Google’s recent update to the Search Ana­lyt­ics report in Search Con­sole, many of Merkle’s clients saw a sig­nif­i­cant increase in the total num­ber of key­words report­ed per day.

Web­mas­ters may have had a moment of pan­ic in the days after Google made an update to the way impres­sions and aver­age posi­tion are report­ed in the Google Search Con­sole interface.

Once Google con­firmed the July 13 update and added it to their Search Con­sole Data Anom­alies page, there wasn’t much to go on when try­ing to deter­mine exact­ly what hap­pened. The update was described as such:

An incre­men­tal improve­ment in Google’s log­ging sys­tem now pro­vides a bet­ter account­ing for results in low­er positions…

This leaves a lot to be desired when search­ing for answers to what changes real­ly occurred and why our reports are now so much different.

In this arti­cle, we explore one of the changes in our clients’ Search Con­sole data that might explain at least part of why the change was so drastic.

What real­ly happened?
Giv­en that the GSC inter­face is lim­it­ed to only export 1,000 rows per a report, we turned to the Search Ana­lyt­ics API, which allows us to pull a com­plete data set and get a bet­ter look at where the drop in aver­age posi­tion is com­ing from.