You’re mak­ing your begin­nings in con­tent mar­ket­ing in 2019? That can be a bit over­whelm­ing. Through­out the decades, con­tent mar­keters have devel­oped many strate­gies. They elab­o­rat­ed on them, used them, and then got rid of them because they no longer work. This is a cat­e­go­ry that evolves over time, so if you’re try­ing to learn its his­to­ry, you’ll only get con­fused. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t get inter­est­ed in it. By look­ing at the strate­gies that worked in the past, you’ll under­stand why some of them got aban­doned and oth­ers still rep­re­sent the gold­en standard.

Don’t get overwhelmed!

Yes, oth­er con­tent mar­keters have more expe­ri­ence than you. But new, fresh force is need­ed in all indus­tries. You’ll be bring­ing new con­tent mar­ket­ing ideas and set­ting new stan­dards when you become bril­liant at what you do. Until that point, you have to start somewhere.

We’ll give you the most impor­tant con­tent mar­ket­ing tips that set you up for a good start.

10 Digital Marketing Tips 2019

  1. Learn the Basics

Start by tak­ing a con­tent mar­ket­ing course online. The Hub­Spot Acad­e­my is a great learn­ing resource for beginners.

  1. Make a Long-Term Plan

Con­tent mar­ket­ing is not some­thing that works on a whim. You can’t go through essay writ­ing ser­vice reviews, hire a writer to com­plete an impres­sive how-to guide for you, and call it done. The prop­er way to do this is through care­ful plan­ning and an invest­ment of time, mon­ey, and effort.

  1. Pub­lish Only High-Qual­i­ty Content

The days of pub­lish­ing con­tent for the sake of get­ting more text and key­words on your web­site are long gone. Today, peo­ple only have time for the best of the best, and the search engine tries to give them that. You need to cre­ate out­stand­ing con­tent when­ev­er you’re get­ting some­thing out there.

  1. Social Media Is Part of Con­tent Marketing

Social media mar­ket­ing and con­tent mar­ket­ing are two dif­fer­ent cat­e­gories of dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing, but they are close­ly inter­twined. You want the con­tent of your web­site to be shared on social media. You’re pub­lish­ing con­tent on social media, so it’s part of the con­tent mar­ket­ing strat­e­gy. This means you need to get your social media edu­ca­tion, too.

  1. Invest in Paid Social Media Advertising

Adds on Face­book, Insta­gram, and oth­er plat­forms will get your con­tent noticed.

  1. Your Goal Is to Reach More Conversions

When you’re cre­at­ing a new piece of con­tent, you should have one goal in mind: increase con­ver­sions. You want the read­ers to sub­scribe to your email list, take a pur­chas­ing action, share your con­tent on social media, or take any oth­er action that’s impor­tant for brand­ing and sales.


  1. Always Put Your Audi­ence First

Although con­tent mar­ket­ing is all about get­ting your con­tent to rank high in Google search results, you’re not writ­ing it for the search engine. You’re cre­at­ing it for your audi­ence. You should focus on tar­get­ing real prob­lems and deliv­er­ing real solutions.

  1. Find Your Voice

All con­tent mar­keters are fol­low­ing the same tips. They have the same goals and try to please the audi­ence. In such a tough com­pe­ti­tion, you have to stand out. Find your voice and let it shine through every­thing you write.

  1. Track the Results

You have to know what works and what doesn’t.

  1. Make Your Con­tent Easy to Find

Yes; key­words are still use­ful. But you only want to tar­get the essen­tial ones. When you make your con­tent easy to find through search engines, you’re not done. You have to orga­nize it at your web­site, so your vis­i­tors can browse across cat­e­gories and use the search bar to find what they need.

That Wasn’t So Hard

These gen­er­al tips are sim­ple enough to fol­low. They may seem too gen­er­al, but those are the basics you start with. When you start dis­cov­er­ing your own voice, it will lead to a spe­cif­ic approach. The basics will keep your foun­da­tion strong, and you can start adding the details that make it special.

The most impor­tant thing about being a con­tent mar­keter is the learn­ing process. It nev­er stops! What worked in 2018 doesn’t nec­es­sar­i­ly work in 2019. What works today might not be rel­e­vant a year from today.

You learn, you test, you shift things up, and you learn some more. That’s how things work in con­tent marketing.

In the above-list­ed tips, you’ll find the gold­en stan­dards that work for every­one. It’s the min­i­mal­is­tic approach to con­tent mar­ket­ing that gets you start­ed. From there on, you’ll build up. You’ll adjust your strat­e­gy depend­ing on the needs of your audi­ence and the unique mes­sage that you want to deliver.