Video mar­ket­ing for SEO is a great strat­e­gy that will help your web­site out­rank com­peti­tors online.

Web­sites with video con­tent are 53 times more like­ly to rank on the first page of Google’s search results.

While rel­e­vant text posts and images on your site can help give you a boost in the search rank­ings, web­site videos give you an extra edge when it comes to mak­ing your busi­ness stand out online.

I can’t speak enough about the ben­e­fits of using video for any pur­pose, and there are so many when using video con­tent for SEO alone.

Keep read­ing to learn more about video mar­ket­ing for SEO or check out our video pro­duc­tion ser­vices to get started!

3 ways video marketing improves SEO rankings 

When opti­miz­ing your web­site for search engines, specif­i­cal­ly Google, numer­ous rank­ing fac­tors deter­mine where your page will appear in the search engine results pages (SERPs).

Video mar­ket­ing allows you to enhance your SEO con­tent to meet stan­dards set by search engines and achieve top rank­ings. Here are three ways videos can improve your con­tent and rankings.

1. Videos enhance the depth and quality of your SEO content 

Search engines like Google want to rank qual­i­ty con­tent that answers searchers’ queries and pro­vides valu­able information.

Videos help to con­tex­tu­al­ize your con­tent and pro­vide help­ful visu­als for web­site visitors.

For exam­ple, let’s say you sell cut­ting-edge med­ical tech­nol­o­gy, and you have a state-of-the-art tool that no one has ever seen before. On your web­site, you can write up a page explain­ing how it works, giv­ing direc­tions in a step-by-step format.

Peo­ple might get excit­ed if you include images to give con­text to your explanation.

But imag­ine hav­ing that text page AND adding a video where you debut your new tech­nol­o­gy, show it in action, and have visu­al proof that your prod­uct real­ly works. You can show peo­ple how excit­ed you are about your prod­uct while edu­cat­ing them on its features.

Telling peo­ple about what you have is great, but being able to show them how great it tru­ly is in a web­site video will undoubt­ed­ly leave an impres­sion in their minds.

Video con­tent for SEO helps you pro­duce in-depth, qual­i­ty con­tent that ranks at the top of the search results and gives you a leg up against competitors.

2. Videos improve user experience (UX) and time spent on your site 

Videos also help to break up walls of text on your site to engage users and ensure they have a great expe­ri­ence on your site. They also encour­age peo­ple to spend more time on your site.

Going back to the med­ical tech­nol­o­gy exam­ple, if you have an awe­some video in addi­tion to text on your site, peo­ple will like­ly spend a lot of time read­ing and watch­ing your content.

Engag­ing, rel­e­vant video con­tent will also help to increase dwell time on your site — the time peo­ple spend on your pages before return­ing to the SERPs. With videos for SEO, you have the chance to enhance what you already have and engage your audi­ence so that they stay on your site.

Ulti­mate­ly, when peo­ple spend more time on your site and have a good expe­ri­ence, it sends pos­i­tive sig­nals to search engines — and they’ll rank your con­tent high­er in search results.

3. Videos help you earn more backlinks 

More than 90% of peo­ple share videos they’ve watched online.

This means that video mar­ket­ing allows you to earn more rel­e­vant back­links to your site con­tent. Since the num­ber and qual­i­ty of your back­links impact rank­ings, this is a huge perk of video mar­ket­ing for SEO.

In fact, 46% of a site’s rank is deter­mined by links.

Using the med­ical tech­nol­o­gy exam­ple again, let’s say that an estab­lished med­ical blog sees your con­tent and wants to write a fea­ture about it. They want to link to your prod­uct video on your site to tell their read­ers about what’s new in the field.

Not only will you get a larg­er audi­ence to read your con­tent, but you’ll also get the link equi­ty from the backlink.

An Ahrefs study found that about 91% of pages in their Con­tent Explor­er tool don’t get traf­fic from Google. The main rea­son? Lack of backlinks.

If video for SEO mar­ket­ing can increase back­links and engage­ment with your con­tent and your site, why not dive into it?

By cre­at­ing rel­e­vant and engag­ing videos, you can see a dra­mat­ic increase in rank­ings and traf­fic to your site.

How to get started with video marketing for SEO

Now you know why SEO experts love video, but how do you make video mar­ket­ing part of your SEO efforts?

Here is a list of easy tips for imple­ment­ing video in your SEO strategy.

