At a time when optiÂmism around the world seems to be in short supÂply, there has nevÂer been a betÂter time to use conÂtent marÂketÂing in a posÂiÂtive way.
WritÂing upbeat conÂtent marÂketÂing copy is often easy when there is an obviÂous posÂiÂtive stoÂry to tell about sucÂcess, an inspiÂraÂtional stoÂry, or develÂopÂment that promisÂes lots of good things in the future. SadÂly, for those tasked with proÂducÂing conÂtent, that is not all they must do.
Often conÂtent needs to be proÂduced that tries to offer the best perÂspecÂtive on things when matÂters are not proÂgressÂing in a posÂiÂtive manÂner. HowÂevÂer, while that can make the work seem hardÂer, it is in fact when conÂtent marÂketÂing comes into its own. If you can be posÂiÂtive when all around you are not, your conÂtent will stand out.
Why writing in grim times is nothing new
This has nevÂer been truer than in criÂsis sitÂuÂaÂtions. Just as many a writer had to try to creÂate an upbeat tone just over a decade ago when the finanÂcial criÂsis threatÂened the world with the deepÂest recesÂsion since the 1930s. So, conÂtent writÂers now are workÂing against a backÂdrop of a globÂal panÂdemÂic that threatÂens both lives and liveliÂhoods, while forcÂing most peoÂple to radÂiÂcalÂly change how they operÂate in their daiÂly lives.
GivÂen that the daiÂly news now conÂsists almost entireÂly of a runÂning comÂmenÂtary of grim staÂtisÂtics and alarmÂing develÂopÂments, with only disÂtant hopes of lockÂdowns endÂing, norÂmalÂiÂty returnÂing and someÂone comÂing up with a vacÂcine, it would be very easy to be sucked into the same tone.
HowÂevÂer, the realÂiÂty is that now can be the perÂfect time to offer optiÂmistic, posÂiÂtive content.
What not to write
Some kinds of conÂtent – albeit more likeÂly to be social media posts than blogs – has takÂen the folÂlowÂing kind of tone:
- The COVID-19 panÂdemÂic is a posÂiÂtive opporÂtuÂniÂty to re-set and work out what we are doing with our lives.
- The panÂdemÂic is good news realÂly because it has reduced pollution.
- The panÂdemÂic may be nature’s way of telling humanÂiÂty to change its ways.
This kind of tone may prove parÂticÂuÂlarÂly unhelpÂful as peoÂple batÂtle with the worÂry about their health, their famÂiÂly, isoÂlaÂtion, and potenÂtial unemÂployÂment. Such conÂtent tends to ignore these realities.
If you are writÂing as a conÂtent marÂketer, this is also very unwise, as it means you are likeÂly to be overlooking.
How to take an upbeat tone
In this parÂticÂuÂlar sitÂuÂaÂtion, it makes sense to acknowlÂedge the difÂfiÂculÂty and then focus on some actuÂal positives.
This is best done if the goods or serÂvices you offer can proÂvide some relief to peoÂple strugÂgling with difÂfiÂcult times. For example:
- On a B2C basis – you can offer someÂthing that is useÂful for peoÂple while stuck at homes, such as video games, home sports equipÂment, garÂdenÂing tools, or online services.
- On a B2B basis – SomeÂthing that will help a firm steer through a difÂfiÂcult periÂod, such as disÂcounts on services.
- For all – SomeÂthing that helps with finanÂcial presÂsures, such as payÂment holÂiÂdays (this mainÂly applies to providers of finanÂcial services).
Those who can proÂvide such offers to cusÂtomers should focus heavÂiÂly on this in their content.
A secÂond way of takÂing an upbeat tone is to explain how things can be betÂter once the criÂsis is over. Again, this does not minÂiÂmize the criÂsis or try to make it look like a good thing, but it can help readÂers to look forÂward to a betÂter future and to conÂsidÂer the opporÂtuÂniÂties that are availÂable to them.
Good examÂples of this include:
- EmphaÂsizÂing how the econÂoÂmy, while likeÂly to sufÂfer a deep recesÂsion now, will probÂaÂbly enjoy a strong recovÂery as govÂernÂment packÂages to keep peoÂple in jobs and proÂtect firms mean they will be able to get up and runÂning again faster than in a norÂmal recession.
- ExplainÂing how the pent-up demand of all the things peoÂple have not been able to do will transÂlate into more conÂsumer spending.
- OutÂlinÂing how firms will have been able to learn lessons about how to keep a busiÂness going under chalÂlengÂing cirÂcumÂstances, which will enable them to be more resilient in the future against a range of problems.
- For examÂple, a firm that can mainÂtain busiÂness conÂtiÂnuÂity through peoÂple workÂing from home can keep going if its office is affectÂed by a fire or flood.
Telling a positive tale
The most upbeat mesÂsage your conÂtent can send out is of ethÂiÂcal action and human kindness.
In the midst of the curÂrent criÂsis, it is not just NHS staff who are getÂting plauÂdits, but also carÂers and volÂunÂteers who are doing their best to help peoÂple in difÂfiÂculÂties. This conÂtrasts with the negÂaÂtive pubÂlicÂiÂty some are getÂting from actions such as ignorÂing social disÂtancÂing rules.
- When it comes to firms, there is no doubt some will emerge from this sitÂuÂaÂtion with their repÂuÂtaÂtions enhanced and othÂers diminished.
- On the one hand, we have already seen casÂes of wealthy footÂball clubs reversÂing their deciÂsions to use the government’s ‘furÂlough’ scheme, while bilÂlionÂaire busiÂness ownÂers may face flak for layÂing off staff.
- Firms that take a more high-mindÂed approach to staff and also supÂport imporÂtant causÂes at this time will enjoy a boost to their repÂuÂtaÂtion, as they demonÂstrate that they have a social conÂscience and are not simÂply obsessed with the botÂtom line.
It should not be forÂgotÂten that conÂtent is not all about sellÂing in the here and now but telling a stoÂry. This means telling an upbeat tale about your firm. There is no betÂter time to do that than to show how it has valÂues that genÂuineÂly mean someÂthing – and proves this by the way it acts in the most responÂsiÂble and helpÂful way when it matÂters most.
After all, while this panÂdemÂic and the attenÂdant restricÂtions on life will end, there will no doubt be future times – ecoÂnomÂic crises, periÂods of harsh weathÂer, and othÂer sitÂuÂaÂtions – where a posÂiÂtive, optiÂmistic and ethÂiÂcal tone to your conÂtent will creÂate a highÂly posÂiÂtive impression.
SOURCE: DigÂiÂtal Agency Network