Social media can be an incred­i­ble tool for your busi­ness if you add it to your busi­ness mar­ket­ing plan. And Social media mar­ket­ing pro­vides a direct way to reach the audi­ence and build a good net­work so this net­work can make a big impact on your chances of being successful.

But most of the time peo­ple can’t under­stand the basic objec­tive or use of each plat­form. Every social media has a dif­fer­ent pur­pose, dif­fer­ent tar­get, and dif­fer­ent algorithms.

To tar­get your audi­ence you need to under­stand what your goals are and what your audi­ence wants to see. And to do all this stuff you need to pre­pare a social media mar­ket­ing strat­e­gy as per the social media plat­forms. With­out a strat­e­gy, it’ll be hard to achieve results on social media. Social media is an essen­tial ingre­di­ent to aware the audi­ence about your brand.

Three incred­i­bly cru­cial plat­forms among the many out there are of course Face­book, Linkedin, and Twitter.

Here are some pri­ma­ry dif­fer­ences between social media plat­forms and what you need to know as far as build­ing your mar­ket­ing strategy:

Know the purpose of each platform

Face­book allows busi­ness­es to do pro­mo­tions direct­ly, con­nect with cus­tomers and reach the audi­ence. Through Face­book pages, they can make a pres­ence of their brands and post con­tent such as any news, new launch, offer deals, intro­duce prod­ucts and man­age cus­tomer ser­vice rela­tion­ships. But you can’t do more pro­mo­tion because peo­ple don’t like to see pro­mo­tion­al con­tent again and again after some time they will start to ignore you.

On the oth­er hand, Linkedin is a plat­form where you can make rela­tion­ships between two indi­vid­u­als and two businesses/organizations. Linkedin allows you to make peo­ple or your net­work under­stand about your work/job, your busi­ness, your growth, and achieve­ment in your work­ing sectors.

On Twit­ter is not a plat­form where you can sell some­thing or do self-pro­mo­tion if you try to do this thing it will quick­ly label you as spam­mers and abusers. On twit­ter, you can get a lot of traf­fic where you can iden­ti­fy what’s on the mind of your tar­get mar­ket, their needs through their reac­tions. On Twit­ter, peo­ple are more inter­est­ed to do con­ver­sa­tion through com­ments as well as watch oth­er users’ conversations.

Understand what people are searching for on each platform

Each plat­form has a dif­fer­ent search­ing pow­er and the audi­ence has a dif­fer­ent search­ing pur­pose. To attach or con­nect with your audi­ence you need to post con­tent that peo­ple are crav­ing to con­sume. On Twit­ter, peo­ple find out the con­tent and they search by using mul­ti­ple key­words and they engage with tweets. Also on Linkedin peo­ple search for con­tent but most of the audi­ence search to whom they want to con­nect because it is a plat­form where you can make a good busi­ness net­work. On Face­book peo­ple are look­ing for some per­son­al con­tent, what their friends are shar­ing. You will get the search result on the basis of your Face­book activity.

Understand what people are searching for on each platform

How to do content marketing on different social media

On Face­book, a vari­ety of post con­tent always works so effec­tive­ly such as blog posts, Press releas­es, pho­tos, and videos. Don’t post too fre­quent­ly, If you post back to back too much con­tent per day then your audi­ence gets annoyed with your page/profile.

To boost up the engage­ment rate on LinkedIn, You always need to cre­ate infor­ma­tion­al con­tent so don’t always try to sell your product/service. The Linkedin audi­ence is dif­fer­ent from Face­book and Twit­ter. On Linkedin peo­ple want to read some fresh and unique con­tent they don’t want to see the bor­ing con­tent so try to add some graph­ics in your post content.

Twit­ter is a plat­form where peo­ple share their thoughts with­out any fil­ter. Twit­ter is all about shar­ing infor­ma­tion­al links, Reuse pho­tos and graph­ics from oth­er chan­nels, talk­ing about new things and shar­ing individual’s thoughts, shar­ing Youtube video links and most effec­tive con­tent from oth­er social media channels.

Video marketing and its effect on social media channels

Video is one of the best per­form­ing con­tent types on social media chan­nels because engag­ing visu­al for­mat is help­ful to hold more audi­ence atten­tion and bet­ter com­mu­ni­cate brand messaging.

Video is Twitter’s fastest-grow­ing adver­tis­ing option so if you are going to pub­lish a video on twit­ter look at the stats:

There are around 1.2 bil­lion video views on Twit­ter per day — 2x growth in the last 12 months. Tweets with video cur­rent­ly see 10x more engage­ment than those without.

Here are some video ideas for twit­ter — Give a quick tour of your offices or retail shop, Prod­uct launch or unpack­ing, Back­stage at a com­pa­ny event, Short inter­views at live events, Teasers for con­tent on your blog, live broad­casts, longer videos, Quick how-to tips, Pri­vate mes­sages to cus­tomers, clients and prospects, Respond to tweets and Q&A sessions.

Video mar­ket­ing on Face­book is a bet­ter way to get more traf­fic and engage­ment. Face­book has turned its atten­tion from still pho­tos to video. Some video ideas for Face­book: Train­ing, Inter­views, Pan­el dis­cus­sion, Events, Fundrais­ers, A day in the life, Reviews, Ask Me Any­thing, Vir­tu­al con­fer­ence, Live event break­out sessions.

On LinkedIn, you can update a good qual­i­ty video so basi­cal­ly the video con­tent is divid­ed into four main cat­e­gories such as cul­ture, prod­ucts and ser­vices, news, and events. Now the ques­tion is how you can trans­form your idea into video content?

So here are some good exam­ples — Share com­pa­ny news and updates, Announce the launch of a new prod­uct or ser­vice, Pre­view an upcom­ing event, Pro­vide insid­er cov­er­age of an indus­try event, Let your cus­tomers know what you stand for, and High­light the good you’re doing.

If you are build­ing your mar­ket­ing strat­e­gy the first of all under­stand the dif­fer­ence between all social media plat­forms and the active audi­ence and their behav­ior accord­ing to each platform.

SOURCE: Medi­um