What’s work­ing on Face­book now, and how can you improve your Face­book Page engage­ment in 2019?

To help get you on the right track, social ana­lyt­ics plat­form Quint­ly has released a new report, for which they ana­lyzed over 94,000 Face­book Pages, and more than 105 mil­lion posts, in order to get a bet­ter han­dle on what’s work­ing, and what’s not, for brands on The Social Network.

And the insights may prove key in your plan­ning — here’s what they found.

First off, in what’s become a very famil­iar mes­sage, Quint­ly found that video posts on Face­book gen­er­ate sig­nif­i­cant­ly more engage­ment than link posts — 258% more accord­ing to Quint­ly’s num­bers. Yet, despite this, brands are still far more like­ly to post links:

55% of the 105 mil­lion ana­lyzed posts were Link posts. Pho­tos were used in 29% of them and videos made up around 14%.” 

Of course, it’s log­i­cal that more busi­ness­es would post links — busi­ness­es are keen to dri­ve traf­fic back to their own sites, as opposed to hold­ing a cap­tive audi­ence on Face­book, while the video is also more dif­fi­cult to pro­duce, espe­cial­ly at high enough qual­i­ty for busi­ness purposes.

Real­ly, this find­ing is prob­a­bly not reveal­ing any­thing you don’t already know, espe­cial­ly if you stay in touch with dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing trends. Yes, video per­forms bet­ter, on every plat­form, and you should be look­ing into cre­at­ing your own video con­tent. If you can — if you can’t, image posts come in sec­ond Quint­ly’s find­ings, with basic sta­tus updates also dri­ving more engage­ment than link posts.

Again, most busi­ness­es are look­ing to dri­ve traf­fic, rather than sim­ply boost their Face­book engage­ment — but the data shows that it may be worth mix­ing it up every now and then in order to increase com­mu­ni­ty inter­ac­tion, and sub­se­quent reach for future posts, which could help dri­ve bet­ter Face­book performance.

If you have any ideas for video or image-based con­tent, in align­ment with your broad­er strate­gic goals, it may be worth experimenting.

Quint­ly also took a look at engage­ment by day and found that week­ends see high­er over­all Page engage­ment on average.

There’s less com­pe­ti­tion for atten­tion on week­ends, and peo­ple have more free time. If you’ve not tried post­ing on week­ends, it may also be worth test­ing, just to see what results you get and whether your audi­ence is more recep­tive to those posts.