Land­ing pages are sim­pler web pages that mar­keters use to redi­rect direct traf­fic from adver­tis­ing ban­ners, links, and videos.

Mar­keters usu­al­ly use land­ing pages to achieve spe­cif­ic, short-term goals. For exam­ple, you might cre­ate a land­ing page to pro­mote a lim­it­ed-time offer or sell a spe­cif­ic product.

A land­ing page is part of a mar­ket­ing strat­e­gy and is not per se the only thing you need to gen­er­ate more leads or sales. Some­times you ask for an email in exchange for use­ful infor­ma­tion such as an ebook so that you can build a sol­id data­base of poten­tial leads that you nur­ture using oth­er mar­ket­ing techniques.

Do you know how to design and cre­ate a land­ing page? Besides the aes­thet­ic, there are many aspects that you need in order to cre­ate the per­fect land­ing pages. What we will share here is not a recipe that works for all mar­ket­ing projects because each busi­ness has its par­tic­u­lar needs. How­ev­er, there are some rec­om­men­da­tions and a check­list to help you to succeed:

  • Clear objec­tives, from obtain­ing clients’ emails to gen­er­at­ing sales, includ­ing link­ing to spe­cif­ic web­sites, etc.
  • Spe­cif­ic needs solu­tion or prod­uct presentation.
  • Attrac­tive titles.
  • Ques­tions gen­er­a­tion, which has to be answered on the same land­ing page or by send­ing an email.
  • Explana­to­ry graph­ics sup­port­ing the land­ing page content.
  • Call to action, a but­ton which spec­i­fies what we want clients to do, in a strik­ing col­or to stand out. It can be a few but­tons, but not many of them, since they can con­fuse clients.
  • An inbound mar­ket­ing strat­e­gy that asso­ciates val­ue con­tent, a client email recep­tion, client seg­men­ta­tion strat­e­gy, a con­tent gen­er­a­tion depend­ing on clients, and per­son­al­ized and auto­mat­ic mass mailing.

You can trans­form a vis­it into a poten­tial client, using the cor­rect tools. With this in mind, it is nec­es­sary to hard work in val­ue con­tent gen­er­a­tion, which can be con­sult­ed in dif­fer­ent plat­forms and pre­sen­ta­tions, such as blog entries, down­load­ing arti­cles, videos, webi­na­rs, pod­casts, and ebooks. Once you have a clear con­tent gen­er­a­tion strat­e­gy, it is time to define ide­al plat­forms to pub­lish them.

Define Your Business Objectives and Desired vs. Real Needs

When you start to try dif­fer­ent options on your land­ing page, it is impor­tant to try one change at a time. Try­ing var­i­ous changes at the same time will not allow you to iden­ti­fy what is work­ing and what it is not. Yes, it is going to take you a while, but it is worth doing since if you improve con­ver­sion rates, you also low­er acqui­si­tion costs.

Once you have your land­ing page, you have to redi­rect peo­ple into it. The fol­low­ing tech­niques are essen­tial to redi­rect peo­ple into your land­ing page:

Blog: The place of encounter to all your read­ers and poten­tial clients. A place to attract users. There­fore, one of the best ways to attract users to your land­ing page is to redi­rect them from the blog itself, cre­at­ing links to the land­ing page in the blog arti­cles. It is bet­ter to make a writ­ten explic­it ref­er­ence of the prod­uct to pro­mote its purchase.

Google Adwords: Con­sists of key­words as search terms to show adver­tise­ment as the result of spon­sors. There are some vari­a­tions such as Gmail adver­tise­ment. When click­ing on them, the­ses inter­ac­tive adver­tise­ments expand to an email mes­sage size and admit video and pic­tures. Hence, the result use­ful to achieve a vari­ety of adver­tis­ing goals. Once the user expands the adver­tise­ment, the clicks on the arti­cle will be free of charges.

Google Adwords

Social Media: After cre­at­ing con­tent, pro­mote it using social media. First, make research of your poten­tial clients or those users you wish to see your busi­ness posts. Depend­ing on your area, these users can be found in social media for pro­fes­sion­als such as LinkedIn. Or maybe, if you look for a big­ger audi­ence you must use Face­book or Insta­gram, espe­cial­ly if you wish to attract users based on the visu­al con­tent you designed.

SEO (Search Engine Opti­miza­tion): Efforts are often loose in posi­tion­ing pages with no chance of con­ver­sion, instead of focus­ing those efforts on land­ing pages. These pages can be used to access in a spe­cif­ic moment (e.g., to offer a prod­uct on sale) but, if we want these pages to part of your ongo­ing cam­paign, they need to have to achieve organ­ic posi­tion­ing: a good domain name, inter­nal posi­tion­ing, and pop-up links can be useful.

Email: Direct chan­nel to users which enables them to adapt the con­tent to each con­sumer and obtain more earn­ings. Automa­tions can be gen­er­at­ed and send as an excel­lent and mas­sive way to send infor­ma­tion to users’ cell­phones at any time.

A mar­ket­ing agency must super­vise all these steps since spe­cial­ized advice is essen­tial. It is impos­si­ble for one per­son to suc­cess­ful­ly per­form all these steps.

There­fore, you must work with a dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing agency and plan a dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing strat­e­gy, specif­i­cal­ly an inbound mar­ket­ing strat­e­gy, as well as visu­al­iz­ing and under­stand­ing this strat­e­gy as a mar­ket­ing project, along with a strate­gic cam­paign, sta­tis­tic reports ad needs solu­tions to mate­ri­al­ize your cam­paign, achieve desired objec­tives and start­ing to gen­er­ate sales.

SOURCE: Dig­i­tal Agency Network