1. Tailor video content to the people searching for it 

I can’t stress enough how impor­tant it is to cre­ate video con­tent that res­onates with your audience.

Though you want your con­tent to rank well in search results, it’s impor­tant to remem­ber that you’re cre­at­ing videos for real humans — peo­ple inter­est­ed in learn­ing more about your business.

When cre­at­ing any piece of con­tent, espe­cial­ly a video for SEO pur­pos­es, you should tai­lor it to the peo­ple who are going to search for it and watch it.

If you want author­i­ta­tive med­ical sites to link to your video, the lan­guage in your script should be geared towards med­ical pro­fes­sion­als. They will like­ly know a pletho­ra of med­ical terms, so you prob­a­bly don’t have to define them.

On the oth­er hand,  if your goal is to tar­get non-med­ical pro­fes­sion­als search­ing for an easy answer, you should keep the lan­guage sim­ple and explain any med­ical jar­gon you’re using.

If you’re not sure exact­ly who your audi­ence is, just think about who you sell to. Who fol­lows you on social media, shops in your stores, shares your posts and oth­er con­tent, and would be inter­est­ed in the con­tent you’re creating?

Know­ing the peo­ple who will watch your video and cater­ing to them will make your video SEO con­tent more successful.

Check out this blog post for more tips about find­ing con­tent for your audience!

2. Add SEO keywords to your video titles and descriptions

Key­word research is a core tac­tic when it comes to shap­ing your SEO strat­e­gy, and it’s cru­cial when mak­ing video con­tent for SEO, too.

Key­word research is very use­ful when it comes to cre­at­ing a title and descrip­tion for your video.

You don’t have to be a video SEO expert to do key­word research (although hav­ing a team of expe­ri­enced SEO pro­fes­sion­als def­i­nite­ly helps)!

Many tools exist to help you research key­words relat­ed to your video topic.

Some exam­ples include:

  • Google’s Key­word Planner
  • Uber­sug­gest
  • Key­words Everywhere.

You can type in the key­word you’re tar­get­ing, learn the val­ue of that key­word, and get sug­ges­tions for relat­ed key­words you might be able to rank for in SERPs.

When research­ing key­words, it’s impor­tant to take into account that peo­ple some­times search for videos on YouTube in a dif­fer­ent way than they search for con­tent on Google. Cer­tain key­words that work for a text post will not be as effec­tive for a video.

Key­word Tool offers a YouTube key­word search option if you’re post­ing your video to YouTube, and you can also type your key­word into YouTube’s search bar and look at the sug­gest­ed results.

When writ­ing the title and descrip­tion for your video, you should make sure to include your main key­word and relat­ed key­words. It’s impor­tant to also write a title and descrip­tion that makes some­one want to watch your video.

If you’re tar­get­ing the phrase “video tran­si­tions” in a video, don’t make your title “Video Tran­si­tions.” Instead, try some­thing cre­ative that sparks inter­est among view­ers — like “6 Awe­some Video Tran­si­tion Tutorials!”

The same goes for your descrip­tion. Use lan­guage that makes some­one want to learn more, and keep your key­words in mind when doing so.

Add SEO keywords to your video titles and descriptions

3. Include video transcripts for SEO

Putting a tran­script of your video on the same page as the video will give search engines more infor­ma­tion to con­tex­tu­al­ize the video.

Since search engines can’t “read” video con­tent, tran­scripts pro­vide the text con­tent need­ed for index­ing and high­er rankings.

As a bonus, com­bin­ing video and writ­ten con­tent will help you appeal to a larg­er audi­ence. It’s said that 80% of Inter­net users will watch a video on a site, and 20% pre­fer text. By post­ing both video and text ele­ments, you’re cater­ing to 100% of your audience’s con­tent con­sump­tion preferences.

4. Promote video content as part of your SEO strategy

While cre­at­ing great web­site videos is impor­tant for your SEO strat­e­gy, it’s impor­tant to remem­ber that post­ing the videos isn’t the last step.

Just as it’s impor­tant to research key­words, it’s cru­cial to research poten­tial ways you can increase video views on your site.

Great video con­tent has the poten­tial to earn qual­i­ty back­links — and tak­ing the ini­tia­tive to reach out to blogs and web­sites to requests will help you rank even faster.

You can also share your video con­tent with fol­low­ers on social media, and send it direct­ly to sub­scribers via email campaigns.

Pro­mot­ing your video con­tent will sup­ple­ment your SEO efforts and boost traf­fic to your website.