Video is takÂing conÂtent marÂketÂing by storm, but you’ll have to do more than just make one to realise its full potential
If it were five years in the future, would you be readÂing this artiÂcle or would you be watchÂing it? As online video conÂtinÂues its inimÂitable rise, it’s an interÂestÂing quesÂtion to ponder.
By 2017, video will account for 69% of all conÂsumer interÂnet trafÂfic, accordÂing to CisÂco. Video-on-demand trafÂfic alone will have almost treÂbled. LeafÂing through a swathe of staÂtisÂtics on the subÂject, I’m hard pressed to find any indiÂcaÂtor that doesÂn’t sugÂgest rapid growth.
With online video quickÂly becomÂing a key means for peoÂple to satÂisÂfy their inforÂmaÂtion and enterÂtainÂment needs, small busiÂnessÂes that fail to include it in their interÂnet marÂketÂing strateÂgies will do so at their peril.
Video is the future of conÂtent marÂketÂing. That is, if it’s not the here and now. VarÂiÂous studÂies show more than half of comÂpaÂnies are already makÂing use of the mediÂum – a figÂure that’s preÂdictÂed to rise as more and more realise the posÂsiÂbilÂiÂties. Nielsen claims 64% of marÂketers expect video to domÂiÂnate their strateÂgies in the near future. It’s not difÂfiÂcult to see why.
When it comes to potenÂtial reach, video is peerÂless. YouTube receives more than one bilÂlion unique visÂiÂtors every month – that’s more than any othÂer chanÂnel, apart from FaceÂbook. One in three Britons view at least one online video a week – that’s a weekÂly audiÂence of more than 20 milÂlion peoÂple in the UK alone. Video can give you access to all this. Video done well can give you a slice of it. What othÂer form of conÂtent can do the same?
The sucÂcess stoÂries of videos that have gone viral are legÂend. A recent camÂpaign from VolkÂswaÂgen, for examÂple, saw a trio of its videos viewed a comÂbined 155 milÂlion times. If such numÂbers seem out of reach for comÂpaÂnies withÂout 12-figÂure revÂenue streams, they at least demonÂstrate video’s inherÂent shareÂabilÂiÂty. Engage viewÂers and they will share the video with othÂers. They will spend longer on your webÂsite and more time interÂactÂing with your brand. For any social media camÂpaign, any SEO exerÂcise, video is withÂout doubt one of the best tools in the kit.
It is natÂuÂralÂly engagÂing and, in an age of inforÂmaÂtion overÂload, it’s vital for small busiÂnessÂes to offer conÂtent that is easy to digest; if not, conÂsumers will simÂply move on. Video does this very well. If a picÂture paints 1,000 words then one minute of video is worth 1.8 milÂlion, so say ForÂrester’s researchers. LitÂtle wonÂder then that Axonn Research found sevÂen in 10 peoÂple view brands in a more posÂiÂtive light after watchÂing interÂestÂing video conÂtent from them.
But is video realÂly posÂsiÂble for small busiÂnessÂes? AbsoluteÂly. ProÂducÂtion costs have fallÂen sigÂnifÂiÂcantÂly in recent years and you no longer need to be a techÂniÂcal whiz to work out how to use it. Apps such as TwitÂter’s Vine, with its six-secÂond maxÂiÂmum clip length, have draÂmatÂiÂcalÂly increased the opporÂtuÂniÂty for busiÂnessÂes on a limÂitÂed budÂget to get stuck in. NevÂerÂtheÂless, if you’re to realise a decent return on your investÂment, you will need to bear the folÂlowÂing in mind.
Always conÂsidÂer the audiÂence you are tryÂing to reach and ensure the video is relÂeÂvant to them. If it’s not the most approÂpriÂate means of getÂting your mesÂsage across, you are probÂaÂbly wastÂing your time.
Do not neglect social media and be sure to proÂmote across mulÂtiÂple chanÂnels. If you want to fulÂly realise video’s potenÂtial, you must make it easy for users to find and share it. Don’t neglect mobile either. OoyÂala has claimed a tenth of all video plays hapÂpen on mobiles and tablets, and it’s an increasÂingÂly imporÂtant segÂment, with mobile phones holdÂing 41% more share of video conÂsumpÂtion at the end of June 2013 than at the start of that year.
FinalÂly, be creÂative, not only with the videos themÂselves but in the camÂpaign stratÂeÂgy you build around them. As my head of marÂketÂing likes to say, creÂativÂiÂty wins over the cost of proÂducÂtion every time. Get that bit right and video won’t just be the future of conÂtent marÂketÂing, it’ll be the future of conÂtent marÂketÂing for you.