YouTube might seem com­pli­cat­ed and intim­i­dat­ing for busi­ness own­ers. Still, when look­ing at some of those videos gar­ner­ing mil­lions of views, we kind of can’t help but be a bit jeal­ous and say to our­selves: Why can’t I do that? What’s the miss­ing ingre­di­ent? How can you rank a YouTube video high, so I can actu­al­ly grow my busi­ness with the help of the platform? 

If you’ve want­ed to hire experts in SEO ser­vices in Mia­mi and Fort Laud­erdale, FL, to help you boost your pres­ence on YouTube, then you prob­a­bly know that sim­ply upload­ing a video and hop­ing for the best sim­ply won’t work. 

The expert team at Rosy Strate­gies will help you debunk the myths sur­round­ing rank­ing on YouTube.

How To Rank YouTube Videos? 

Before start­ing, you shouldn’t for­get that EVERY SINGLE chan­nel start­ed with zero sub­scribers and zero views. This means that the play­ing field is lev­eled at the start, and it’s up to the sci­ence of YouTube SEO to help you gar­ner more views, clicks, sub­scrip­tions, and more. What’s the key to YouTube SEO? Opti­miza­tion, naturally. 

Ranking on YouTube: Demystifying YouTube SEO 

At its core, YouTube is also a search engine, just like Google or Bing. That said, com­plex algo­rithms also deter­mine your video rankings. 

As with Google and Bing, you don’t have to put in all that time and effort to under­stand every aspect of these algo­rithms, but instead, focus on one thing: deliv­er­ing high-qual­i­ty video con­tent to your poten­tial view­ers. Give your audi­ence what they want to see, and start from there. 

If you want to focus on the YT algo­rithm, there are two main fac­tors you should consider:

  • Tech­ni­cal SEO aspects: These are video descrip­tions, tags, tran­scripts, and titles that basi­cal­ly tell the search engine what the video is about.
  • Human” SEO aspects: These tell the algo­rithm the content’s per­for­mance from the viewer’s point of view, mea­sur­ing watch time, view­er reten­tion, click rate, and user engagement. 

In this aspect, YouTube SEO is a bit less com­pli­cat­ed than in the case of more tra­di­tion­al search engines because you don’t real­ly have to both­er with domain met­rics and back­link pro­files to rank high­er. Rank­ing on YouTube pret­ty much boils down to cre­at­ing an opti­mized video that will sat­is­fy the search intent of your viewers. 

So, how to rank on YouTube? Hope­ful­ly, the fol­low­ing tips will help you get started.

Research Focus Keywords 

If you want to rank a YouTube video, you should start by tar­get­ing a rel­e­vant key­word that serves as the base of your video opti­miza­tion process. 

Sim­i­lar­ly to all oth­er search engines, YouTube also looks for terms and key­words that match your con­tent and user intent and will show­case the best results. 

You can lit­er­al­ly bor­row some of your key­words from your ongo­ing SEO strat­e­gy, if you have one, or you can always reach out to an expert to help you get start­ed. Still, remem­ber that key­words, while cru­cial to suc­cess, aren’t nec­es­sar­i­ly every­thing in rank­ing high on YouTube. 

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Optimize Your Titles

After you’ve found your keyword(s), you can move on to the next steps of the process to help you rank on YouTube. The sim­plest way to make your video more vis­i­ble to search engines would be to include your focus key­word in the video title. 

A sim­ple key­word in the title won’t nec­es­sar­i­ly mean instant suc­cess. So, instead of just sim­ply includ­ing your key­word, also make an effort to promise some­thing in the title: let your view­ers know that they will be enter­tained, that you will teach them some­thing, or that they are in for a surprise. 

For exam­ple, instead of say­ing: Ten Mar­ket­ing Hacks for Law Firms, con­sid­er nam­ing your video “Ten Law Firm Mar­ket­ing Hacks THAT WORK.”

While this might sound a bit like click­bait or slang, it will actu­al­ly let your audi­ence know what they’re about to see, and you give them all the more rea­son to click and watch the video until the end.

Optimize Your Descriptions

Opti­miz­ing your descrip­tions enables you to give your view­ers more depth about the video. Not only can you give more info about the con­tent, but you can fur­ther opti­mize the video with addi­tion­al keywords. 

Since your view­ers will prob­a­bly be read­ing the descrip­tion, it’s always a good idea to make it engag­ing and unique and enrich it with your company’s social han­dles, web­site, and oth­er use­ful links. Rank­ing on YouTube isn’t just about algorithms. 

Include Tags

How to rank YouTube videos with the help of tags? After choos­ing your focus key­words, adding a descrip­tion, and a few valu­able links, it’s time to put some of your key­words into the tags sec­tion. These are for YouTube only to help the plat­form cat­e­go­rize your content.

Don’t Skip The Scripts

Can you rank a YouTube video with the help of scripts? Sure, they are awk­ward and tedious, but a well-writ­ten script can help you come off as nat­ur­al, spon­ta­neous, and cohe­sive while simul­ta­ne­ous­ly  keep­ing the flow going and mak­ing your video eas­i­er to watch.

With­out a script, the worst thing that can hap­pen is that your view­ers get side­tracked. This can result in increased bounce rates and short­er watch times, and if you keep the trend up, you might even risk los­ing a few of your sub­scribers and casu­al viewers. 

All in all, hav­ing a good script can great­ly improve the over­all qual­i­ty of your video as it will give you guid­ance, help­ing you work toward an ulti­mate con­clu­sion instead of just talk­ing about a sub­ject that might end up being a bit incoherent. 

Embrace Longer Content

Even though we’re liv­ing in an age when shorts and reels are insane­ly pop­u­lar, when it comes to stan­dard YT video con­tent, longer videos typ­i­cal­ly out­per­form short­er formats. 

On that note, some experts actu­al­ly believe that the plat­form looks at total view dura­tion as a mas­sive rank­ing fac­tor. And it kind of makes sense – the more you watch some­thing, the more engaged you become. Also, the longer you watch, the more like­ly you will see ads, which will also help YouTube from a com­mer­cial point of view. 

While length is a cru­cial fac­tor to con­sid­er, you don’t want to make over­ly lengthy videos that feel dragged out. Instead of focus­ing on dura­tion alone, make sure to ful­ly answer every ques­tion that might inter­est your view­ers and explore oth­er relat­ed top­ics briefly to ensure your con­tent remains high-quality. 

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There’s More

At this point, we still haven’t talked about oth­er impor­tant fac­tors such as engage­ment, cre­at­ing playlists, excit­ing thumb­nails, and the pow­er of closed captions.

If you want to learn more about them and wish to explore the ben­e­fits of excelling in YouTube SEO, feel free to reach out to our experts today. With our help, you can mas­ter this pres­ti­gious and fun search engine.