In any mar­ket­ing strat­e­gy, the essen­tial part is to tar­get your pre­ferred audi­ence through the right pro­mo­tions. There are lots of appli­ca­tions help busi­ness­es to reach their tar­get cus­tomers and future mar­kets as well. From the point of a mar­keter view, they would pre­fer pro­mot­ing on dif­fer­ent chan­nels to attract required and rel­e­vant customers.

If you plan for a mar­ket­ing strat­e­gy for your busi­ness, then the first choice for any mar­keter is LinkedIn. If your tar­get cus­tomer is teenagers, the Tik­Tok is the right place to show­case your ser­vice or prod­ucts. Tik­Tok is one of the most down­loaded apps in the world and hav­ing growth at expo­nen­tial rates and their major users belongs to 10 – 19 years old. Nowa­days even 50 years old peo­ple become famous through Tik­Tok videos.

What is TikTok?

Tik­Tok is a Chi­nese owned video cre­ator appli­ca­tion that is found­ed in 2012 by Zhang Yim­ing. In Sep­tem­ber 2016, ByteDance launched its own social video app, Douyin, in Chi­na. A year lat­er, they expand­ed the app inter­na­tion­al­ly, renam­ing it Tik­Tok out­side of Chi­na. In Novem­ber 2017, ByteDance spent up $1 bil­lion to pur­chase Tik­Tok merged with on August 2, 2018, to cre­ate one large video community.

What is TikTok

TikTok Statistics

This app cur­rent­ly hav­ing 500 mil­lion month­ly active users and around 26.5 mil­lion users who are in the US. Demo­graph­i­cal­ly, 60% of the US’s month­ly active users are 16 to 24. Gen­der wise 56% female to 44% male using this app. Tik­Tok users spend­ing an aver­age of 52 min­utes per day. Mean­while, 55% of users have uploaded their own videos, and 68% have watched some­one else’s video. It over­took Snapchat just one year after launch and has since grown to be the num­ber one app down­loaded from the App Store and the num­ber three app down­loaded worldwide.

Why Use TikTok for Marketing?

The main rea­son to include Tik­Tok in your busi­ness mar­ket­ing strat­e­gy is to reach out to a cur­rent (or future) poten­tial cus­tomer group. This app makes more sense a busi­ness that sells fash­ion items, beau­ty prod­ucts, healthy food & bev­er­ages, or fem­i­nine hygiene prod­ucts to mar­ket on Tik­Tok because of the female audi­ence. Tik­Tok is more suit­able for increase brand aware­ness, build­ing enthu­si­asm, reach, and engage­ment than old school mar­ket­ing ideas.

How to promote your brand through TikTok Marketing?

If you want to increase your busi­ness prod­uct and ser­vice vis­i­bil­i­ty and clicks, then you can try out these five best Tik­Tok mar­ket­ing tips.

  1. In-Feed Native Ads
  2. Hash­tag Challenges
  3. User-Gen­er­at­ed Content
  4. Brand Takeovers
  5. Influ­encer Marketing

In-Free Native Ads

Adver­tis­ing in Tik­Tok is rel­a­tive­ly new, these In-Feed native ads are the same as watch­ing Insta­gram sto­ries in full-screen mode. We can add your web­site links, Call to Action (CTA) but­ton “Order Now” which help users can click on to take them­selves to a suit­able land­ing page. The run­ning ads can be traced by impres­sions, total views, video view­ing time, click-through rates, and the engage­ments received.

Hashtag Challenges

Every Tik­Tok user loves and tak­ing a Tik­Tok chal­lenge at least once. The best-known chal­lenge is Jim­my Fallon’s #tum­ble­weed­chal­lenge. Fal­lon chal­lenged Tik­Tok users to make videos of them­selves rolling around the ground like a tum­ble­weed to a West­ern-music themed sound­track. After an over­whelmed response from users, they made more than 8,000 #tum­ble­weed­chal­lenge videos.

