By 2019, over half of video traf­fic will be from con­tent deliv­ery. Mil­len­ni­als are increas­ing­ly more tuned into motion pic­ture, opt­ing for the ease of watch­ing indus­try experts as they learn about what’s going on in the world, in their prod­ucts and in the com­pa­nies, they so thor­ough­ly inves­ti­gate before following.

Video might be an unmis­tak­able sta­ple of dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing now, but it should­n’t be used to sim­ply mask mar­ket­ing tac­tics. Mil­len­ni­als and younger audi­ences are quick to detect adver­tis­ing ploys and won’t stand for a minute of it. Video extends itself as a gen­uine way for you to share your mis­sion with con­sumers. Use tuto­ri­als to show cus­tomers how to use a prod­uct, not to encour­age them to buy it. Host inter­views to help them learn more about your cause, not to sign up or fol­low a link at the video’s end. Sure, call to action (CTAs) are good and nec­es­sary, but they won’t be the dri­ver in video cam­paigns that lead the future. Pro­duce from your brand’s heart! Cus­tomers will follow.

But enough about intent, let’s look at why we love video con­tent:

Why is video so strong?

  • Visu­al impact
    The visu­al impact of video alone grabs view­ers’ atten­tion, even if only for a few moments. If pro­duc­tion qual­i­ty is high, video has the capa­bil­i­ty to hold con­sumer atten­tion for much longer.
  • Sim­plic­i­ty
    Watch­ing a video is easy. Press play, sit back and absorb boun­ti­ful insight in just a few minutes.
  • Imme­di­a­cy
    No wait­ing is nec­es­sary to watch a video. No email address has to be giv­en, an app does not need to be down­loaded, there is no wait­ing for a sale or a pro­duc­t’s debut. Video is here now; it can be watched imme­di­ate­ly. After watch­ing, con­sumers become edu­cat­ed on the subject.

Com­bine video with social
Video efforts can be com­bined with social media mar­ket­ing Mia­mi for max­i­mum reach and cam­paign ful­fill­ment. Behind Google, YouTube is the lead­ing search engine. From cook­ing tuto­ri­als to learn­ing how to invest mon­ey, con­sumers and thought lead­ers want to learn through both audio and visu­al. We all learn dif­fer­ent­ly, and for many, step-by-step tuto­ri­als work best.

Use your exist­ing social media plat­forms to pro­mote your video con­tent. Whether you link to YouTube or embed it on your pro­file pages, take advan­tage of the inter­sec­tion of social media and video sharing.

Becom­ing an author­i­ta­tive voice on indus­try mat­ters via video is anoth­er way to dif­fer­en­ti­ate your­self and your brand amongst com­peti­tors. Don’t be shy about pro­mot­ing your­self as a video figure!

Video blog­ging does not always have to be about edu­cat­ing an audi­ence. It can be about hav­ing fun and giv­ing view­ers a back­stage pass to your busi­ness or life.

Vlog­ging encour­ages these qualities:

  • Spon­tane­ity
    Be spon­ta­neous with your vlog­ging. Con­sumers will be curi­ous to tune in when you start a live video at an award’s show or in the mid­dle of the day.
  • Stream of consciousness
    Allow view­ers to fol­low your thought process so they can bet­ter under­stand how you inter­act with your brand’s prod­ucts and services.
  • Inter­est­ing
    Vlog­ging is more inter­est­ing, and it’s an oppor­tu­ni­ty to present out-of-box char­ac­ter­is­tics that often get tucked away in mar­ket­ing and adver­tis­ing campaigns.
  • Pro­duc­tion Quality
    This is one of the few times that pro­duc­tion qual­i­ty does not impact video rat­ings. View­ers want to see you behind the scenes, so it’s okay to shoot on your smart phone in self­ie mode.
  • Open
    Be open with your audi­ence! Answer live ques­tions, be hon­est about who you are and always be transparent.

Video con­tent man­age­ment is a fun task to take on as video takes over dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing. For expert advice and guid­ance, reach out to our inte­grat­ed mar­ket­ing agency, Rosy Strate­gies. We look for­ward to work­ing with you!