ti­tion, and you def­i­nite­ly want to avoid that.

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Partner Up With Experts

It’s prob­a­bly clear by now that qual­i­ty video can bring a lot to the table for any busi­ness that looks for ways to improve its online marketing. 

A great video strat­e­gy can help increase con­ver­sion rates, dri­ve more sales, improve engage­ment, boost vis­i­bil­i­ty, help with search engine rank­ings, and helps you estab­lish your brand as a rep­utable, hon­est, and reli­able com­pa­ny that can clear­ly offer val­ue to its audi­ence and customers.

A good strat­e­gy for video can be a bit dif­fi­cult to come up with, and exe­cu­tion may also be some­times cum­ber­some. Apart from the tech­ni­cal aspect, busi­ness­es should focus on cre­at­ing the prop­er sched­ule, tone, mes­sage, design, and more – every­thing that ensures that the end result will do jus­tice to your prod­uct and brand.

You want to avoid com­ing across as repet­i­tive or, worse, annoying. 

For­tu­nate­ly, with the help of a reli­able and rep­utable dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing agency, you can avoid the most com­mon pit­falls and make sure that your video con­tent is up to par with the lat­est trends.

If you want to work with a pro­fes­sion­al agency that will be able to help you cre­ate the nec­es­sary con­tent and strat­e­gy to grow your busi­ness, feel free to reach out to us.

While we ensure that your video will reach the right peo­ple, you can focus on what you do best – doing business.