Law firm Face­book pages are more impor­tant than you prob­a­bly think. A client who is search­ing the globe’s largest social media plat­form for updates on lawyers sounds unusu­al, right? 

Think again, because clients are get­ting the infor­ma­tion and bas­ing their deci­sions to hire on what they find out about a lawyer or their firm through Face­book and oth­er forms of social media. Clients turn to Face­book to find out more about law firm diver­si­ty, com­mu­ni­ty involve­ment, speak­ing engage­ments, and all types of news con­cern­ing the firm they hire.
As the most vis­it­ed web­site in the world, Face­book holds unde­ni­able poten­tial for reach­ing a huge vol­ume of prospec­tive legal clients. Let’s take a look at how to make a suc­cess­ful Face­book page so you can tap into this await­ing audience. 

Elements of a Successful Law Firm Facebook Page

Once you make your Face­book pro­file page to use as lever­age for new and con­tin­ued clients, you have all the ammu­ni­tion you need to ensure that it’s a pro­file that clients want to see more of — on a dai­ly basis. All that’s left to include are these Face­book page ele­ments list­ed below. 

  1. Create a personal Facebook page

    The most impor­tant ele­ment of your Face­book pro­file is your approach­a­bil­i­ty. You can fos­ter this by set­ting up a per­son­al Face­book pro­file that you can use to share updates about your per­son­al life, occa­sion­al updates about your firm, or as a crossover space between the two accounts. 

For exam­ple, link to your firm’s pro­file in a post from your per­son­al page when shar­ing con­tent about a day at work or shar­ing grat­i­tude for your firm fam­i­ly. Be gen­uine in your posts that tie back to legal mat­ters or the office; as long as you are authen­tic in what you want to share, prospec­tive clients will be receptive.

Create a personal Facebook page

  1. Create your law firm page on Facebook

    The next page to set up (that’s right, you want two pages) is your law firm Face­book page. You can use this pro­file to share impor­tant law firm news, updates, and pro­fes­sion­al­ly-casu­al posts that give insight into your firm’s cul­ture and atmosphere. 

    An attor­ney Face­book page makes it easy to share com­pa­ny con­tent fre­quent­ly with­out spam­ming fol­low­ers because only those inter­est­ed in fol­low­ing your page will opt in as friends. Addi­tion­al­ly, future (non-fol­low­ing) clients will vis­it what is now a large data­base of com­pa­ny news, attor­ney pro­files, and rel­e­vant content.

    Your com­pa­ny Face­book page should include: 
    - Loca­tion and map
    - Con­tact information 
    - Prac­tic­ing attorneys 
    - Pho­tos
    - Links to any part­ners or associates 
    - Links to oth­er social media profiles 

    As you add infor­ma­tion and con­tent to your pages, think from the clients’ per­spec­tive: what info and insight are they search­ing for when brows­ing an attor­ney pro­file? Address these ques­tions and queries clear­ly on your Face­book page. 

  2. Engagement is a crucial element

    Engage­ment is essen­tial to a suc­cess­ful Face­book page, which is eas­i­er said than done when it comes to shar­ing legal con­tent. So, you’ll need to get cre­ative with what kind of con­tent you can post that is rel­e­vant and that fol­low­ers can com­ment on, click through, and respond to with more calls to action. 

On your per­son­al Face­book page, focus on engage­ment tac­tics for con­tent relat­ed to your per­son­al life; on your firm’s page, aim for engage­ment on posts that address cur­rent events, legal news, or an event spe­cif­ic to your practice.

Try it out with Rosy Strategies 

Face­book is an incred­i­ble tool to use to grow your firm and devel­op long-last­ing client rela­tion­ships. Rosy Strate­gies can help with all of your law firm’s dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing needs, includ­ing cre­at­ing and main­tain­ing a suc­cess­ful Face­book page. 

Our pro­grams make it easy to under­stand and mas­ter your mar­ket­ing strat­e­gy so you can focus on win­ning cas­es and expand­ing your firm. Reach out to our team today, to get started.