Regard­less of indus­try, email mar­ket­ing can help SMEs by fos­ter­ing bet­ter cus­tomer rela­tion­ships, the high web­site traf­fic, and cre­at­ing a sub­stan­tial brand val­ue to help keep growing.

Often, small busi­ness own­ers assume that email mar­ket­ing is not prac­ti­cal for their businesses.
How­ev­er, email mar­ket­ing is fre­quent­ly cit­ed as the most fruit­ful form of dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing that is proven to boost a 4400% ROI (Opt-in Monster).

Addi­tion­al­ly, the mas­sive ROI is not just reserved for giant play­ers. For­tu­nate­ly, SMEs can sim­i­lar­ly rip the fruit.

When design­ing email mar­ket­ing strate­gies, rou­tine work is your ene­my. The rea­son is, cre­ativ­i­ty is the first rule for suc­cess. There­fore, you have to look out for new ways to uti­lize your email for mar­ket­ing as they have been con­sid­ered as secret weapons to unlock the potential.
In 2020, inbox­es are expect­ed to be the bat­tle­field for mar­keters. Accord­ing to the Sale Cycle, more than 70% of mar­keters rat­ed the ROI of email to be Excellent.

Since every­one has ful­ly pre­pared over the strate­gies on email mar­ket­ing, we are going to tell you how to fight for the atten­tion you deserve with the ten tips to beat cus­tomer inbox­es in 2020!

1. Assure The Quality Of Content

One of the most pri­or ways to engage cus­tomers with email deliv­er­abil­i­ty is to assure the qual­i­ty of your con­tent. Don’t rely on the num­ber of emails you send to your clients because none likes to get bom­bard­ed with con­stant pro­mo­tion­al emails.

Thus, instead of focus­ing on fill­ing the con­tent in your emails, try to craft it that your sub­scribers want to read and even watch. Make sure that your email mar­ket­ing cam­paigns must include val­ue-added read­able and visu­al con­tent for your clients.

2. Use Embedded Sign-Up Form Than A Link

Most of the small busi­ness­es use links when ask­ing vis­i­tors to sub­scribe to their newslet­ter. How­ev­er, it is bet­ter to embed a form direct­ly on your site. You just sim­ply have to replace a link with an opt-in form.

This will help to increase your sub­scrip­tion rates. The rea­son is, an embed­ded link can save subscriber’s extra click time and effort. Hence, the trick is to make a sign-up process as acces­si­ble and easy as possible.

3. Encourage Sign-Ups

As men­tioned above, to make email sign-ups easy, it is also ben­e­fi­cial to give your cus­tomers as many chances as pos­si­ble to sub­scribe to you.

It is bet­ter to fill your web­site with rel­e­vant email sign up forms wher­ev­er pos­si­ble. Include them on your home­page, head­er, foot­er, con­tact page, and even blogs.

Also, if you have an e‑commerce site, make sure to pro­vide clients with an option on the check­out page to sign up with you for the lat­est offers and updat­ed deals as they are already pro­vid­ing their emails to com­plete orders.

4. Make Mobile-Friendly Emails Optimized For Purchases

Most of the clients pre­fer to read emails on their phones. There­fore, make sure your emails are mobile-friend­ly and opti­mized for mak­ing a purchase.

For 2020, there is no way around then to make your emails respon­sive. Your con­tent design has to pro­vide the best user expe­ri­ence for every mobile device, includ­ing phones, tablets, i‑pads, and desktops.

Last­ly, you have to make sure that your emails are not chal­leng­ing to read on small screens. Remem­ber, all it takes a bad expe­ri­ence to lose a poten­tial customer.

Since they are not just using the phone to read emails, they use it for com­plet­ing pur­chas­es as well. Assure to make your links and pages ful­ly opti­mized for mobile devices.

Make Mobile-Friendly Emails Optimized For Purchases

5. Segmentize Customers

If your brand has repeat­ed clients who have been engaged via emails, take this oppor­tu­ni­ty to cre­ate build­ing brand-loy­al cus­tomers, and increase sales. Those sub­scribers have already shown a sound lev­el of inter­est in your brand; thus, you should cul­ti­vate the relationship.

An ide­al way to engage cus­tomers rel­e­vant­ly is to seg­men­tize them. Cre­ate pri­or­i­ty spe­cif­ic lists of con­tacts. By this, you can send those cus­tomized offers, con­tents, and prod­uct dis­counts to encour­age them to buy from you.

6. Send Automated Personalized Emails

If you are not a play­er of automa­tion, make it hap­pen for 2020. Send­ing auto­mat­ed cus­tomized emails can help you save a lot of time and mon­ey. Also, they are proven to do won­der to nour­ish cus­tomer relationships.

