The world of paid search is unique for all account manÂagers, every account, and so forth. No two accounts manÂagers are idenÂtiÂcal in the way that they strateÂgize and no two accounts are idenÂtiÂcal in terms of what optiÂmizaÂtions and changes should be made. With that being said, genÂerÂalÂizaÂtions can be made and then altered with the account in mind.
In this post, we will disÂcuss at which point new paid search camÂpaigns should be creÂatÂed and the process behind it. This is from my time as an account manÂagÂer and may vary by account verÂtiÂcal, platÂform, and network.
For the sake of this post, we will focus on three netÂworks withÂin Google: Search, ShopÂping, and Display.
For search, a few sceÂnarÂios for creÂatÂing a new camÂpaign include;
- You have no search camÂpaigns. This may be obviÂous but the search is going to be lowÂer funÂnel trafÂfic as users are activeÂly searchÂing. If you are lookÂing to make a sale or genÂerÂate a lead, the search should be your first touchpoint.
- A new prodÂuct was released. SomeÂtimes prodÂucts are released and are nearÂly idenÂtiÂcal to prodÂucts already around, which may not require new keyÂwords. For examÂple, if you sell a dress in black and the dress is now made in white, it’s probÂaÂbly not going to require a new camÂpaign but rather just a few addiÂtionÂal keyÂwords. HowÂevÂer, on the flip-side, if you recentÂly only sold dressÂes and now you are going to offer men’s shirts, a new camÂpaign would be needed.
- You expandÂed to othÂer locaÂtions. I highÂly encourÂage segÂmentÂing camÂpaigns by largÂer geoÂgraphÂic regions. For examÂple, if you offer your serÂvices in the US but expand to the UK, it makes sense to creÂate a new camÂpaign for the UK rather than tarÂgetÂing the UK and the US in the same camÂpaign. This allows for more conÂtrol over dayÂpartÂing, bids, keyÂword lanÂguage, creÂativÂiÂty, etc.
- TrafÂfic. When it comes to trafÂfic, as an account manÂagÂer, you will need to use your knowlÂedge and past expeÂriÂence to deterÂmine if a new camÂpaign is needÂed. One examÂple would be if the camÂpaign budÂget is limÂitÂed and addiÂtionÂal budÂget can’t be jusÂtiÂfied at the camÂpaign levÂel because perÂforÂmance goals aren’t being met. If you then look at the ad group levÂel, if one ad group is perÂformÂing betÂter than the camÂpaign as a whole, it may make sense to pull that ad group out in order to increase spend and driÂve addiÂtionÂal trafÂfic to those keywords.
The above can be applied to othÂer search platÂforms, such as Bing, as well!
For shopÂping, the artiÂcle linked in the headÂer gives a great breakÂdown of how to strucÂture shopÂping camÂpaigns. Some ratioÂnale for creÂatÂing a new shopÂping camÂpaign include;
- You have no shopÂping camÂpaigns. Again, this may be obviÂous but shopÂping is going to be lowÂer funÂnel trafÂfic as users are activeÂly searchÂing. If you are lookÂing to make a sale, shopÂping should be anothÂer camÂpaign type that is launched earÂly on, as it allows for more ad real estate to be filled and gives users a visuÂalÂly appealÂing ad to draw them to your site.
- New ProdÂuct CatÂeÂgories. This is entireÂly depenÂdent on how your camÂpaigns are segÂmentÂed. If you have all of your prodÂucts in one camÂpaign, you will want to ensure new prodÂucts are active but it may not require a new camÂpaign. On the flip-side, if you have a catch-all camÂpaign (as menÂtioned in the artiÂcle linked above) and highÂer priÂorÂiÂty camÂpaigns, you will want to conÂsidÂer if a new camÂpaign should be launched. This could be deterÂmined by the amount of trafÂfic genÂerÂatÂed to the prodÂucts via the catch-all camÂpaign or if the prodÂuct is a high priÂorÂiÂty for the busiÂness as a whole.
- ProÂmoÂtions. If you have proÂmoÂtions runÂning, it may be benÂeÂfiÂcial to think about new shopÂping camÂpaigns. The reaÂson being is that it’ll allow for more conÂtrol over the trafÂfic specifÂiÂcalÂly going to a group of prodÂucts. For examÂple, if you sell a tablet that’s on sale for the month of DecemÂber, by creÂatÂing a camÂpaign specifÂiÂcalÂly for the tablet proÂmoÂtion, you will be able to exclude speÂcifÂic searchÂes and alloÂcate as much (or as litÂtle) spend to the camÂpaign as you want.
The above can be applied to othÂer search platÂforms, such as Bing, as well!
- You have no disÂplay camÂpaigns. Yes, this is obviÂous but it needs to be said. DisÂplay camÂpaigns are not low funÂnel, someÂtimes midÂdle, but most of the time upper funÂnel. HowÂevÂer, they are valuÂable and if set-up corÂrectÂly, they can prove to be very benÂeÂfiÂcial. My phiÂlosÂoÂphy is that if you are able, at least give them a shot. No, you should nevÂer devote all of your budÂget to a new effort but you also shouldn’t comÂpleteÂly disÂqualÂiÂfy it until you have the data to back it up.
- TarÂgetÂing is difÂferÂent. If you already run some disÂplay camÂpaigns and want to tarÂget a difÂferÂent audiÂence base, I highÂly recÂomÂmend a new camÂpaign. It gives you conÂtrol over bids and budÂget and allows for betÂter orgaÂniÂzaÂtion. For examÂple, if you are tarÂgetÂing anyÂone who has visÂitÂed your site but want to begin to tarÂget in-marÂket audiÂences or speÂcifÂic interÂests, creÂate a new camÂpaign. NevÂer comÂbine with what you already have runÂning or you run the risk of nevÂer knowÂing how an audiÂence will truÂly perform
- ProÂmoÂtions. If you have upcomÂing proÂmoÂtions, the disÂplay is a great way to get your proÂmoÂtionÂal creÂative in front of those who are familÂiar with your site and those who may not be familÂiar with your site and are not activeÂly searchÂing for your product.
The above can be applied to othÂer search platÂforms, such as Criteo, SteelÂhouse, and othÂer disÂplay vendors.
Final Thoughts
While the above doesn’t covÂer all sceÂnarÂios, it defÂiÂniteÂly can give some direcÂtion when it comes to whether or not you should creÂate a new camÂpaign. Aside from the reaÂsonÂing above, I’ll invite you to ask yourÂself the folÂlowÂing when tryÂing to deterÂmine if you need to creÂate a new camÂpaign or not;
- Is the objecÂtive that I want to accomÂplish already being accomÂplished in anothÂer campaign?
- Is the audiÂence I’m tarÂgetÂing curÂrentÂly being reached?
- Are we curÂrentÂly capped when it comes to budÂget? And does it make sense to spread the budÂget thinÂner across platÂforms, accounts, etc.?