Mar­ket­ing your busi­ness is a full-time ven­ture. It takes time, resources, patience, com­mit­ment, and fol­low-through. Whether you have a full-time in-house mar­ket­ing team or a solo com­pa­ny, online mar­ket­ing tools can help achieve your desired progress and keep the entire mar­ket­ing process eas­i­er along the way.

Let’s take a look at the ben­e­fits that online pro­grams pro­vide and which trendy tools deliv­er the great­est ROI.

Benefits of Using Digital Marketing Tools

The ben­e­fits of invest­ing in online soft­ware for mar­ket­ing endeav­ors range from sav­ing time to orga­niz­ing and to peak­ing your research and analy­sis. The rea­sons mar­ket­ing teams adopt pro­grams vary, but you’re bound to run into any num­ber of the advan­tages below:

  • Improve orga­ni­za­tion
  • Boost time efficiency
  • Increase cost-effec­tive­ness
  • Auto­mate and del­e­gate dai­ly tasks
  • Access and ana­lyze up-to-date mar­ket info

Types of Marketing Tools

To make mar­ket­ing life sim­pler, there are a few gen­res that tools fall into. Depend­ing on the sup­port you need, you might look specif­i­cal­ly at one cat­e­go­ry for tools:

  • Research
  • Design
  • Ana­lyt­ics
  • Idea gen­er­a­tion

Once you know which type of online pro­gram you’re inter­est­ed in, we rec­om­mend select­ing from the list of avail­able options below.

9 Online Marketing Tools

Google Analytics (analysis)

Google offers one of the eas­i­est analy­sis tools on the mar­ket. Rea­son­ably so, Google wants to make it as easy as pos­si­ble for you to under­stand what con­sumers like or don’t like about your web­site so you can improve the cus­tomer expe­ri­ence and please Google’s consumers.

Google Ana­lyt­ics also clear­ly shows you where your audi­ence is com­ing from, how they find your site, what they click through, where they spend time, and what types of con­ver­sions are made.

Google Analytics (analysis)

Google Trends (research)

Google Trends keeps you updat­ed on the sta­tus of your key­word selec­tion through­out your mar­ket­ing strat­e­gy. You can inves­ti­gate how pop­u­lar and strong your key­word is today, this week, or over the last decade. While tun­ing into how many peo­ple search this key term, Google will also pro­vide insight into the demo­graph­ics behind queries, includ­ing geo­graph­ic regions and relat­ed top­ic searches.

Stay­ing up to date on key­word pref­er­ence and strength is essen­tial to your key­word selec­tion and reach­ing your audi­ence effectively.

Photoscape X (design)

Images car­ry a thou­sand words and have par­tic­u­lar pow­er in grasp­ing your audience’s atten­tion. Using high-qual­i­ty pho­tos, Pho­to­scape X makes edit­ing your pho­tos or GIFs much easier. 

Adding pho­tos might sound like a lot of work when prepar­ing con­tent such as a blog post, but thread­ing pho­tos through­out words makes read­ing your 1,000-word arti­cle much eas­i­er to read. Pho­tos keep the con­tent mov­ing along, offer­ing a gen­tle pace for diges­tion and strong images to recall the sub­ject matter. 

Answer the Public (research)

One of the trick­i­est parts of get­ting in front of con­sumers is find­ing out where they are and what they’re search­ing for. The only way to show up as a search solu­tion is to accu­rate­ly iden­ti­fy the terms and phras­es your tar­get audi­ence is using to look for prod­ucts or ser­vices that you offer.

Answer the Pub­lic offers an amaz­ing solu­tion to the ques­tion-cri­sis. This online tool pro­vides wis­dom through a gray-beard­ed, glass­es-wear­ing, Break­ing Bad online wiz­ard of sorts. He goes over what con­sumers want, and how they’re ask­ing the inter­net for help.