Thus, set an auto­mat­ed wel­come email for new sub­scribers to start your rela­tion­ship on the right track. It will build the trust of your new poten­tial prospects. Set auto­mat­ed emails based upon customer’s past pur­chase behavior.

Track their searched prod­ucts, ana­lyze their read blogs, and offer com­pli­men­ta­ry prod­uct infor­ma­tion mate­ri­als to encour­age purchase.

7. Make Emails Accessible

Mak­ing con­tent acces­si­ble is the pre­vi­ous top­ic for email mar­keters in 2020. Mak­ing emails acces­si­ble refers to cre­ate con­tent that can be uti­lized by impaired indi­vid­u­als by screen read­ers and voice assis­tants. Below are some tips to make sure your emails are accessible:

  • Use head­ers to let screen read­ers fig­ure out the hier­ar­chy of the content.
  • Make con­tent con­cise and legible.
  • Use short sen­tences, bul­let points, and avoid jargon.
  • Choose lay­out, font, and col­ors to make the con­tent as read­able as possible.
  • Pro­vide descrip­tions in ALT Tags of images.
  • Pro­vide descrip­tive anchor texts for links.

8. Stick To Sign-Up Promises

Per­mis­sion-based email mar­ket­ing has become the new norm for mar­keters. Inbox­es rep­re­sent the view of the bat­tle­field with more cau­tious cura­tion regard­ing sign­ing up.

Cus­tomers don’t think twice before unsub­scrib­ing if the con­tent los­es rel­e­van­cy. You have to stick to your sign-up promis­es to retain sub­scribers religiously.

More than 60% of email recip­i­ents say they would open an email based on if they trust­ed the brand (Mar­ket­ing Charts). Pro­vide them with what you have promised while sign­ing up to help keep their trust reliable.

9. Get Into New Subscriber’s Contacts

An ide­al way to increase your chance of being in your subscriber’s inbox is by being in their com­mu­ni­ca­tions. Send them a wel­come email with a request to add you to their email address contacts.

Once they add you, ask them to move you from the pro­mo­tions tab to the pri­ma­ry tab to increase open rates for sub­scribers. It is a step-by-step process and you need to be patient.

10. Make Email Design Reflect Your Brand

Your emails should be eas­i­ly rec­og­niz­able and designed to reflect your brand. Keep your logo at the top of your email fol­low­ing your design guide­lines to craft email.

You can use sim­i­lar design ele­ments for your site and make it con­sis­tent and user-friendly.
Assure to cov­er your basics with­in your newslet­ter brand­ing ideas.

Benefits Of Leveraging Email Marketing

Small busi­ness­es are more ben­e­fit­ed from the sup­port of email mar­ket­ing, as they are more adapt­able and flex­i­ble. Also, small busi­ness­es can build trust with clients instant­ly than large orga­ni­za­tions to res­onate well in a circle.

The most cru­cial prac­tice with email mar­ket­ing is, to be hon­est, trans­par­ent, and open with your cus­tomers. Accord­ing to Emarsys-2018, more than 80% of SMBs rely on email as their pri­ma­ry cus­tomer acqui­si­tion and reten­tion channel.

More­over, make it easy to sub­scribe to newslet­ters. Step it sim­ple for sign­ing up. Let your poten­tial sub­scribers know what to expect from you. Make sure they trust your brand by find­ing the right con­tent in their inboxes.

Undoubt­ed­ly, it is chal­leng­ing to grow your subscriber’s list in the com­pet­i­tive web world. Espe­cial­ly while so many small busi­ness­es like you are vying for atten­tion. Pre­fer to pro­duce unique, fresh, and high-qual­i­ty exclu­sive con­tent in your newslet­ter that your clients can’t find elsewhere.

As a small busi­ness own­er, you can use your exper­tise to pro­mote your brand in the region­al area. You can achieve it both con­ser­v­a­tive­ly and effi­cient­ly via strate­gic use of resources of email mar­ket­ing. Devel­op­ing your local expert rep­u­ta­tion through your con­tent helps to cement your cus­tomer rela­tion­ship stronger.

Final Verdict

In a nut­shell, make an excep­tion­al email mar­ket­ing strat­e­gy to pair it with the above email mar­ket­ing tips to design your email mar­ket­ing cam­paigns to posi­tion your­self suc­ceed­ed in 2020.

Pick the right con­tent to send to the right cus­tomer to improve your brand, busi­ness, and rev­enue. This will help you to get the best out of email mar­ket­ing to lever­age your small busi­ness in 2020. All the best!

SOURCE: Business2Community