As a law firm, how often do you real­ly con­sid­er invest­ing in Search Engine Opti­miza­tion for your busi­ness? But what if you knew that lack of atten­tion towards SEO and dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing in gen­er­al was some­thing that was poten­tial­ly hin­der­ing your chances of increas­ing clients? Whilst word of mouth, pos­i­tive rec­om­men­da­tions and a sol­id rep­u­ta­tion are undoubt­ed­ly impor­tant, there is a grow­ing need for solic­i­tors and law firms to adjust to the tech­ni­cal way in which today’s mar­ket­ing works. With this in mind, here are four rea­sons as to why you should con­sid­er SEO ser­vices as a law firm.

Gets more traffic

In a nut­shell, SEO gen­er­ates more traf­fic as your search engine vis­i­bil­i­ty grows. Being a legal firm with very com­mon prac­tices (e.g. there are a lot of law firms that offer the same ser­vices as you) it can be hard to stand out from the crowd and it’s all well and good to know how to catch the eye of cus­tomers with attrac­tive ser­vices but if you’re not vis­i­ble as a result of a Google search – it’s like­ly your efforts will be wast­ed any­way for a large pro­por­tion of your poten­tial client base. Opti­miz­ing your traf­fic will allow you to rank high­er on Google for rel­e­vant search terms, putting you in front of poten­tial clients and allow­ing those fan­tas­tic ser­vices to be seen. Rank­ings don’t come overnight, and with a high­ly com­pet­i­tive indus­try like this, results will take time. How­ev­er, unlike PPC, where your traf­fic stops as soon as your stop pay­ing for ads, a well-run SEO cam­paign can deliv­er long-last­ing rel­e­vant web­site vis­i­tors to help you take your busi­ness on to the next level.

Gets more traffic

It leads to more business

If, as a firm, you spe­cial­ize in com­mon legal issues such as car acci­dents, Wills and pro­bate or divorce then it’s impor­tant that your web­site is rank­ing for the thou­sands of search­es that are car­ried out around these top­ics, per day. An SEO agency can help you to rank for these search terms which will improve your vis­i­bil­i­ty as a law firm that offers these ser­vices, to your clients. The more times you appear in high­ly rel­e­vant search­es, the more like­ly you are to attract con­vert­ing clients.

You’re considering the competition

Com­pe­ti­tion on Google in the legal sec­tor is mas­sive – but, as they say, if you can’t beat ‘em then you most cer­tain­ly should join them. For exam­ple, search­es for ‘fam­i­ly law’ bring up lit­er­al­ly mil­lions of results and with an expert SEO agency on hand improv­ing your vis­i­bil­i­ty, you can be a part of that com­pe­ti­tion – and play­ing a pret­ty good game at that.

A higher return on investment

When done prop­er­ly, an SEO expert should gen­er­ate more traf­fic, which, in turn, will gen­er­ate more mon­ey. There are a whole host of things that good SEO can help to improve, includ­ing attract­ing both tar­get­ed clients and even peo­ple that didn’t real­ize they were look­ing for a solic­i­tor in the first place. Expand­ing your audi­ence and get­ting ahead of your com­peti­tors, through SEO, puts your com­pa­ny in a fan­tas­tic posi­tion when it comes to increas­ing your revenue.

SOURCE: Hit Search Limited