Blog­ging is now a cru­cial part of the con­tent and dig­i­tal strat­e­gy. Here are 6 sim­ple tips for any­one to get the most out of their con­tent strat­e­gy.

Do you remem­ber the first time you ever stum­bled upon a blog? They are such a ubiq­ui­tous fea­ture of the inter­net land­scape today that many peo­ple for­get that these online spaces were once called “weblogs” and had to be cod­ed from scratch. Nowa­days, of course, just about any­one who can oper­ate a com­put­er can start a blog to doc­u­ment their thoughts, share their cre­ative writ­ing with the world, show­case their art or hob­by, or keep cus­tomers apprised of what’s hap­pen­ing with their small business.

Of course, just because it’s easy to start a blog doesn’t mean it’s easy to build and main­tain a suc­cess­ful one. For many peo­ple, blog­ging is a full-time occu­pa­tion, and it’s hard work. Still, oth­ers strug­gle to mas­ter even the basics, let alone advanced tac­tics, even though they know that blog­ging is cru­cial to the dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing arm of their company’s operations.

That’s why we’ve com­piled this col­lec­tion of help­ful hints and hacks for any­one who’s look­ing to squeeze the most suc­cess out of their con­tent strat­e­gy. Keep read­ing to learn more!

You Don’t Have to Pen War and Peace

Like it or not, most of your audi­ence is going to have a rel­a­tive­ly short atten­tion span, a very busy sched­ule, or both. To that end, you’ll want to keep your blog posts on the short side; any­where between 300 and 1000 words is a safe length. If you have 2000 (or more) words’ worth of mes­sage to con­vey, con­sid­er break­ing the blog post up into two or more parts to keep each part under 1K.

In gen­er­al, it’s bet­ter to write short­er blog posts more often than to pub­lish just one very long mis­sive occasionally.

Keep the Paras Short and Sweet, Too

It’s not uncom­mon to see blog posts in which each para­graph is only one sen­tence long, but that’s a bit extreme. For max­i­mum read­abil­i­ty, aim to make a para break every three to four sen­tences if the sen­tences are brief, one to two if they are com­plex. And it’s per­fect­ly OK to have a cou­ple of one-sen­tence ‘grafs sprin­kled through­out the piece.

Breaking Up the Blog

Have you ever clicked on an inter­est­ing-look­ing title, only to be con­front­ed with an imper­me­able wall of tee­ny tiny text with no breaks? Chances are you couldn’t hit the back­space but­ton fast enough. When you are cre­at­ing a blog, make sure to break up your text into short, eas­i­ly con­sumed sec­tions (in addi­tion to mak­ing the para­graphs compact).

Bul­let point lists, images like pho­tos or graph­ics, sub­head­ings and pull quotes can help pro­vide visu­al inter­est that draws the read­er in.

Breaking Up the Blog

Consider Your Tone…

Before you ever put pen to paper — or fin­ger­tips to key­board — think about who your audi­ence is, and how you want to address them. As a gen­er­al rule, a chat­ty, con­ver­sa­tion­al tone is usu­al­ly appro­pri­ate. Address your read­ers in writ­ing as you would if you were speak­ing direct­ly to them.

Don’t feel the need to embell­ish your writ­ing with com­pli­cat­ed phras­ing or fifty-cent words. Make your prose clear, con­cise, and easy to under­stand. A blog post that reads as dry, aca­d­e­m­ic, stiff, for­mal, stilt­ed, or old-fash­ioned isn’t going to win over read­ers (or leads).

…But Not at the Expense of Professionalism

Just because your blog posts are infor­mal in tone doesn’t mean they can be slop­py. Use an edit­ing tool like Hem­ing­way or Gram­marly to check spelling, agree­ment, verb tense, and oth­er basic rules of lan­guage. Steer clear of emo­ji, and lim­it your use of acronyms. A lot of peo­ple have devel­oped the bad habit of end­ing near­ly every sen­tence with “lol.” Even if you are laugh­ing out loud that fre­quent­ly, using this acronym as punc­tu­a­tion just isn’t pro­fes­sion­al, no mat­ter how casu­al your blog is.

Make no mis­take: blogs with spelling mis­takes, gram­mar issues, or punc­tu­a­tion errors will not help you achieve your goals. It may even lose you read­ers, so take a few moments to proof­read and edit your work — or bet­ter yet, have some­one else do so.

It’s OK to Outsource

Let’s face it: not every­one is a good writer. And even good writ­ers of oth­er types of con­tent — mag­a­zine arti­cles, nov­els, tech­ni­cal man­u­als, sci­en­tif­ic mate­r­i­al — might not have a flair for blog­ging. If you know you don’t have the chops, there’s no shame in out­sourc­ing this task.

In fact, it may be ben­e­fi­cial. Pro­fes­sion­al blog­gers know not only all the afore­men­tioned tricks of the trade, but they under­stand the com­pli­cat­ed rela­tion­ship between blogs and search engine optimization.

Unless you have a real inter­est in SEO — as well as the time to keep abreast of this ever-chang­ing indus­try stan­dards — it’s prob­a­bly best to let the pros take care of this aspect of your dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing efforts.

With Practice, You’ll Be Blogging Like a Pro

If you want to learn how to be a great blog­ger, there are plen­ty of guides and lis­ti­cles to help you. You can also glean a lot of help­ful infor­ma­tion from read­ing lots and lots of blogs; take a look at your com­peti­tors’ blogs and those of col­leagues or pro­fes­sion­al peers.

At some point, how­ev­er, you will just have to make the leap and pub­lish that first post. The more you blog, the bet­ter you’ll get — and the more traf­fic you’ll dri­ve to your site.

SOURCE: Dig­i­tal Doughnut