What is PPC?

PPC stands for pay-per-click, a type of mar­ket­ing you’ve prob­a­bly heard of by now. PPC ads are those box ads that run along­side your search engine results. PPC ads are typ­i­cal­ly part of a larg­er over­all cam­paign that aims to get con­sumers to a web­site land­ing page and opt for an event or make a purchase. 

How does PPC work?

PPC works by tar­get­ing the key­words that your niche con­sumers respond to and match­ing them with your mar­ket­ing cam­paign to ensure the great­est con­sumer click turnout. 

Adver­tis­ers bid on ad space that is proven to gen­er­ate engage­ment from their niche audi­ence. If the bid is won, adver­tis­ers pay the bid amount each time a con­sumer clicks through to the desired land­ing page. 

PPC is effec­tive because it is built on research. Key­word research shows which search query words con­sumers are most like­ly to use and allows your PPC ad to run along­side those respec­tive search results. 

What is a PPC specialist?

A PPC spe­cial­ist works specif­i­cal­ly with PPC, a niche use of their mar­ket­ing or busi­ness edu­ca­tion and back­ground. PPC Spe­cial­ists are cer­ti­fied and/or experts in the fol­low­ing fields:

  • Google AdWords certificate
  • Crit­i­cal thinkers
  • High math proficiency
  • Com­mu­ni­ca­tion skills
  • Writ­ing skills 
  • Orga­ni­za­tion skills
  • Trend fol­low­ers and predictors 
  • Time man­age­ment
  • Stress man­age­ment

What is a ppc specialist

What does a PPC specialist do?

A PPC spe­cial­ist cre­ates new cam­paigns for brands, based around key­word research and cur­rent or evolv­ing trends, and they con­stant­ly ana­lyze key­words in cur­rent brand cam­paigns. Their day-to-day entails answer­ing emails, scan­ning blogs for emerg­ing trends and man­ag­ing all facets of a cam­paign, includ­ing test mar­ket man­age­ment, neg­a­tive key­words, com­pet­i­tive analy­sis, per­for­mance analy­sis, client com­mu­ni­ca­tion and report generation. 

Do I need a PPC specialist?

A PPC spe­cial­ist is a good idea to have at your com­pa­ny or out­sourced. Sure, some­one with an aver­age mar­ket­ing back­ground and basic under­stand­ing of PPC could help you, but not to the crit­i­cal degree that a PPC spe­cial­ist could help you. 

Reasons to Hire a PPC Specialist:

  • Keyword research The success of a marketing campaign relies heavily on the quality of its keywords, which are constantly changing according to consumer interests and trends. A PPC specialist beats to the rhythm of the ever-evolving trend and always knows when to swap out search terms in campaigns for the best results.

  • Landing page perfection

  • Your landing page matters — it is the storefront of the digital age; your one chance to convince a consumer you are worth browsing, shopping and buying from. 

  • Experience A PPC specialist has experience with PPC, with campaigns, with marketing and likely with clients much like your brand. Capitalize on their experience to make the most of the campaigns you put into motion. 

  • Trend diligence If you have taken the time to get to know SEO trends and follow Google’s constant algorithm changes, you know that keeping up with online marketing updates is a full-time job. Trends are always evolving — they have to as they respond to the consumer who responds to technological adaptations in everyday life. A PPC specialist stays on top of these changes and societal trends in order to determine the most effective keywords for your highest return on a bid. 

  • Time-consuming

A PPC specialist is not your priciest employee, and the time they save you more than pays their salary, not to mention the money they’ll make you with wicked smart PPC campaigns. 

The rea­sons above are just a few of the con­vinc­ing reminders that hir­ing a PPC spe­cial­ist is a good idea as you grow your brand. To learn more about PPC or get start­ed with resources Rosy Strate­gies has avail­able for your dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing strat­e­gy, reach out to our team today!