With the social giant’s latÂest qualÂiÂty, engageÂment and conÂverÂsion rankÂing metÂrics, we’re finalÂly headÂed toward transÂparÂent ad performance.
The folÂlowÂing is a guest post from OrlanÂdo Rios CEO of digÂiÂtal marÂketÂing agency DropÂkick Ads.
It’s always made sense. The thought of being able to directÂly see how your ad creÂative is perÂformÂing against your comÂpeÂtiÂtion seems like it would be the most imporÂtant metÂric givÂen the strucÂture of self-serÂvice ad platforms.
With ad platÂforms like FaceÂbook, adverÂtisÂers are bidÂding on impresÂsions against comÂpetiÂtors for the same tarÂgetÂed audiÂence. The more valuÂable the audiÂence and the desired action are, the more an adverÂtisÂer can expect to pay to disÂplay their ad.
Enter your comÂpetiÂtor’s betÂter ad creÂative, webÂsite and prodÂuct — and you’re payÂing more while getÂting worse results.
So if what adverÂtisÂers pay for their ads to be disÂplayed is directÂly tied to their comÂpeÂtiÂtion, why are we only seeÂing interÂnal-based metÂrics like clicks and impressions?
We’re only seeÂing half the picÂture, leadÂing to unnecÂesÂsary guessÂwork when it comes to ad campaigns.
Facebook’s not-so-relevant relevance score
In 2015, FaceÂbook launched its ad relÂeÂvance score metÂric to proÂvide betÂter insight into ad creÂative and tarÂgetÂing perÂforÂmance potential.
Based on posÂiÂtive ad interÂacÂtions on earÂly impresÂsions, FaceÂbook would give your ad a score between one and 10. Receive a 10 and you could be conÂfiÂdent your ad is on tarÂget. Get closÂer to a one and you’d betÂter rethink everything.
While the metÂric proÂvidÂed some insight into ad perÂforÂmance that wasÂn’t preÂviÂousÂly availÂable, it still didÂn’t give enough detail, as admitÂted by FaceÂbook earÂliÂer this year.
This has led to FaceÂbook’s April 30 replaceÂment of the ad relÂeÂvance score with three new metÂrics: qualÂiÂty rankÂing, engageÂment rate rankÂing and conÂverÂsion rate ranking.
Comparison is the thief of joy — and the best metric
FaceÂbook’s new trio of metÂrics are tied by one comÂmon thread: They’re all scored based on how your ads comÂpare to your comÂpetiÂtors’ tarÂgetÂing of the same audience.
While the new qualÂiÂty rankÂing is still based on users’ posÂiÂtive and negÂaÂtive interÂacÂtions with the ad, each ad’s perÂforÂmance is no longer isoÂlatÂed. Get betÂter engageÂment comÂpared to your comÂpetiÂtors and get a betÂter score.
WithÂin FaceÂbook’s ad delivÂery sysÂtem, it’s always been about the amount you’re bidÂding and the qualÂiÂty of your creÂative in comÂparÂiÂson to your comÂpeÂtiÂtion. HavÂing the abilÂiÂty to readÂiÂly see at least a litÂtle bit of that data uncovÂers a new levÂel of transparency.
Why it all matters
Most adverÂtisÂers blindÂly trust their ad delivÂery to FaceÂbook. They select some tarÂget audiÂences, upload some creÂative, set a budÂget and let it run.
But blind faith simÂply isn’t enough. Savvy adverÂtisÂing and smart ad spendÂing means truÂly underÂstandÂing what makes an ad sucÂcessÂful — and we deserve to have the metÂrics necÂesÂsary to make informed those decisions.
FaceÂbook’s latÂest metÂric rollÂout is a small step into more transÂparÂent data on how camÂpaigns are being delivÂered and ranked withÂin the aucÂtion. This furÂther underÂstandÂing of ad qualÂiÂty in comÂparÂiÂson to comÂpetiÂtors will help all adverÂtisÂers present betÂter perÂformÂing and more appealÂing creative.