Thriv­ing as a brand in 2019 and beyond is indeed a tough job.

With the crazy com­pe­ti­tion out there and the social media and online indul­gence of the main­stream cus­tomers, each right move counts.

All brands and their mar­keters have access to a pletho­ra of online guid­ance as to what is the right thing to do to make their brand work.

This fur­ther inten­si­fies the strug­gle to stay rel­e­vant as a brand.

How­ev­er, some­thing that can help you stay ahead of the com­pe­ti­tion in 2020 is your ulti­mate brand social media strategy.

Mak­ing sure that you get it right is not an option but an exis­ten­tial compulsion.

Social media mar­ket­ing, along with con­tent mar­ket­ing, has become the per­fect touch-point to reach your tar­get audi­ence and build your brand.

With an esti­mat­ed 3.5 bil­lion peo­ple using social media net­works in 2019, a brand has access to almost 40% of the globe’s pop­u­la­tion for mar­ket­ing their offering.

Tar­get­ed mar­ket­ing is the key­word, but the expanse is indeed vast. But you still have access to 90.4% of the Mil­len­ni­als, 77.5% of Gen­er­a­tion X and 48.2% of young ones. So, the ABC of your social media strat­e­gy is crucial.

Hav­ing a killer social media strat­e­gy is not only going to help you raise aware­ness around your brand, but it will also help you con­nect with your audi­ence, gen­er­ate more leads, and make more sales.

So, here are the top 10 social media tips that will help your brand emerge as a top con­tender in your indus­try and help it grow as the time moves forward.

1 – Choose your ideal channels

We have a pletho­ra of social media net­works to use right now.

Gone are the days when Face­book and Twit­ter used to be the main­stream plat­form for brand marketing.

Insta­gram, along with sev­er­al new social media chan­nels such as Tik­Tok is now reigning.

Insta­gram has 1 bil­lion month­ly active users, and 500 mil­lion of them use it daily.

Depend­ing on the type of brand that you are and where your audi­ence is the most active, you must care­ful­ly choose your social media channels.

If your audi­ence is the youngest gen­er­a­tion, Insta­gram should have all your energy.

If you are a tra­di­tion­al busi­ness, Face­book and Twit­ter will do.

Don’t both­er spend­ing all your resources and ener­gy into all of them.

Be selec­tive and make sure that you cre­ate an exclu­sive social media strat­e­gy for each of these indi­vid­ual channels.

2 – Stay original

There is just so much con­tent on the social media chan­nels out there for your poten­tial cus­tomers to consume.

They already have sim­i­lar brands try­ing to sell them their offer­ings along the same line.

A report says that social net­works are the most sig­nif­i­cant source of inspi­ra­tion for con­sumer pur­chas­es, with 37% of con­sumers find­ing pur­chase inspiration.

With so much noise, some­thing which is gen­uine­ly orig­i­nal and aims to sim­pli­fy the lives of the audi­ence is capa­ble of stand­ing out.

Make sure that you cre­ate orig­i­nal con­tent for your social media brand­ing require­ment; some­thing that is unique and speaks high­ly of your brand.

Thought­ful, high-qual­i­ty, and trendy posts will catch the view­ers’ attention.

You should try incor­po­rat­ing humor in your social media strat­e­gy because peo­ple love it.

By being orig­i­nal, you will be able to weave your brand’s emo­tions into its social media mar­ket­ing strat­e­gy and win at it.

3 – Consistent elements

It is imper­a­tive to stay con­sis­tent with your brand’s logo and design when it comes to post­ing social media updates.

Make a the­mat­ic strat­e­gy for each of your social media chan­nels and stick to them.

Always use your Logo in your social media posts so that you can accom­plish the uniformity.

The social media Avatar for your brand should also be con­sis­tent throughout.

Even if you redesign it, make sure that you change it across all the platforms.

4 – Incorporate visual storytelling

Visu­al stim­u­la­tion brings about the high­est rate of engage­ment on social media.

As per a report, by 2021, 82% of all con­sumer traf­fic will be from video content.

So, all prin­ci­pal and suc­cess­ful brands are indulging in visu­al sto­ry­telling and video mar­ket­ing to help their brands speak and stand out.

The right use of Videos and images can sky­rock­et the engage­ment rates for your brand on social media.

You can get start­ed with a Youtube chan­nel if your con­tent is inter­ac­tive and would do best in video format.

You can also share the behind-the-scenes of your brand’s work­ing and help your customers/audience know how much effort you’ve put into something.

High­ly-aes­thet­ic yet min­i­mal social media posts are trend­ing and work­ing their mag­ic on the audience.

So, it would help if you tried incor­po­rat­ing visu­als into your social media strat­e­gy as well.

Incorporate visual storytelling

5 – Use custom graphics

We often come across sev­er­al brands using sim­i­lar free stock images for their social media posts.

That isn’t very impres­sive, and this is an unspo­ken truth. Craft­ing cohe­sive and mind-blow­ing images for social media should be a top pri­or­i­ty for your brand.

