Meet­ing con­sumers on their turf (Twit­ter, Insta­gram, Snapchat, etc.) is imper­a­tive, and since it is nec­es­sary for brand growth, we tend to look at it as a chore. Non­sense. Not only is social media wild­ly fun, but it also dou­bles as an effi­cient and inex­pen­sive way to grow your busi­ness.  Use your social media to serve your com­pa­ny as much as it serves your con­sumers’ online habits!

Here’s how to boost shares and conversions on social media:

  • Share as much as pos­si­ble! Your con­tent can­not be shared amongst con­sumers with­out first being shared by you. In order to reach as many con­sumers as pos­si­ble dur­ing the day, it’s nec­es­sary to pro­duce rich con­tent often. Bring con­sumers with you every­where you go- behind the scenes, edit­ing, in the kitchen, on a quick errand across the city. Share, share, share!
  • Invest in qual­i­ty pro­duc­tion equip­ment and pro­fes­sion­als. The bet­ter the video qual­i­ty, the high­er the video ranks, the more views it gets and the more like­ly it is to go viral.
  • Use a sched­uler. A social media sched­ul­ing cal­en­dar will keep you on track, post­ing con­sis­tent­ly and orga­nized sufficiently.
  • Tag rel­e­vant ambas­sadors, blog­gers, part­ners, and loy­al­ists. Make sure your advo­cates know they’re part of your brand.
  • Share oth­ers’ con­tent. This way, they’re direct­ing their traf­fic to you to check out their piece; you’re offer­ing your reg­u­lar view­ers some­thing new, and you’re devel­op­ing a new ambas­sador relationship.
  • Write emo­tion­al head­lines. Invest in research for win­ning head­lines. The head­lines we often assume will entice our read­ers com­mon­ly do not gen­er­ate the most click-throughs.
  • Find the right times to post. Run an analy­sis on when your tar­get audi­ence is active and post dur­ing those windows.

These are just the begin­ning of social media strat­e­gy insights and tips. To quench your lin­ger­ing curiosi­ties or con­cerns around your social media efforts, reach out to Rosy Strate­gies and get the social momen­tum that you’ve been dream­ing of!