DesignÂing an impresÂsive webÂsite in 2019 will do for your brand what a grand openÂing of a flagÂship storeÂfront once did for comÂpaÂnies a decade ago. As you build your webÂsite, conÂsidÂer the incenÂtives and design tacÂtics listÂed below to curate the strongest online brand expeÂriÂence possible.
Importance of Website Design in 2019
Target audience perception
Your webÂsite is your most valuÂable brand real estate in 2019. As conÂsumers conÂtinÂue to shift their lives online, there is a greater likeÂliÂhood of cusÂtomers meetÂing your brand for the first time online and engagÂing in the conÂsumer expeÂriÂence via your website.
Your webÂsite aesÂthetÂic, design simÂplicÂiÂty and page responÂsiveÂness across devices will reflect immenseÂly on your brand. If you want to impress viewÂers and conÂvert them into conÂsumers, you must meet them at their device of choice with an unparÂalÂleled webÂsite experience.
Customer conversion
Your webÂsite is where prospecÂtive conÂsumers turn into your conÂsumers. While othÂer extenÂsions of your brand and marÂketÂing stratÂeÂgy are increÂmenÂtal in getÂting users to this stage, your webÂsite is where all your marÂketÂing and adverÂtisÂing efforts comÂbine to push prospects through the purÂchase funÂnel — whether it be goods or serÂvices.
A clean, sleek, and trend-forÂward webÂsite design is essenÂtial for walkÂing users through your online shopÂping expeÂriÂence to check-out, where a transÂacÂtion is made and where viewÂers become your brand purÂchasers, makÂing the first step to becomÂing loyÂal consumers.
11 Website Designing Standards to Follow in 2019
Responsive Design
In 2018, webÂsites were assuredÂly mobile friendÂly and trend-setÂters plantÂed the seed for mobile responÂsiveÂness. Google even updatÂed its algoÂrithm to make sure its rankÂing webÂsites were optiÂmal across all user devices.
ResponÂsive design is easy to mainÂtain and comes with so many benÂeÂfits that there are no excusÂes to ignore it. A responÂsive webÂsite loads beauÂtiÂfulÂly on any device and funcÂtions fluÂidÂly, allowÂing users to interÂact with conÂtent, butÂtons, and immerÂsive feaÂtures from the palm of their hand, on the go, or sitÂting comÂfortÂably behind the screen of a deskÂtop. WherÂevÂer the user is, your webÂsite is there, too, and proÂvidÂing the best posÂsiÂble expeÂriÂence of your brand.
When it comes to design aesÂthetÂic, conÂsumers preÂfer to see pretÂty typeÂface fonts. In 2019, you have the freeÂdom to explore a range of font design eleÂments, includÂing size, verÂtiÂcal spacÂing, width, and hierarchy.
TraÂdiÂtionÂal font rules have been in place since the rise of CSS. A few of these rules remain, but with more relaxed conÂdiÂtions. For examÂple, headÂings should be largÂer than sub-headÂings, and subÂheadÂings largÂer than body text. What’s difÂferÂent now is that size ratio paraÂmeÂters are open-endÂed. Indulge in font exploÂration and find the balÂance of fine and bold that comÂmuÂniÂcates your brand to conÂsumers withÂout disÂtractÂing them from your conÂtent or product.
Video Headers
By now, the video is a promiÂnent porÂtion of your mixed media, and a sigÂnifÂiÂcant perÂcentÂage of your marÂketÂing budÂget is spent on qualÂiÂty video proÂducÂtion. Now, the trick with supeÂriÂor video is to get conÂsumers to care about it and want to watch it.
ExperÂiÂment with visuÂalÂly stunÂning video headÂers that encourÂage engageÂment withÂout disÂtractÂing users from pressÂing play or folÂlowÂing the call to action. There is a curÂrent design trend to lay light-colÂored text over darkÂer video stills. Try impleÂmentÂing this tacÂtic, and see where it leads your creÂative design inspiration.
ParÂalÂlax is a design eleÂment that offers difÂferÂent views of your webÂsite to conÂsumers as they scroll along a page. While parÂalÂlax is not quite virÂtuÂal realÂiÂty, it increasÂes the depth of your 2D web design to creÂate a more immerÂsive webÂsite experience.
As today’s conÂsumer adjusts to augÂment realÂiÂty and design, it is advanÂtaÂgeous (and evenÂtuÂalÂly necÂesÂsary) to carÂry these design eleÂments into othÂer aspects of brand interÂacÂtion, includÂing your website.