So, use plat­forms like Can­va and Pho­to­shop to cre­ate your cus­tom social media posts that find the taste of your audience.

If you don’t want to get this done inter­nal­ly, you can hire a free­lance graph­ic design­er for get­ting these tasks done.

6 – Post regularly

Hav­ing a social media post­ing sched­ule is a rule that you should swear by.

If you are not going to post reg­u­lar­ly, you will kill all your social media brand­ing moves.

How­ev­er, before you pull out a spread­sheet to cre­ate this sched­ule, under­stand what works for your brand and its audience.

Fig­ure out the post­ing fre­quen­cy and the time of these social media posts.

This will take a while, and there will be hits and miss­es, but you will even­tu­al­ly fig­ure out what works for your brand.

7 – Influencer Marketing

Have you ever incor­po­rat­ed Influ­encer mar­ket­ing into your brand’s social media strat­e­gy?

If not, you are miss­ing out on one of the most trend­ing tac­tics for dri­ving con­ver­sion on social media.

Based on your mar­ket­ing bud­get, you can col­lab­o­rate with star influ­encers or micro-influ­encers and have them mar­ket your brand’s offer­ing to many followers.

Just choose the right influ­encers that have a high­er engage­ment with their audi­ences, and you will be good to go.

8 – Engage with your audience religiously

Your social media accounts are your most sen­si­tive touch-points for your audience.

They are very cru­cial in terms of your brand’s pub­lic relations.

So, make sure that you appro­pri­ate­ly engage with your social media view­ers and their pos­i­tive as well as neg­a­tive feedback.

Make sure that you reply to their com­ments and prop­er­ly engage them.

Don’t for­get to address the crit­i­cism because it brings up your brand as a thought­ful and aware one.

9 – Measure the return on your social media efforts

Before a brand begins to craft their social media strat­e­gy, they set up goals, define the com­par­a­tive met­rics, and know what they want to achieve with this strategy.

As a brand, always stay cau­tious of the invest­ment in cam­paigns and track the per­for­mance to know if you are going in the right direction.

Gath­er data from your social media accounts and cam­paigns to get your hands on the vital ana­lyt­ics to deter­mine the return on all the efforts that you have been putting in.

Use the Face­book, Twit­ter, Insta­gram Ana­lyt­ics dash­board to look at the likes, fol­low­ers, top tweets, fol­low­ers, and men­tions, engage­ments, impres­sions, and reach for your pages and posts.

10 – Use the right social media tools

Doing your brand’s social media the right way will always use some help from some very amaz­ing tools out there.

Here are some of the best ones for your con­sid­er­a­tion while some of these are free social media man­age­ment tools, and some are paid. Have a look:

●    Can­va: To help you cre­ate beau­ti­ful images and graph­ics for your posts

●    CoSched­ule: To help you cre­ate a mar­ket­ing Calendar

●    Hoot­Suite: To help with your social media sched­ule and post­ings, sched­ule, track, and col­lab­o­rate on your social media accounts

●    Nuvi: To help with social media data visu­al­iza­tions, data report­ing, and monitoring

●    Post Plan­ner: To help brands iden­ti­fy the best con­tent for their audi­ence with rec­om­men­da­tions using its algorithms

●    Free Head­line Ana­lyz­er: To help you come up with great head­lines that dri­ve traf­fic, shares, and search results

●    Tweet­Deck: To help you man­age mul­ti­ple Twit­ter accounts from a sin­gle, ful­ly-fea­tured dashboard

●    Pex­els: To pro­cure high-qual­i­ty images for your posts

●    Buz­zSumo: To help you stay updat­ed on the trend­ing topics

Here are some more social media tips to swear by when you are try­ing to cre­ate a social media strat­e­gy for your brand that works:

● Nev­er cre­ate a uni­ver­sal plan. Each plat­form is unique and demands a sep­a­rate approach. Don’t stick to a clear and strict strat­e­gy. Be flex­i­ble and make changes if necessary.

● Don’t fall into the ver­ti­cal of fake fol­low­er count or likes. Always aim for organ­ic engagement.

● Stick to a post­ing sched­ule and do not over­do the schedule.

● Always make sure that you don’t boast about your brand but stick to facts and figures.

● Hire a ded­i­cat­ed social media man­ag­er who knows their work.


Social media for brand strat­e­gy is such a vast ver­ti­cal that mas­ter­ing the entire­ty of it will prob­a­bly take a lot of time and work.

Not know­ing the essen­tial social media tips will make it dif­fi­cult to set your brand apart and carve out your place on sig­nif­i­cant chan­nels like Twit­ter, Insta­gram, and Facebook.

How­ev­er, under­stand­ing and learn­ing all the vital social media moves to help your brand grow and pros­per is the sure-shot way through this vastness.

So, before you begin to build your ulti­mate strat­e­gy, make sure that you orga­nize your take­away from the social media tips above and bun­dle them togeth­er to make the most out of the best.

Let us know your oth­er favorite brand­ing social media tips by drop­ping a com­ment below.

SOURCE: Inkbot Design