McDonald’s set a #big­mac­tik­tok chal­lenge that end­ed with an excel­lent engage­ment rate. McDon­ald’s Malaysia invit­ed Tik­Tok fol­low­ers to make videos where they danced to the “Big Mac Chant” and they offered prize mon­ey of RM5,000 cash along with some oth­er rewards.

Hash­tag chal­lenges can build more traf­fic and engage­ment with spend­ing lit­tle mon­ey or rewards on behalf of the chal­leng­ing com­pa­ny. In this type of adver­tis­ing the user can able to see a spe­cif­ic ban­ner ad that will take the user to click and fea­tur­ing the chal­lenge. The ban­ner will show on the dis­cov­er page and depends on user con­tent. These Tik­Tok chal­lenge ads have insights that include ban­ner views, clicks, num­ber of user-gen­er­at­ed con­tent, engage­ment, and trend­ing position.

If you are plan­ning for a hash­tag chal­lenge, then you need to con­sid­er the lev­el of dif­fi­cul­ty in what you set. The Tik­Tok chal­lenge is quite easy to do and fun­ny also. So that it will reach more audi­ences and get engagement.

Brand Takeovers Ads

This is one of the rare and dif­fi­cult forms of Tik­Tok adver­tis­ing where images, Short video clips and GIF’s turn out to be a major fac­tor of the brand’s land­ing page or the hash­tag chal­lenge if your set any. These are cat­e­go­ry exclu­sives, so a sin­gle brand can take up a par­tic­u­lar cat­e­go­ry one per day. These Brand takeover ads reach can be mea­sured by Impres­sions, click rates, and unique reach­es. The brand takeover ads are effec­tive because Tik­Tok mar­ket­ing tools are sim­ple, user-friend­ly that have got great effects on brand­ing a par­tic­u­lar prod­uct or service.

The first brand takeover was by fash­ion brand GUESS, from Sep­tem­ber 1 to Sep­tem­ber 6, 2018. The GUESS team com­bined this with a brand­ed and hash­tag chal­lenge. As each Tik­Tok user opened the app dur­ing the GUESS brand­ed takeover peri­od, they were direct­ed to the #InMy­Den­im chal­lenge. GUESS also worked with pop­u­lar cre­ators @jammincammy, @ourfire, @madison_willow, and @operamericano.

Brand Takeovers Ads

User-Generated Content

Over the last few years, User-gen­er­at­ed con­tent (UGC) has increased dra­mat­i­cal­ly in pop­u­lar­i­ty for online mar­keters. UGC is prob­a­bly suit­able for non-prof­its orga­ni­za­tions rather than brands.

To under­stand this con­cept, we can see the ad work done by Chi­nese restau­rant Haidi­lao. They under­took a user-gen­er­at­ed mar­ket­ing cam­paign when they asked their Tik­Tok fol­low­ers to make and upload short videos of their food being pre­pared, using a selec­tion of ingre­di­ents from the Haidi­lao menu. This con­cept was ulti­mate­ly reached more than 15000 Tik­Tok users and got 2000 videos being shared on the app with over 50 mil­lion views on it.

Influencer Marketing

Tik­Tok is an ide­al plat­form to engage through influ­encer mar­ket­ing. Many peo­ple on Tik­Tok are incred­i­bly pop­u­lar with their fans. Get­ting help from that influ­encers and ask them to pro­mote your prod­uct or ser­vices to their fans and the right cus­tomers. Keep in mind that a Tik­Tok audi­ence is pre­dom­i­nant­ly young peo­ple. It is prob­a­bly not a good place to sales pitch rather than you can increase your brand val­ue. Even some Tik­Tok influ­encers will ready to do direct sell in their videos.

Imple­ment all the above Tit­Tok mar­ket­ing strate­gies on your busi­ness and get leads from the world’s fastest-grow­ing app TikTok.

SOURCE: Social Singam