When you’re ready to expand your busi­ness pres­ence online, under­stand­ing how to use Twit­ter for busi­ness mar­ket­ing can be a game-chang­er for you! Every social media plat­form has its own unique audi­ence, and not all plat­forms are right for your busi­ness. So before mak­ing the deter­mi­na­tion to set up a busi­ness Twit­ter account, it’s essen­tial to know how it will help your busi­ness grow and if it’s a good fit for your mar­ket­ing objectives. 

Benefits of Twitter for Marketing

Social media is one of the best free mar­ket­ing tools avail­able. How­ev­er, it is even more effec­tive when you under­stand how to use sev­er­al dif­fer­ent plat­forms to expand your busi­ness online and build brand aware­ness. There are sev­er­al ben­e­fits to using Twit­ter for busi­ness mar­ket­ing, including: 

  • Brand build­ing - You’ve prob­a­bly heard of the impor­tance of build­ing brand aware­ness a lot. That’s because brand aware­ness has to do with how famil­iar peo­ple are with your busi­ness and the mes­sage you are try­ing to con­vey. When your tar­get audi­ence is famil­iar with your busi­ness’s dis­tinct qual­i­ties and image, you will be rec­og­niz­able any­where. Using Twit­ter, you can share these char­ac­ter­is­tics about your brand in brief but quick tweets that raise your vis­i­bil­i­ty. Even­tu­al­ly, doing this will increase your fol­low­ing and expand your busi­ness to poten­tial cus­tomers or clients that want to do busi­ness with you. 
  • Leads and sales — Once you have grown your brand audi­ence, you will con­nect with more poten­tial cus­tomers look­ing to do busi­ness with you. You can use this infor­ma­tion to tar­get spe­cif­ic seg­ments of your mar­ket to gen­er­ate leads and inter­act with cur­rent cus­tomers to become brand ambas­sadors. The cumu­la­tive impact of gen­er­at­ing leads and inter­act­ing with exist­ing cus­tomers will lead to conversions. 
  • Con­nec­tion - Your cur­rent and poten­tial cus­tomers want to con­nect to make a gen­uine con­nec­tion. Build­ing rela­tion­ships and estab­lish­ing trust is what sus­tains a busi­ness. Answer­ing ques­tions or address­ing com­plaints through Twit­ter demon­strates busi­ness trans­paren­cy that cus­tomers appre­ci­ate. Cus­tomers grav­i­tate towards hon­esty. The goal is to build a strong busi­ness rep­u­ta­tion for respon­sive­ness and authenticity. 
  • Com­mu­ni­ty - Devel­op­ing a con­nec­tion is an essen­tial part of build­ing a brand com­mu­ni­ty of fol­low­ers. When your fol­low­ing has sig­nif­i­cant­ly grown and responds to your brand, it’s time to encour­age them to spread the word through retweets, lead­ing to increased engage­ment and conversion. 

How To Use Twitter for Business Marketing

 Hands of Man Use Iphone 7 Plus With Social Media Application of Facebook, YouTube, Google Search, Instagram, Twitter, Linked in, Line Whatsapp, and Pinterest

When you’re ready to reap the ben­e­fits and rewards, know­ing how to use Twit­ter for busi­ness and mar­ket­ing is the first step to build­ing your brand using this plat­form. Your tar­get audi­ence wants to con­nect to the per­son behind the brand. Most con­sumers agree that a brand’s authen­tic­i­ty is a crit­i­cal fac­tor in what busi­ness­es they chose to like and support. 

They expect the com­pa­nies that they spend mon­ey with to be authen­tic in how they present them­selves. By learn­ing how to use Twit­ter for busi­ness mar­ket­ing, you will estab­lish a trust­ing rela­tion­ship and con­nec­tion with peo­ple who want to spend mon­ey with you. 

