Got a chal­lenge try­ing to make more out of your YouTube busi­ness? Or have a stur­dy and prof­itable YouTube con­nec­tion? Well, Google Ana­lyt­ics is the game-chang­er you’ve been wait­ing for!

As far as mar­ket­ing tools go, YouTube stands at the fore­front of the move­ment. It is effec­tive and effi­cient, espe­cial­ly when you need a spe­cial touch to dis­tin­guish your brand from your com­peti­tors. There are a hand­ful of oth­er tools like Info­graph­ics and oth­er social media tools.

How­ev­er, they pale in com­par­i­son to a medi­um that uses videos to dis­play visu­al con­tent that is a huge pull. There’s more to gain from using YouTube, but like oth­er tools, you want to get the lead gen­er­a­tion right.

This is because the stats on video con­tent are off the charts, and like­ly to keep grow­ing with­in a short peri­od of time. Many of the world’s most-streamed con­tents reach­ing 80% and more, will be in video for­mats more than any. This means more earn­ing poten­tial for those on YouTube.

With all these ben­e­fits of YouTube, you have to put in the work. This includes mea­sur­ing your activ­i­ties to under­stand bet­ter your tar­get audi­ence and how you can improve. As such, a tool like Google Ana­lyt­ics comes in handy.

It’s a great tool used by a good num­ber of well-known brands who want to serve their cus­tomers bet­ter. Also, they get to keep track of their activ­i­ties on a plat­form that’s typ­i­cal­ly almost always all about what you can see. But first, let’s fig­ure out what it is.

What is Google Analytics?

What is Google Analytics

If you’re look­ing for ways to improve your busi­ness online via YouTube, you’ll have to mea­sure it. As such, an appro­pri­ate tool for analy­sis is absolute­ly vital. Step in Google Ana­lyt­ics, the fore­most tool that’s free and pro­fes­sion­al when it comes to mea­sur­ing metrics.

This is a tool that allows you to track blogs, web­sites, and oth­er social net­works. Addi­tion­al­ly, it gives you an idea about reports before they hap­pen and how to cus­tomize them if they do. In oth­er words, it deals with grouped infor­ma­tion about the traf­fic that comes to the websites.

Infor­ma­tion in line with the audi­ence, the acqui­si­tion, behav­ior, and con­ver­sa­tions done on the said web­site are made vis­i­ble. It offers more data and met­rics than oth­er tools. This is what makes it bet­ter than oth­er mar­ket­ing strategies.

The key areas that Google Ana­lyt­ics touch­es include:

  • The num­ber of visits
  • Time of stay
  • The sources of traffic
  • User-pref­er­ences and sections
  • Vis­it­ed pages
  • User devices

It’s also wor­thy to note that Google Ana­lyt­ics, being owned by Google, can be used along with oth­er Google tools. So, you can com­bine it with Blog­ger, YouTube, AdWords, and others.

If any of Google’s tools can track vis­its and traf­fic, you can com­bine them effec­tive­ly with Google Ana­lyt­ics. There’s a whole lot you can do to enhance your analy­sis of your YouTube mar­ket­ing with Google Ana­lyt­ics, and this arti­cle is here to show you how.

Here are ways to help you use Google Ana­lyt­ics to ana­lyze your YouTube mar­ket­ing strides.

1. Create a Google Analytics Account

First­ly, you need to cre­ate an account for your YouTube chan­nel on Google Ana­lyt­ics. The process isn’t dif­fi­cult and fol­lows a pat­tern akin to web­site cre­ation or try­ing to sign up for an email platform.

If you have an exist­ing Google Ana­lyt­ics pro­file, set up a new prop­er­ty in it. Go ahead and declare the prop­er­ty a web­site while the domain name serves as your offi­cial YouTube chan­nel address. You’ll then come across your unique track­ing code in Google Ana­lyt­ics which will like­ly come in a UA+ ran­dom num­bers format.

With that set, head to your YouTube account and paste the track­ing ID at the bot­tom of the Advanced Set­tings page. This ID enables you to track your YouTube chan­nel vis­i­tors much like how web­site vis­i­tors are tracked with Google Ana­lyt­ics. But as a tool for track­ing data for videos, it stands out as the best.

With the keen video analy­sis that Google Ana­lyt­ics pro­vides, you’ll be able to learn more about how users got to vis­it your page. In addi­tion to that, the geolo­ca­tion of each user and how they found out about your YouTube page can be tracked.

If you run the detox kit study on your YouTube chan­nel, you can check out spe­cif­ic tabs on your chan­nel relat­ed to it. All you have to do is head for the Behav­ior tab and click to reveal all pages report.

