Social media can be an incredÂiÂble tool for your busiÂness if you add it to your busiÂness marÂketÂing plan. And Social media marÂketÂing proÂvides a direct way to reach the audiÂence and build a good netÂwork so this netÂwork can make a big impact on your chances of being successful.
But most of the time peoÂple can’t underÂstand the basic objecÂtive or use of each platÂform. Every social media has a difÂferÂent purÂpose, difÂferÂent tarÂget, and difÂferÂent algorithms.
To tarÂget your audiÂence you need to underÂstand what your goals are and what your audiÂence wants to see. And to do all this stuff you need to preÂpare a social media marÂketÂing stratÂeÂgy as per the social media platÂforms. WithÂout a stratÂeÂgy, it’ll be hard to achieve results on social media. Social media is an essenÂtial ingreÂdiÂent to aware the audiÂence about your brand.
Three incredÂiÂbly cruÂcial platÂforms among the many out there are of course FaceÂbook, Linkedin, and Twitter.
Here are some priÂmaÂry difÂferÂences between social media platÂforms and what you need to know as far as buildÂing your marÂketÂing strategy:
Know the purpose of each platform
FaceÂbook allows busiÂnessÂes to do proÂmoÂtions directÂly, conÂnect with cusÂtomers and reach the audiÂence. Through FaceÂbook pages, they can make a presÂence of their brands and post conÂtent such as any news, new launch, offer deals, introÂduce prodÂucts and manÂage cusÂtomer serÂvice relaÂtionÂships. But you can’t do more proÂmoÂtion because peoÂple don’t like to see proÂmoÂtionÂal conÂtent again and again after some time they will start to ignore you.
On the othÂer hand, Linkedin is a platÂform where you can make relaÂtionÂships between two indiÂvidÂuÂals and two businesses/organizations. Linkedin allows you to make peoÂple or your netÂwork underÂstand about your work/job, your busiÂness, your growth, and achieveÂment in your workÂing sectors.
On TwitÂter is not a platÂform where you can sell someÂthing or do self-proÂmoÂtion if you try to do this thing it will quickÂly label you as spamÂmers and abusers. On twitÂter, you can get a lot of trafÂfic where you can idenÂtiÂfy what’s on the mind of your tarÂget marÂket, their needs through their reacÂtions. On TwitÂter, peoÂple are more interÂestÂed to do conÂverÂsaÂtion through comÂments as well as watch othÂer users’ conversations.
Understand what people are searching for on each platform
Each platÂform has a difÂferÂent searchÂing powÂer and the audiÂence has a difÂferÂent searchÂing purÂpose. To attach or conÂnect with your audiÂence you need to post conÂtent that peoÂple are cravÂing to conÂsume. On TwitÂter, peoÂple find out the conÂtent and they search by using mulÂtiÂple keyÂwords and they engage with tweets. Also on Linkedin peoÂple search for conÂtent but most of the audiÂence search to whom they want to conÂnect because it is a platÂform where you can make a good busiÂness netÂwork. On FaceÂbook peoÂple are lookÂing for some perÂsonÂal conÂtent, what their friends are sharÂing. You will get the search result on the basis of your FaceÂbook activity.
How to do content marketing on different social media
On FaceÂbook, a variÂety of post conÂtent always works so effecÂtiveÂly such as blog posts, Press releasÂes, phoÂtos, and videos. Don’t post too freÂquentÂly, If you post back to back too much conÂtent per day then your audiÂence gets annoyed with your page/profile.
To boost up the engageÂment rate on LinkedIn, You always need to creÂate inforÂmaÂtionÂal conÂtent so don’t always try to sell your product/service. The Linkedin audiÂence is difÂferÂent from FaceÂbook and TwitÂter. On Linkedin peoÂple want to read some fresh and unique conÂtent they don’t want to see the borÂing conÂtent so try to add some graphÂics in your post content.
TwitÂter is a platÂform where peoÂple share their thoughts withÂout any filÂter. TwitÂter is all about sharÂing inforÂmaÂtionÂal links, Reuse phoÂtos and graphÂics from othÂer chanÂnels, talkÂing about new things and sharÂing individual’s thoughts, sharÂing Youtube video links and most effecÂtive conÂtent from othÂer social media channels.
Video marketing and its effect on social media channels
Video is one of the best perÂformÂing conÂtent types on social media chanÂnels because engagÂing visuÂal forÂmat is helpÂful to hold more audiÂence attenÂtion and betÂter comÂmuÂniÂcate brand messaging.
Video is Twitter’s fastest-growÂing adverÂtisÂing option so if you are going to pubÂlish a video on twitÂter look at the stats:
There are around 1.2 bilÂlion video views on TwitÂter per day — 2x growth in the last 12 months. Tweets with video curÂrentÂly see 10x more engageÂment than those without.
Here are some video ideas for twitÂter — Give a quick tour of your offices or retail shop, ProdÂuct launch or unpackÂing, BackÂstage at a comÂpaÂny event, Short interÂviews at live events, Teasers for conÂtent on your blog, live broadÂcasts, longer videos, Quick how-to tips, PriÂvate mesÂsages to cusÂtomers, clients and prospects, Respond to tweets and Q&A sessions.
Video marÂketÂing on FaceÂbook is a betÂter way to get more trafÂfic and engageÂment. FaceÂbook has turned its attenÂtion from still phoÂtos to video. Some video ideas for FaceÂbook: TrainÂing, InterÂviews, PanÂel disÂcusÂsion, Events, FundraisÂers, A day in the life, Reviews, Ask Me AnyÂthing, VirÂtuÂal conÂferÂence, Live event breakÂout sessions.
On LinkedIn, you can update a good qualÂiÂty video so basiÂcalÂly the video conÂtent is dividÂed into four main catÂeÂgories such as culÂture, prodÂucts and serÂvices, news, and events. Now the quesÂtion is how you can transÂform your idea into video content?
So here are some good examÂples — Share comÂpaÂny news and updates, Announce the launch of a new prodÂuct or serÂvice, PreÂview an upcomÂing event, ProÂvide insidÂer covÂerÂage of an indusÂtry event, Let your cusÂtomers know what you stand for, and HighÂlight the good you’re doing.
If you are buildÂing your marÂketÂing stratÂeÂgy the first of all underÂstand the difÂferÂence between all social media platÂforms and the active audiÂence and their behavÂior accordÂing to each platform.