  1. Fol­low — The more peo­ple you fol­low on Twit­ter, the more like­ly more peo­ple will fol­low you. When you fol­low to get fol­low­ers in return, you also raise your brand vis­i­bil­i­ty in the process. It’s impor­tant only to fol­low busi­ness­es and influ­encers inter­est­ed in your busi­ness, prod­ucts, or ser­vices. You’ll want to add com­peti­tors and oth­er brands to eval­u­ate their posts and learn from their brand­ing efforts. Fol­low­ing niche users will help you improve your post­ings and keep you cur­rent on attract­ing your tar­get audience. 
  2. Sched­ule — One of the less­er-known strate­gies when learn­ing how to set up a busi­ness Twit­ter account is the impor­tance of sched­ul­ing your tweets. As a busi­ness own­er, you are busy ser­vic­ing your cus­tomers and plan­ning events. You don’t want to miss out on oppor­tu­ni­ties in the vast sea of news and infor­ma­tion through­out the day. By tak­ing advan­tage of Twit­ter’s sched­ul­ing option, you’ll be able to remain front and cen­ter by tak­ing con­trol of the date, time, and automa­tion of your tweets. Now, you can auto­mate an auto-reply, auto-fol­low, or auto-like to build a sol­id and respon­sive brand presence. 
  3. Bal­ance - Main­tain­ing a prop­er bal­ance between your fol­low­ers and fol­low­ing is an indi­ca­tion of a healthy fol­low­er ratio. When you have more fol­low­ers than peo­ple you are fol­low­ing, you are clear­ly pur­pose­ful in choos­ing who to engage with. Ide­al­ly, you’d want this bal­ance to be a ratio of 1 or less for sol­id brand­ing purposes. 
  4. Com­pe­ti­tion - Like con­duct­ing a SWOT analy­sis, it’s essen­tial to know who your com­peti­tors are on Twit­ter. It’s a great way to assess your mar­ket­ing per­for­mance and pres­ence since you both are inter­est­ed in the same busi­ness­es and sub­jects online. Con­nect­ing with your com­peti­tors’ users is a strate­gic way to expand your fol­low­ing and gain more leads. You can eas­i­ly find inspi­ra­tion by using the Soci­na­tor tool to extract com­peti­tors’ data, key­words, and hash­tags. Apply­ing this same data to gen­er­ate more likes, fol­low­ers, and retweets is a high­ly effec­tive way to increase your Twit­ter engagement. 
  5. Retweets - Get­ting retweets on Twit­ter is like plac­ing a bill­board in high traf­fic, met­ro­pol­i­tan areas. A retweet hap­pens when your fol­low­er knows that their audi­ence would also be inter­est­ed in the infor­ma­tion you are shar­ing. When your fol­low­ers ampli­fy your voice, it allows your busi­ness to reach more peo­ple that may be inter­est­ed in what you have to offer. The more retweets you receive, the more recog­ni­tion you receive, lead­ing to more engage­ment and leads. 
  6. Ad Account — When open­ing a Twit­ter busi­ness account, you must open an ad account. Ad accounts enable you to cre­ate paid pro­mo­tions using the ad man­ag­er that you’ll find on ads.Twitter.com. From there, you can enter the time zone you’re in and launch your ads. 
  7. Paid Adver­tis­ing — Using pro­mot­ed tweets will allow you to expand your audi­ence quick­ly. This paid adver­tis­ing strat­e­gy will dis­play your tweets to your tar­get mar­ket and cap­ture the atten­tion of poten­tial cus­tomers to become fol­low­ers. Addi­tion­al­ly, using paid Twit­ter ads to pro­mote spe­cif­ic busi­ness events or your Twit­ter account will help gen­er­ate inter­est. The auto­mat­ed Twit­ter ad fea­ture auto­mat­i­cal­ly enables your busi­ness tweets and pro­file, which is espe­cial­ly help­ful for new busi­ness accounts.

Get Started with Twitter for Business Marketing

Now that you know the keys to suc­cess­ful Twit­ter mar­ket­ing, there are a few con­sid­er­a­tions when build­ing an excep­tion­al Twit­ter pro­file for busi­ness. Twit­ter is one of the most pop­u­lar social media plat­forms in the world. Hav­ing an eye-catch­ing Twit­ter pro­file will make you stand out from the rest. 

With over 190 mil­lion active dai­ly users, you’ll want to ensure you keep the atten­tion and engage­ment of your tar­get audi­ence. Giv­ing poten­tial and cur­rent cus­tomers instant access to your brand can be high­ly prof­itable when done well. 

  • Twit­ter han­dle - A Twit­ter han­dle should be easy to remem­ber and brand-relat­ed for those inter­est­ed in your prod­ucts or ser­vices to find and remem­ber your busi­ness quick­ly. With so many users on Twit­ter, like­ly, anoth­er user may have tak­en your pre­ferred Twit­ter han­dle. If this hap­pens, choos­ing some­thing sim­i­lar will suffice. 
  • Pro­file — Your Twit­ter pro­file lay­out should be eye-catch­ing! We rec­om­mend mak­ing the most of the head pho­to by incor­po­rat­ing bold col­ors and large images. Take the oppor­tu­ni­ty to show­case your busi­ness behind the scenes with user-gen­er­at­ed con­tent, prod­uct pic­tures, or use pic­tures relat­ed to your brand per­son­al­i­ty. The pro­file pic­ture should always be your brand logo. 
  • Bio — Here’s where you want to brag about your busi­ness in 160 char­ac­ters or less. Tell the world what your busi­ness is all about and what val­ue you bring to poten­tial cus­tomers. Try to be as descrip­tive as pos­si­ble by using brand-spe­cif­ic key­words to enable search engines to find you easily. 
  • Lists - By group­ing the peo­ple and busi­ness­es you fol­low into lists, it’s eas­i­er to keep track of your favorites. You have the option of mak­ing these lists pri­vate or pub­lic. Keep­ing your Twit­ter feed orga­nized by cre­at­ing groups that include influ­encers, cus­tomers, or com­peti­tors will help you effi­cient­ly access them when you need to refer to their profiles. 

Iphone 6 Plus Showing Log in Twitter Application

Set Up a Business Twitter Account with Us

As rec­og­nized experts in strate­gic mar­ket­ing, we know how impor­tant it is to under­stand how to use Twit­ter for busi­ness and mar­ket­ing. We also know how busy small busi­ness­es are and want to help you set up a busi­ness Twit­ter account. 

Man­ag­ing social media accounts can be a full-time job. How­ev­er, if you’re going to out­source these efforts for max­i­mum busi­ness vis­i­bil­i­ty, our agency is equipped to do so. A few tricks of the trade that we know can quick­ly add to your bot­tom line. 

Give us a call today for a free mar­ket­ing assess­ment to set up and man­age your social media accounts!