Today, video mar­ket­ing has become a sta­ple in the dig­i­tal strate­gies of most online busi­ness­es. Also, essen­tial mar­ket­ing chan­nels, like Face­book, YouTube, Insta­gram, and Twit­ter, all took mas­sive steps to make upload­ing, dis­trib­ut­ing, and watch­ing videos more acces­si­ble. Why?

The answer is sim­ple. Users love watch­ing videos. They are more engag­ing, more expres­sive, and eas­i­er to con­sume than most oth­er forms of content.

As such, mar­ket­ing ser­vices for lawyers should also encom­pass attor­ney video mar­ket­ing so that law firms may also take advan­tage of this pow­er­ful con­tent type. In this arti­cle, we will dis­cuss the ins and outs of lawyer video mar­ket­ing and how this indus­try should approach this pow­er­ful form of media.

Understand Your Target Audience

Attor­ney video mar­ket­ing starts the same way as almost every mar­ket­ing strat­e­gy or brand devel­op­ment: by gath­er­ing as much infor­ma­tion as pos­si­ble about our tar­get audi­ence to prop­er­ly mar­ket our ser­vices to them. In the case of video mar­ket­ing, this is even more important.

Who are your poten­tial clients? Where do they live? How old are they? What’s their pro­fes­sion? How much do they earn? Do they have spe­cif­ic cul­tur­al or reli­gious val­ues you might need to address?

Prop­er attor­ney video mar­ket­ing needs to have all of these ques­tions answered and addressed if you want to strike a chord with your audience.

Businesswoman Watching a Live Live Stream Window

Coming up With a Script

Video for law firms work most­ly the same way as it would for oth­er brands: After learn­ing about the peo­ple who you want to reach, it’s time to write down a con­cept for the video and write a script. 

The over­all char­ac­ter and tone of the attor­ney video will most­ly depend on your area of exper­tise. Even if you choose a fun­ny tone, you will still want to show­case that you are a reli­able expert who takes the legal pro­fes­sion seriously. 

Con­sid­er these examples: 

  • If your com­pa­ny works with small busi­ness­es, your lawyer video mar­ket­ing should prob­a­bly have a more infor­ma­tive and pro­fes­sion­al tone but not too seri­ous. The case here is to show that you can offer life­time val­ue, so you need to not only show­case that you are a reli­able pro but also a per­son who’s easy to work with.
  • In the case of crim­i­nal defense, you might be able to go with a fun­nier tone. As coun­ter­in­tu­itive as it may often seem, a more humor­ous video has a greater chance of going viral and reach­ing mas­sive audi­ences. One thing is for sure: a laid-back attor­ney video can keep you on top of people’s minds and might even lead them to con­tact you if they need your services.
  • If plain­tiff law is your area of exper­tise, your attor­ney video should be more seri­ous. You need to prove to your poten­tial clients that you are the per­son who can pro­tect their rights. Just try not to come off as too intimidating.

Keep the video on the short­er end with a con­cise mes­sage that’s sim­ple to under­stand. Strive to keep every­thing between two to five min­utes so your view­ers will watch the entire video.

When cre­at­ing a script, don’t for­get about these two things:

  • What is your audi­ence look­ing for? Most like­ly, they are look­ing for a help­ing hand. Some­body who can help them bet­ter under­stand their legal prob­lem. Show them that you are the right person.
  • What’s your goal? Video mar­ket­ing for lawyers should help them do more busi­ness. Give your future client a rea­son to call you and pro­vide a CTA that encour­ages them to reach out.

Video Production

Once the attor­ney video’s script is ready, the process of pro­duc­ing the actu­al video may start. Truth be told, there are a lot of tech­ni­cal­i­ties involved with video pro­duc­tion, and they are bet­ter left to professionals.

Good lawyer video mar­ket­ing should also be of impec­ca­ble qual­i­ty with reli­able high-res­o­lu­tion cam­eras, prop­er light­ing, and sound. 

Last­ly, video edit­ing can addi­tion­al­ly enhance the over­all qual­i­ty of the final prod­uct, play­ing a cru­cial role in get­ting the mes­sage across the right way.


After the attor­ney video’s final­ly done, it’s time to upload it to the inter­net and start gen­er­at­ing leads. This is the eas­i­est part of lawyer video mar­ket­ing since pub­lish­ing videos on the web is incred­i­bly easy. Fur­ther­more, they are among the most shared con­tent types online, mean­ing that your video con­tent will be able to reach even more peo­ple with even less effort.

You need to upload your video to the right places to have the antic­i­pat­ed effect.

YouTube: This chan­nel should be your pre­ferred plat­form for lawyer video mar­ket­ing. Being the sec­ond-largest search engine and one of the most traf­ficked sites on the inter­net, YouTube is a must.

Social Media: Every social chan­nel has made tremen­dous efforts to pop­u­lar­ize video con­tent and to make it sim­ple to con­sume (not to men­tion upload). Make sure to share your attor­ney videos on these chan­nels as well every time you cre­ate some­thing new. 

Com­pa­ny Web­site: Your web­site is a key ele­ment in your law firm mar­ket­ing efforts, and as such, you should also upload it there too. Opti­mized videos can do a great job at help­ing you improve your search engine rank­ings, and they might be able to help you with con­ver­sion rates as well.

Oth­er Efforts/Places: Video can be com­bined with your oth­er mar­ket­ing strate­gies per­fect­ly. Your attor­ney video can also be used to enrich your newslet­ter, poten­tial­ly increas­ing your click-through rates and improv­ing your lead gen­er­a­tion efforts.

Hand Holding Tablet With Video Sharing on Screen on Wood Table, Internet Marketing Concept

Assessing the Results

When it comes to hav­ing a good approach to video mar­ket­ing for lawyers, you should also try and mea­sure the effec­tive­ness of your video mar­ket­ing campaign.

Look­ing at the num­ber of views you get is a great way to see how well the video res­onates with your audi­ence. You should equal­ly focus on how well it per­forms in lead gen­er­a­tion. If you aren’t get­ting calls from poten­tial clients, then you might want to revis­it spe­cif­ic aspects of your video mar­ket­ing cam­paign and per­form the nec­es­sary tweaks.

To that end, the last thing you want is upload a video that won’t gen­er­ate leads nor convert. 

Video mar­ket­ing can get tricky, and if you lack the prop­er expe­ri­ence and prowess, it can even be a huge under­tak­ing. Being a time-con­sum­ing effort, law firms often don’t have the nec­es­sary time they can ded­i­cate to video production.

Here’s where we can help. As an expe­ri­enced dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing agency, we are also well-versed in the sub­tle art of video mar­ket­ing, being able to address the con­cerns and needs of law firms. With our help, they can start a video mar­ket­ing cam­paign that will gen­er­ate leads and enable them to grow their clientele.

So, if you need help with your video mar­ket­ing, feel free to call us.