There is nothÂing more rewardÂing for your busiÂness than a sucÂcessÂful PPC camÂpaign. PPC simÂply means pay per click. It is an adverÂtisÂing stratÂeÂgy that has been around now for quite a long periÂod. PPC camÂpaign is meant to driÂve trafÂfic to a webÂsite which helps to make busiÂnessÂes to conÂtinÂue growÂing. HowÂevÂer, it’s not always easy to get things right when runÂning a PPC camÂpaign and that’s why it needs perÂfecÂtion. The sucÂcess of any PPC camÂpaign depends on a numÂber of things. Below are five useÂful tips for creÂatÂing an effecÂtive PPC camÂpaign for both beginÂners and expeÂriÂenced PPC marketers.
Start with a strong account
Social media monÂiÂtorÂing camÂpaigns that are a sucÂcess can be credÂitÂed to their solÂid founÂdaÂtions. The choice of keyÂwords and their relÂeÂvance to each othÂer make a strong PPC account. Begin by conÂstructÂing difÂferÂent camÂpaigns focused on every prodÂuct, serÂvice, or whatÂevÂer it is that you are tryÂing to adverÂtise. Each ad group should have at most 30 keyÂwords. LimÂit your camÂpaign to around three ads for every ad group that uses keyÂwords withÂin the ad text. Most imporÂtantÂly, you should have the searcher’s interÂests in mind so that all keyÂwords, ads, and landÂing pages end up being highÂly relÂeÂvant to one another.
Conversion tracking
When you are run PPC camÂpaigns, make sure that you run them with conÂverÂsion trackÂing. There are peoÂple who spend years and years withÂout linkÂing their PPC accounts with conÂverÂsion trackÂing. These peoÂple either gauge the effecÂtiveÂness of their camÂpaigns by folÂlowÂing their instincts or end up strugÂgling with Google AnaÂlytÂics forÂevÂer. If you are a marÂketer, you need to know what hapÂpens after a parÂticÂuÂlar user clicks on your ad. Does he make any purÂchase? If yes, then which ad camÂpaign influÂenced him? These are quesÂtions that get easÂiÂly answered when you run your PPC camÂpaigns with conÂverÂsion tracking.
Expand your negative keyword list
Keep track of your PPC camÂpaign for words or phrasÂes, that when used by a searcher, preÂvent your PPC ad from showÂing up. These are known as negÂaÂtive keyÂwords. CreÂate a negÂaÂtive keyÂword list to make sure that your ads reach your tarÂget marÂket. But also, you need to be careÂful as putting too many keyÂwords can result in fewÂer impresÂsions and click-throughs. With a well impleÂmentÂed negÂaÂtive keyÂword, it improves your result and also saves you monÂey as well.
Stop using low-performing keywords
In your camÂpaign, you should stop using low-perÂformÂing keyÂwords. Low perÂformÂing keyÂwords are those that have a low search volÂume or high search volÂume but still aren’t getÂting enough trafÂfic, or the keyÂwords that are getÂting plenÂty of impresÂsions but few click-throughs and conÂverÂsions. It’s imporÂtant to give keyÂwords a few days to gathÂer data so you can betÂter assess if they are indeed perÂformÂing poorÂly. Also, check to see why these keyÂwords have a poor perÂforÂmance and see if you can do anyÂthing to improve them.
Always work to optimize your PPC ads
For a PPC camÂpaign to be sucÂcessÂful, you have to work hard. It involves conÂtinÂuÂalÂly improvÂing and optiÂmizÂing ads. You have to test your ads regÂuÂlarÂly and tweak them so that they perÂform betÂter. It also helps to use site link extenÂsions because they improve click rates and trafÂfic. At the beginÂning of the camÂpaign, use two difÂferÂent ads for deskÂtops and two difÂferÂent ads for mobile platÂforms to check the one that perÂforms betÂter. Include disÂcounts, speÂcial offers, and othÂer benÂeÂfits you are willÂing to proÂvide in your ad. But make sure that your ad copy is clear, conÂcise, and that it includes a call to action.