SEO is still rel­e­vant and crit­i­cal to your web­site per­for­mance in 2020. If you haven’t start­ed an SEO strat­e­gy or you’ve let it slip away with­out your recent atten­tion, now is a great time to tune in and refresh your site with a few SEO essen­tials. SEO helps your com­pa­ny by improv­ing your website’s real estate with­in Google’s search rank­ing. When a cus­tomer search­es for your prod­uct in the Google search bar, they’re fed a list of plau­si­ble options for where they can find that prod­uct. If your web­site is well-made, uses the appro­pri­ate and rel­e­vant search jar­gon and offers rich and engag­ing con­tent, Google is more like­ly to pro­mote your web­site at the top of search rank­ings. By stay­ing on top of your SEO strat­e­gy, you’ll also remain aware of mar­ket­ing trends, local com­pe­ti­tion, and evolv­ing algo­rithm demands. 

Benefits of SEO

  • Improve your web­site function
  • Stay on top of mar­ket­ing trends
  • Boost search rankings
  • Refine the tar­get audience
  • Under­stand competitors 
  • Get more leads
  • Earn high­er conversions
  • Gain organ­ic traffic
  • Com­ple­ment paid mar­ket­ing efforts
  • Save mon­ey in-house

Local SEO Tools Might Take You Farther

One way to improve your SEO strat­e­gy is by incor­po­rat­ing a sup­ple­men­tary SEO tool. Tools can help assess the effec­tive­ness of key­words you’re using, whether or not the infor­ma­tion is up to date and how to best posi­tion your­self in your local mar­ket based on con­sumer insights. 

SEO Tool Review

Our experts decid­ed to take a look at the most pop­u­lar and use­ful tools that are cur­rent­ly avail­able for improv­ing your SEO strat­e­gy and web­site per­for­mance. Let’s take a look at the list below.

Eight Best Local SEO Tools to Improve Your Search Ranking

  • Google Trends
  • SEM Rush
  • Local SEO Checklist
  • MOZ
  • Key­words Everywhere
  • Review Track
  • Local Busi­ness Schema
  • Yoast

1. Google Trends

Google Trends is the search engine’s free tool that pulls infor­ma­tion based on geo­graph­ic loca­tion. You can see exact­ly what your local area is search­ing for and find out how to mar­ket to them based on these key­words. Google Trends isn’t heav­i­ly used, but it’s easy to oper­ate and at the top of our list for free tool recommendation. 

2. SEM Rush

SEM Rush is a tool that allows you to search for key­word insight relat­ed to your site, indus­try, and com­peti­tors. The data­base pro­vides a lim­it­ed num­ber of free search­es, and then com­pa­nies can pay for con­tin­ued access to infor­ma­tion. Insights include search vol­ume per key­word, insight on back­links and referred traf­fic. If you haven’t explored SEM Rush, it’s an unstop­pable tool to check out soon.

3. Local SEO Checklist

Local SEO Check­list is as easy as it sounds — it pro­vides you with an updat­ed list of the ele­ments you con­stant­ly need to ver­i­fy and update on your site. Use this tool to keep your SEO in line so you can stay in good stand­ing with Google’s search algorithm.

4. MOZ Local

Moz is the go-to for spe­cial­ized data loca­tion infor­ma­tion. Moz has a part­ner net­work that can be used to source any errors with­in your site, SEO or strat­e­gy. This is espe­cial­ly help­ful in locat­ing errors or out-of-date infor­ma­tion. If you plan on keep­ing a web­site or sev­er­al sites for which you can­not con­sis­tent­ly mon­i­tor and update, Moz local is the pro­gram for you.

5. Key­words Everywhere

Key­words Every­where is a brows­er exten­sion you want to down­load as a part of your Google Chrome or Fire­fox. The exten­sion pulls month­ly insights on your com­pe­ti­tion for AdWords, search vol­ume and CPC; this allows you to stay active amongst your com­pe­ti­tion and either improve your strat­e­gy or diverge and find a new angle for reach­ing con­sumers. Key­words Every­where also pull month­ly infor­ma­tion on what con­sumers are search­ing for most. 

6. Review Tracker

If you’re look­ing to boost local SEO efforts, Review Track­er is the tool for you. This pro­gram offers a vari­ety of tools with­in its plat­form to help you get the insight you need on key­words, geo­graph­ic loca­tion, con­ver­sions, rank­ings and local com­peti­tors in your area. You can even ask your clients for reviews through an auto­mat­ed tool fea­ture; these reviews help boost your rank­ing and SEO.

7. Local Busi­ness Schema

Schema markup helps com­mu­ni­cate your web­site infor­ma­tion to Google. This way, Google under­stands exact­ly what you sell, for whom, and why yours is bet­ter than the com­pe­ti­tion. The more accu­rate infor­ma­tion you can feed the search engine, the more appro­pri­ate­ly (and ide­al­ly high­er) it can rank you for its respec­tive searchers. 

8. Yoast

Yoast is a pop­u­lar plug-in for Word­Press. The tool ana­lyzes your con­tent and effec­tive­ly directs you on whether or not the key­words you’re using are appro­pri­ate, if they’re being used cor­rect­ly and if they’re effec­tive­ly reach­ing your audience. 

Eight Best Local SEO Tools to Improve Your Search Ranking

Things to Consider When Selecting an SEO Tool

Before invest­ing in an SEO tool, there are a few ques­tions you want to ask your­self about your busi­ness. Hav­ing answers to these will help ensure that your invest­ment is sound so that you can get the most out of boost­ing your SEO strategy.

  • What’s my goal with SEO
  • What will this tool help achieve?
  • Is it applic­a­ble to my content?
  • Is there ROI?
  • Can I track results?
  • Do I have the resources to ana­lyze and use the data I gather?

SEO Pros, Do You Have an Opinion on SEO Tool Reviews? Let Us Know!

If you’ve used SEO to boost your company’s per­for­mance and search rank­ings, we’d love for you to share your insights in the com­ments. Have you tried any of the list­ed tools? Have you had suc­cess? Do you have any insight to share for busi­ness own­ers con­sid­er­ing a future invest­ment in SEO? Let us know in the comments!

Rosy Strategies 

Rosy Strate­gies is your go-to dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing ser­vice provider. If you’re think­ing about adopt­ing an SEO strat­e­gy or have one in place but need tools to super­charge it, let us know! Our team spe­cial­izes in find­ing the best tools to help your web­site take off so your brand can grow.