Have you read a lot about cre­at­ing con­tent that ranks, but are still won­der­ing why SEO is impor­tant? Are you won­der­ing if SEO is impor­tant for your niche industry? 

The answer is an over­whelm­ing, “Yes!” 2020 start­ed with a lot of mar­ket­ing pre­dic­tions, such as firms tak­ing mar­ket­ing automa­tion head-on, max­i­miz­ing indus­try events, and spend­ing sig­nif­i­cant resources on ana­lyz­ing the com­pe­ti­tion. But then COVID-19 hit, forc­ing vir­tu­al­ly all busi­ness­es to piv­ot the way they were cur­rent­ly work­ing and meet their cus­tomers where they are — at home and increas­ing­ly online as they try to fill pre­cious hours with some­thing worth­while to do.

It’s clear, while 2020 may have start­ed off with lofty mar­ket­ing goals, the tried and true impor­tance of SEO (search engine opti­miza­tion) is just as rel­e­vant right now as it’s ever been before. 

Why Is SEO Important for Business?

Busi­ness­es like yours have a unique val­ue posi­tion to share with your clients. Your busi­ness may be dif­fer­ent from com­peti­tors because you offer high-qual­i­ty prod­ucts or ser­vices, have more exper­tise in your field, offer more com­pet­i­tive ship­ping options, or cre­ate a cost-effec­tive alter­na­tive to Brand A. What­ev­er your unique val­ue propo­si­tion, in 2020 busi­ness­es pro­mote all aspects of what makes their com­pa­nies unique by cre­at­ing writ­ten con­tent to be dis­cov­ered by web searchers. This is espe­cial­ly true now that stay at home orders and work from home poli­cies have kept more con­sumers con­fined to their homes, and put them increas­ing­ly online. Even dur­ing a work­day, every­one needs a quick break and many work-from-home employ­ees find them­selves doing quick key­word search­es for the busi­ness­es they’re inter­est­ed in to read relat­ed blogs and web pages about their prod­uct and ser­vice offerings.

This con­tent, often in the form of blogs or land­ing pages, is an oppor­tu­ni­ty for you to con­nect with poten­tial clients and sell them on your prod­uct or ser­vice. But with­out the SEO indus­try, your blogs and land­ing pages would nev­er get discovered.

Why Is SEO Important for Business

That’s because the Inter­net is sat­u­rat­ed with web results. Search any top­ic at hand — such as the ide­al time to prune a tree — and you’ll find pages upon pages of relat­ed infor­ma­tion in your search engines like Google, Bing, or Yahoo! 

The SEO indus­try helps you cut through this noise. Through con­stant­ly research­ing and ana­lyz­ing Google’s ever-chang­ing algo­rithm, and stay­ing on top of what con­tent it likes to see in search engine results, we’re able to help busi­ness­es like yours iden­ti­fy the most pop­u­lar key­word search­es relat­ed to the top­ic you want to write about. By incor­po­rat­ing these key­words through­out your blog or land­ing page a vari­ety of times exact­ly as users type them in search engines, we’re able to cre­ate writ­ten pieces for you that rank on Google, Bing, and Yahoo. With all that being said, the impor­tance of SEO is that it helps your com­pelling web pages and blogs get noticed by web searchers and viewed, which helps improve the chances that the peo­ple who click on your blogs and land­ing pages will con­vert into leads and customers.

Why SEO Is Important to Your Firm

What­ev­er mar­ket and geolo­ca­tion you’re in, it’s all but guar­an­teed that your com­peti­tors are using dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing strate­gies to find new clients, get their web pages and blogs in front of them, and build rela­tion­ships with them. With that being said, the rea­son why rank­ing mat­ters so much — and espe­cial­ly now more than ever that online adver­tis­ing is the best way to reach con­sumers and B2B buy­ers in the age of COVID-19 — is because every­one else is already doing it.

The Importance of Developing a Strategy

If you’re won­der­ing why SEO is impor­tant, the answer is that these mar­ket­ing tac­tics help your copy become eas­i­ly dis­cov­er­able. You can have the most elo­quent­ly writ­ten blog post there is, with great nar­ra­tion and no gram­mat­i­cal errors. But if it doesn’t include pop­u­lar key­words that your tar­get audi­ences enter on search engines like Google, it will get lost in a sea of search engine results, often­times after 2 or 3 oth­er pages of con­tent have already dis­played. Sim­ply put, your best-laid plans will be in vain because nobody will be able to find your blog post or web­page to read it and ben­e­fit from its content.

The Value We Offer as Part of the SEO Industry

When you choose to work with our firm, the impor­tance of SEO is at the top of our minds. We work with you to build out an edi­to­r­i­al cal­en­dar for your web­pages, land­ing pages, and blogs that make sense for your brand and incor­po­rate all the rel­e­vant key­words that are need­ed to make sure that your copy ranks on Google and oth­er search engines and gets discovered.

Some of our tricks of the trade as SEO industry professionals include:

  • Per­form­ing exten­sive key­word research to see which key­words are cur­rent­ly being used in high fre­quen­cies by your cus­tomers and prospects. Keep in mind, these key­word search­es are dynam­ic and thus, are always changing.
  • Remem­ber­ing the impor­tance of key­word den­si­ty. If an impor­tant key­word doesn’t appear in a piece of writ­ing enough, Google won’t real­ize that your web pages and blogs are a great result for that relat­ed search. Alter­na­tive­ly, if you over-sat­u­rate your blog and web copy with key­words, Google will fil­ter it out of results think­ing that your assets are spam.
  • Adding anchor text to your online writ­ing, which are words that hyper­link to relat­ed pages. Google finds anchor links par­tic­u­lar­ly valu­able because they pro­vide read­ers like your cus­tomer with a rich con­tent experience.
  • Using oth­er SEO indus­try tips and tricks, such as lever­ag­ing the text used in Title Tags and Image descrip­tions to be more relat­ed to your spe­cif­ic web­page or blog’s copy.

SEO Specialist Working

The Importance of Working with Digital Marketing Professionals

Opti­miz­ing your web­site for search isn’t some­thing you can eas­i­ly do on your own, much less stay on top of as Google con­stant­ly changes its algo­rithm. At our mar­ket­ing agency, we’re inte­grat­ed, dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing spe­cial­ists. We live and breathe the SEO indus­try and under­stand the impor­tance of SEO to your busi­ness. We under­stand why SEO is impor­tant because we spend so much time in the trench­es research­ing how Google ranks con­tent. And since we have such a deep under­stand­ing of what type of writ­ing ranks, we’re able to cre­ate tar­get­ed pieces for web pages and blog posts that rep­re­sent your brands and gain Google’s attention.

Contact Us To Discuss Your Unique Needs

We’re here to help you suc­ceed. If you need help with a con­tent strat­e­gy that will rank on pop­u­lar search­ing engines, we can help you. Call us today to sched­ule an ini­tial con­ver­sa­tion with our team to dis­cuss your unique needs at (305) 783‑3515.