By using parÂalÂlax in your web design, you have a greater chance of lurÂing viewÂers in and encourÂagÂing them to stay on your page for a while. As viewÂers tune in to your conÂtent and spend more time on your pages, your SEO improves, trigÂgerÂing a posÂiÂtive cycle that proÂmotes more views and engagement.
Hero Images
When using ParÂalÂlax, try to use Hero Images. Hero Images are large, stunÂning, and top qualÂiÂty phoÂtos that best enable the immerÂsive expeÂriÂence you are tryÂing to proÂvide. Big images also go a long way in makÂing an impactÂful first impresÂsion. Choose your picÂtures per page wiseÂly, as each one can capÂtiÂvate or repel your audience’s attention.
CSS3 Animation
The aniÂmaÂtion is the beloved favorite of webÂsite scrollers, media conÂsumers, artiÂcle readÂers, and third-parÂty passersÂby. AniÂmatÂed charÂacÂters are easy to grow fond of, to rememÂber and to lisÂten to when learnÂing a new conÂcept or getÂting to know a brand.
In 2018, aniÂmaÂtions began infilÂtratÂing webÂsite conÂtent and design, thanks largeÂly to CSS aniÂmaÂtion and SVG aniÂmatÂed graphÂics. With tools availÂable for everyÂone to use, adoptÂing aniÂmatÂed graphÂics, scrolling effects, backÂground video, or micro-interÂacÂtions is an easy deciÂsion to make.
Hamburger Menu
As screens get smallÂer and webÂsites adapt to fit these interÂfaces, one feaÂture that is shrinkÂing to match design demands is the menu. Instead of listÂing menu options horÂiÂzonÂtalÂly or verÂtiÂcalÂly across a page, three litÂtle horÂiÂzonÂtal lines are now enough to comÂmuÂniÂcate that a parÂticÂuÂlar corÂner of the page is where the menu lays. Include this sleek, simÂple design to make the most of your webÂsite design in 2019.
Material Design
MateÂrÂiÂal Design in an adaptÂable Google sysÂtem that includes guideÂlines, comÂpoÂnents, and tools that accomÂmoÂdate user interÂface design best pracÂtices. MateÂrÂiÂal Design and MateÂrÂiÂal ComÂpoÂnents enable web develÂopÂers and designÂers to work in seamÂless colÂlabÂoÂraÂtion to proÂduce a webÂsite that is most pleasÂing to and engagÂing for a viewer.
ExperÂiÂment with the comÂpoÂnents of MateÂrÂiÂal Design to offer viewÂers a varÂied online expeÂriÂence that reflects your techÂnoÂlogÂiÂcal and artisÂtic aptiÂtude. RememÂber that visuÂal design is a mode of comÂmuÂniÂcaÂtion, and you can tell an entire brand stoÂry or idea by simÂply swapÂping design mateÂriÂals.
Card Layout
Card LayÂout is a design eleÂment that divides web pages into sepÂaÂrate secÂtions. Each secÂtion has headÂings, conÂtent, and appeal of its own. A conÂsumer might click into sevÂerÂal card secÂtions from one landÂing page, navÂiÂgatÂing into a thorÂoughÂly enrapÂturÂing expeÂriÂence only to return and dive into a comÂpleteÂly difÂferÂent and equalÂly immerÂsive jourÂney through anothÂer card section.
Include an Icon Library
Use the Icon Library to show viewÂers icons with each brand extenÂsion you have to offer. Icon Library uses vecÂtor graphÂics for icons, so you don’t lose image qualÂiÂty while scalÂing images to the desired size.
Stay ahead of website trends in 2019
A big part of stayÂing curÂrent with web design demands is stayÂing ahead of webÂsite design trends. ForeÂcastÂing trends can be time-conÂsumÂing and costÂly, but as your online presÂence becomes your focal point of real estate, the investÂment is essenÂtial to your business.
Learn more about the trends above and the best ways to incorÂpoÂrate a few into your company’s webÂsite and marÂketÂing stratÂeÂgy by getÂting in touch with our team at Rosy StrateÂgies. We have all the experÂtise and guidÂance you’ll need to get ahead of next year’s design expeÂriÂence expecÂtaÂtions and retain viewÂers as your loyÂal brand conÂsumers. VisÂit our webÂsite to learn more, today!