2. Use Google Analytics to Analyze the Traffic Leading to Your Website

You’re now on the right track to boost engage­ment with visu­al con­tent. With your new prop­er­ty, you’re set to go on to the next part of YouTube Ana­lyt­ics. First­ly, you want to mea­sure the results of your YouTube chan­nel. In line with that, this sec­ond step will help you bet­ter ana­lyze and track the visits.

From your YouTube to your main web­site, you can iden­ti­fy every refer­ral on YouTube. This includes count­ing the num­ber of ses­sions, inter­ac­tions, and recent vis­i­tors. You’ll find that com­pa­nies and oth­er YouTube-inclined busi­ness­es know just how impor­tant these ana­lyt­ics are.

They can dri­ve up new con­ver­sions through YouTube and lever­age on those to advance their busi­ness­es. Depend­ing only on refer­rals isn’t enough because it would be mighty dif­fi­cult to track data, espe­cial­ly those relat­ed to your YouTube activ­i­ties. A good exam­ple is when you can’t deter­mine where a link comes from.

Fur­ther­more, to get the best out of your Google Ana­lyt­ics, it’s impor­tant to add UTM para­me­ters to your YouTube URLs. This way, you can bet­ter under­stand how your YouTube mar­ket­ing works. Fur­ther, the UTM tags will help you to learn about who­ev­er lands on your site from your YouTube page.

2. Use Google Analytics to Analyze the Traffic Leading to Your Website

3. Tracking Videos via Your UTM

With social com­merce effec­tive­ly rul­ing a large part of the world, your YouTube account could achieve more with the right ana­lyt­ics pro­vid­ed by Google. This is where your UTM tag fea­ture will come in handy.

Recall that the sec­ond point in this arti­cle involves ana­lyz­ing traf­fic lead­ing to your web­site. How­ev­er, this point will help you gar­ner impor­tant and detailed infor­ma­tion about web­site vis­i­tors. As a result, refer­rals don’t assume a gen­er­al out­look. Rather, you have a clear­er idea of the con­tent your audi­ence hook up to.

The UTM para­me­ters are still impor­tant here and make it pos­si­ble to track such videos. You could even put anno­ta­tions in your clips while they play. On the flip side, you could add the UT-enabled links to video descrip­tions. Either way, it will gen­er­ate leads that add mean­ing and mon­ey to your business.

Your fol­low­ers’ likes, inter­ests, expec­ta­tions, and activ­i­ties relat­ed to your account will help you pro­vide more ben­e­fi­cial con­tent. Also, it helps you to tai­lor each individual’s needs to meet what they want – thanks to a clear idea of their posi­tion with­in the sales funnel.

4. Get an In-depth Idea of the Total Traffic

Things are adding up nice­ly for your YouTube mar­ket­ing plan. Whether you need a few SEO tips to go along with that is rel­a­tive. How­ev­er, you’d be well-pre­pared after set­ting up all UTM tags after which you can begin to ana­lyze the YouTube-backed traffic.

You can get a full load on that when you make use of the report locat­ed under Acqui­si­tion. Fol­low these steps:

  • Acqui­si­tion
  • All traf­fic
  • Source
  • Medi­um

It looks quite easy, right? But it makes more sense to search for YouTube refer­rals. This is because you want to be able to tell the dif­fer­ence between web­site vis­its that orig­i­nate from else­where and those that come from your own YouTube chan­nel or videos. Fur­ther, you’ll notice that the UTM tags come with your own con­tent. Any oth­er redi­rects will have a ‘Not Set’ sign displayed.

What these reports help you under­stand is how effec­tive the con­tent on your YouTube chan­nel is. What’s more, it’s a great way to mea­sure para­me­ters like con­ver­sion rates, the dwell times or vis­it­ing users, gen­er­at­ed leads, etc.

Fur­ther­more, with Google Ana­lyt­ics, you can cre­ate more fea­tures if you’re keen on oth­er pages, video met­rics, and links so that you learn more about them.


Using Google Ana­lyt­ics to ana­lyze your YouTube mar­ket­ing is high­ly ben­e­fi­cial. You’ll under­stand how users find your chan­nel, and the kinds of video con­tent to help you lay down a mark­er in terms of your mar­ket­ing aspirations.

Once you set up your account, obtain­ing rel­e­vant data in Google Ana­lyt­ics is pret­ty straight­for­ward. How oth­er users find your chan­nel can be cus­tomized with a fil­tered view or a prop­er­ty. While you can use UTM tags to obtain traf­fic infor­ma­tion from your web­site, short links come in handy too.

Your medi­um or source report can be used to enhance your YouTube mar­ket­ing expe­ri­ence. Don’t hes­i­tate to make use of this great tool. The infor­ma­tion you’d have at your fin­ger­tips will only help your chan­nel get much better!

SOURCE: The Next Scoop