Pay-per-click (PPC) adver­tis­ing is con­sid­ered one of the most effec­tive types of online mar­ket­ing avail­able to use today. Just as the name implies, this method works on a pay-per-click basis, which means that when an ad is clicked on by a user, the adver­tis­er will pay a fee to Google.

Sounds sim­ple, right? Using PPC adver­tis­ing will bring in qual­i­fied and tar­get­ed traf­fic to a web­site using a method that is scal­able and con­sis­tent. The abil­i­ty to achieve suc­cess with your PPC ads is just a mat­ter of opti­miz­ing your cam­paign and avoid­ing some of the most com­mon­ly made PPC mistakes.

Here you can learn some help­ful tips and tricks to opti­mize your PPC efforts. These will work for search engine ads, and social media PPC ads – let’s get started!

Figure Out What Your Goal Is

You have to have a goal for any mar­ket­ing or adver­tis­ing cam­paign you invest in, includ­ing any PPC effort, even a paid social media ad. If you don’t have a mea­sur­able or def­i­nite goal, you can’t opti­mize your campaigns.

Be sure you have a roadmap out­lined before you begin your efforts. Remem­ber, hav­ing mea­sur­able cam­paign goals will allow you to know if you have achieved them or if they need to be adjusted.

Are you try­ing to max­i­mize your sub­scrip­tions, down­loads, sales, or leads? Or do you want to dri­ve new traf­fic to your web­site? The opti­miza­tion process you use for your PPC cam­paigns will depend on the goals that you have set and are try­ing to achieve. Once you have defined your goals, you can com­pare the cam­paigns to see if you have achieved the desired level.

Use Keywords that are High Performing

To achieve the goals, you have set for your PPC cam­paign you need to make sure you are using the right key­words. Since this is the foun­da­tion of your cam­paign, it’s cru­cial that you keep a check on them. After you have reviewed the report pro­vid­ed on your key­words, you can see which ones will per­form well and that will pay you back.

The key­words that are con­sid­ered top per­form­ing are the ones that will help bring you the most busi­ness, which means you should focus on these words. One thing you need to keep in mind is that just because there are some key­words that per­form best, it doesn’t mean they should con­tin­ue to run “as is.”

Make sure you con­tin­u­al­ly make changes to the bid­ding strat­e­gy you are using for these key­words. When you do this, you will be able to deter­mine the per­fect bid amount for each key­word you plan to use.

Use Keywords that are High Performing

Don’t Overlook the Importance of Negative Keywords

Just like the top per­form­ing key­words, neg­a­tive key­words are just as cru­cial. These are the key­words that can help to save your ad bud­get by mak­ing sure your ads are not trig­gered by an irrel­e­vant search query. They help to ensure your ads will only be seen by those who are search­ing for what you offer.

With neg­a­tive key­words being used, you have the abil­i­ty to remove any unwant­ed traf­fic and save some mon­ey that may have been wast­ed because of irrel­e­vant or unre­lat­ed clicks. For exam­ple, if you are sell­ing new tablets, using the key­words “new tablets” makes sense. How­ev­er, your ads may also be dis­played for peo­ple search­ing for “sec­ond-hand tablets,” “repair lap­tops,” “old lap­tops,” or oth­er sim­i­lar variations.

Since you are only sell­ing new lap­tops, being trig­gered for repair, old, or sec­ond-hand lap­tops isn’t help­ful and won’t result in any returns. When you add neg­a­tive key­words, then your ad is only dis­played when a search query match­es your tar­get­ed key­word exact­ly. In addi­tion to help­ing you save mon­ey on your ad spend, using neg­a­tive key­words will also improve your over­all PPC cam­paigns by help­ing to improve your CTR – click through rate.

Create Compelling and Engaging Ads

The copy you use on your ads are the first point of con­tact that occurs between you and a poten­tial cus­tomer. Remem­ber, this first impres­sion is cru­cial, so make sure you have ads that are engag­ing and compelling.

When you cre­ate dis­tinc­tive ad copy, you can attract more cus­tomers than ever before. This includes cre­at­ing head­lines that grab a reader’s atten­tion. Peo­ple who are brows­ing online will typ­i­cal­ly only browse the screen and read the head­line – that means you have to make it count.

If you want to have suc­cess with your paid ads, you should use the tips and infor­ma­tion here. Doing so is going to pay off in the long run and help you achieve all your goals.

SOURCE: Tech Spec­tive