PPC advertising is most effective when ad copy is compelling and substantial.
AdWords have made mass comÂmuÂniÂcaÂtion easy and effiÂcient for comÂpaÂnies of any size, but the fruitÂfulÂness of PPC marÂketÂing is conÂtinÂgent on the strength of ad copy and the landÂing page.
Copy needs to be exactÂly as long as is necÂesÂsary. For the most part, Google AdWords allows the comÂbined headÂline of an ad to be 60 charÂacÂters long and the descripÂtion is limÂitÂed to 80 charÂacÂters. Get the point across conÂciseÂly, but don’t skimp out on valuÂable, relÂeÂvant inforÂmaÂtion just to keep copy brief.
When conÂsidÂerÂing the jusÂtiÂfiÂcaÂtions of length, stay mindÂful of prodÂuct investÂment. If you are askÂing your readÂers or viewÂers for a relÂaÂtiveÂly small investÂment, you probÂaÂbly don’t need to overÂwhelm them with inforÂmaÂtion and lengthy conÂtent. If the investÂment for which you are askÂing is more sigÂnifÂiÂcant, you might want to proÂvide more insight, explaÂnaÂtion and proven success.
Target Audience
You are always writÂing for your tarÂget audiÂence. What does your tarÂget want to hear? What do they need to hear to betÂter underÂstand and buy the serÂvice or prodÂuct? Engage with the audiÂence in a way that shows how well you’ve researched their wants, their desires, their needs, and dreams. Can you appeal to them by involvÂing periphÂery aspects of their lives?
Main Idea
You have a lot to share, there is no doubt about it. But nevÂer emphaÂsize more than one main idea per ad. If there is more than one main idea, then make two ads; two instances for comÂpelling copy. If you include anecÂdoÂtal conÂtent in your copy, be entireÂly posÂiÂtive that it fits with the stoÂry withÂout disÂtractÂing the audiÂence from what is imporÂtant. One idea at a time will keep conÂsumers focused and attenÂtive to your pitch.
PPC Management
A proÂfesÂsionÂal team or conÂsulÂtant is often your best bet when it comes to effecÂtiveÂly writÂing and sharÂing ad copy. PPC manÂageÂment ensures that your copy is preÂsentÂed effecÂtiveÂly and in a manÂner that appeals to your tarÂget consumer.
Localize Ads
Make ads local, relÂeÂvant and timeÂly. Adding a timer and localÂized emphaÂsis can sigÂnifÂiÂcantÂly encourÂage viewÂers to click through and to purÂchase. DiverÂsiÂfy based on region and take advanÂtage of localÂizÂing capabilities.
Before sitÂting down to creÂate engagÂing, comÂpelling copy, idenÂtiÂfy your goal. Are you genÂerÂatÂing trafÂfic to a new page? HarÂnessÂing new numÂbers for a newsletÂter? GenÂerÂatÂing sales? From here, approach your copy comÂpoÂsiÂtion with the object as the axis of creÂation. Every line should coheÂsiveÂly tie the conÂsumer back to your intenÂtion behind the copy and ultiÂmateÂly, to your endÂing call-to-action.
Your copy is effecÂtiveÂly promisÂing some benÂeÂfit to the conÂsumer, right? Explain how this benÂeÂfit directÂly impacts the lives of your conÂsumers. Based on your research of their daiÂly indulÂgences and long-term desires, how does this benÂeÂfit enrich their lives? Be speÂcifÂic and compelling.
Less Fluff
Fluff is only necÂesÂsary when falling, which will assume you are not when writÂing copy. Keep posts conÂcise. ProÂvide the relÂeÂvant, necÂesÂsary inforÂmaÂtion. Explain why conÂsumers need your goods or serÂvice. Why they need you. Why your prodÂuct will change their lives and for the better.
Are you ready to invest in PPC manÂageÂment serÂvices? To betÂter comÂmuÂniÂcate with prospecÂtive conÂsumers and clients? Reach out to our team at Rosy StrateÂgies, a proÂgresÂsive marÂketÂing and PPC comÂpaÂny in MiaÂmi. We will work with you to deterÂmine your strategy’s necÂesÂsary points of evoÂluÂtion and get you set up to achieve your highÂest potenÂtial through online marketing.