Also, it tells you which relat­ed phras­es they use to search, which queries they sub­mit are on or close to your prod­uct path, when they use prepo­si­tions, and much more. These bits of advice are cru­cial to string­ing togeth­er your key­words and phras­es through­out your con­tent, mar­ket­ing, and adver­tis­ing efforts. 

Canva (design)

Some­thing that often holds busi­ness own­ers back from pub­lish­ing graph­ics (which are huge for con­sumer trac­tion) is being able to design. It can be daunt­ing to see oth­er brands’ info­graph­ics or fly­ers and won­der how you can pos­si­bly cre­ate some­thing as upbeat and daz­zling with­out pro­fes­sion­al graph­ic design train­ing or experience. 

Can­va affords every­one the oppor­tu­ni­ty to cre­ate visu­als with their easy-to-use online soft­ware. You can quick­ly and sim­ply make images to share on social media, blogs, posters, or in mar­ket­ing mate­ri­als. Since images are eas­i­er for gain­ing atten­tion, shar­ing, and explain­ing mes­sages, Can­va will make a great start­ing point in your mar­ket­ing endeavors.

Canva (design)

Content Idea Generator (brainstorming)

Con­tent Idea Gen­er­a­tor is your go-to online tool on a fuzzy brain day. This dig­i­tal instru­ment makes sure you nev­er run out of fresh con­tent to share by gen­er­at­ing top­ics and head­line options based on the sub­ject you want to explore or share with your consumers. 

It’s easy to use; all you have to do is type in your gen­er­al sub­ject, and the pro­gram will gen­er­ate a heap of pos­si­ble top­ics and poten­tial direc­tions to take the piece.

Hotjar (analytics)

Hot­jar brings you con­sumers’ behav­ior infor­ma­tion through maps that track vis­i­tors on your web­site. You basi­cal­ly get to see when and where a consumer’s mouse goes while explor­ing your con­tent through click maps, heat maps, scroll maps, and recordings.

Under­stand­ing audi­ence behav­ior lets you know which con­tent is engag­ing, which tran­si­tions or CTAs lead to the next step, and how your design flows and catch­es the eye of a viewer.

Hemingway (design)

Have you ever writ­ten a post and re-read it only to feel dizzy or jum­bled in fol­low­ing the con­tent your­self? Or maybe you’ve shared it with your team and heard: “I think I missed the point.” Hem­ing­way is a soft­ware that pre­vents the win­dow of con­fu­sion from open­ing. The online pro­gram will run through the struc­ture of text con­tent to ver­i­fy and report on the struc­ture, flu­id­i­ty, and over­all digestibil­i­ty so your audi­ence walks away with all of your intend­ed points.

Keyword Finder (Research)

Key­word Find­er is as straight-for­ward as it sounds. It is a tool that allows you to search the his­to­ry and cre­den­tials of select­ed key­words. The soft­ware will respond to your search with key­word sug­ges­tions, back­links, search vol­ume, Google search results page, trends, and much more.

Key­word Find­er is a paid soft­ware pro­gram that mar­keters use to max­i­mize their ben­e­fits. How­ev­er, any­one can use a free ver­sion that allows for up to five search­es per day. If you are just get­ting start­ed or have a quick query on which word to use, Key­word Find­er can be a great resource.

You’re not alone!

Mar­ket­ing is a big job to take on, and you don’t have to do it alone. Paid and free resources are avail­able all around us. All you have to do is take the first step and try one that suits your needs. From there, you’ll learn how help­ful tools can be and which oth­er areas of your mar­ket­ing strat­e­gy can use auto­mat­ed assistance.

If you’ve used any oth­er online tools that have improved your mar­ket­ing, we’d love to hear about them in the comments!

Rosy Strate­gies is here to help you exe­cute your mar­ket­ing strat­e­gy as seam­less­ly as pos­si­ble. Our team can guide you along your path of find­ing the appro­pri­ate tools or get­ting start­ed on auto­mat­ed efforts. Reach out to our experts to learn more and get start­ed with new mar­ket­ing tools, today.