In 10 or 20 years, the future of the interÂnet will look vastÂly difÂferÂent then it does right now. As blockchain begins to receive wider adopÂtion among both conÂsumers and comÂpaÂnies, Richard HenÂdricks’ dream of a truÂly decenÂtralÂized interÂnet may someÂday become reality.
When I first got into the field of e‑commerce nearÂly 20 years ago, there was a lot of uncerÂtainÂty about how viable online shopÂping would realÂly become. Does this not remind you of the state of blockchain today?
Since that time, I have facilÂiÂtatÂed the growth of an affilÂiÂate marÂketÂing comÂpaÂny, as well as my curÂrent digÂiÂtal marÂketÂing comÂpaÂny, to large-scale sucÂcess. From my expeÂriÂence as the adviÂsor to blockchain-based starÂtups, I’ve realÂized the potenÂtial of this techÂnolÂoÂgy to disÂrupt the marÂketÂplace and offer innoÂvÂaÂtive solutions.
Even in its curÂrent iterÂaÂtion, blockchain has creÂatÂed new opporÂtuÂniÂties for digÂiÂtal marÂketÂing firms, such as marÂketÂing the launch of new iniÂtial coin offerÂings (ICOs) and impleÂmentÂing blockchain techÂnolÂoÂgy into existÂing webÂsite archiÂtecÂtures. Even the schema comÂmuÂniÂty has creÂatÂed markup for blockchain certificates.
In this artiÂcle, I’d like to focus more on the impact that blockchain will have on the indusÂtry as a whole — from conÂtent creÂators all the way to adverÂtisÂers. Despite the conÂfuÂsion surÂroundÂing its techÂnolÂoÂgy, I believe that new blockchain appliÂcaÂtions will improve the most glarÂing probÂlems that exist in digÂiÂtal marÂketÂing today. But reachÂing that point may take years.
Eliminating The Middleman
As much as digÂiÂtal marÂketÂing has increased comÂpeÂtiÂtion in the e‑commerce space, it has also conÂcenÂtratÂed trafÂfic to a few select sites and adverÂtisÂing networks.
Under a blockchain-powÂered netÂwork, arbiÂtrage would shift from an estabÂlished midÂdleÂman to users themÂselves. Users would engage in smart conÂtracts directÂly with adverÂtisÂers to receive tarÂgetÂed ads. In conÂtrast, traÂdiÂtionÂal search engines decide what ads are most relÂeÂvant for users and bomÂbard them with pop-up and disÂplay ads against their permission.
To set up a smart conÂtract, users would need to agree on how much perÂsonÂal inforÂmaÂtion they are willÂing to share. The more they engage with a decenÂtralÂized search engine, the stronger their buyÂer perÂsona would grow, if givÂen perÂmisÂsion to share by the user.
Under this modÂel, the need to adverÂtise over Google’s DisÂplay NetÂwork would become frivÂoÂlous. Instead, adverÂtisÂers could bypass the incesÂsant fees and arbiÂtrage agreeÂments of netÂworks like FaceÂbook and Google.
TheÂoÂretÂiÂcalÂly, this would allow adverÂtisÂers to pay users directÂly for access to their perÂsonÂal info and approval to serve them ads. Some blockchain-based starÂtups are even experÂiÂmentÂing with the idea of rewardÂing users who use the netÂwork with tokens that could be acceptÂed at select retailers.
Increasing Transparency
ConÂtrary to what you might think, blockchain ledgers are actuÂalÂly much more transÂparÂent than traÂdiÂtionÂal ad and search engine netÂworks. All transÂacÂtions that occur over the ledger (whether it’s clicks or e‑commerce purÂchasÂes) are availÂable for the pubÂlic to view in the ledger and nearÂly imposÂsiÂble to erase.
Think about how litÂtle data digÂiÂtal marÂketers actuÂalÂly have access to when it comes to clicks and engageÂment with an adverÂtiseÂment. I believe data attriÂbuÂtion modÂels are faulty, and Google’s esoÂteric algoÂrithms make trackÂing links and PageRÂank on third-parÂty tools more or less just guessÂes. With greater transÂparenÂcy using the digÂiÂtal ledger, marÂketers could receive more relÂeÂvant user inforÂmaÂtion that would assist them in camÂpaign management.
Of course, this comes down to user conÂsent throwÂing a huge wrench at adverÂtisÂers that can’t always reach the cusÂtomers they need.
Providing Better Data
ConÂsidÂer how dynamÂic organÂic SERPs have become. Between accountÂing for difÂferÂent devices, local vs. nationÂal search and freÂquent algoÂrithm changes, it’s hard to track the traÂjecÂtoÂry of keyÂword changes, as well as what types of searchÂes your web pages are rankÂing for.
A blockchain-based trackÂer could be employed to track keyÂword posiÂtions across all devices that agree to use the serÂvice. This techÂnolÂoÂgy could be leverÂaged by everyÂone from adverÂtisÂers to conÂtent creÂators and result in more accuÂrate camÂpaign data that would assist in testing.
Improving Cybersecurity
With this said, cyberÂseÂcuÂriÂty will still be a major probÂlem for every indusÂtry, big or small. One advanÂtage that the blockchain netÂwork proÂvides is the idea of storÂing your own perÂsonÂal inforÂmaÂtion off the netÂwork. Aside from this, hackÂers would litÂerÂalÂly have to hack all user devices on the netÂwork to make changes to the ledger or steal information.
Improving Privacy
As statÂed before, blockchain actuÂalÂly helps to alleÂviÂate many of the priÂvaÂcy conÂcerns that are curÂrentÂly being thrown at FaceÂbook and othÂer adverÂtisÂing platforms.
You may have heard peoÂple refer to blockchain as a “netÂwork of the peoÂple, by the peoÂple, and for the peoÂple.” Well, by elimÂiÂnatÂing big media comÂpaÂnies from actÂing as midÂdleÂmen, users would now have greater conÂtrol over what perÂsonÂal data they want to release to adverÂtisÂers and publishers.
Even as the ledger verÂiÂfies the idenÂtiÂty of users and hosts transÂacÂtions, all perÂsonÂal data that users don’t conÂsent to share remains hidÂden on the netÂwork. Being nearÂly imposÂsiÂble to hack, blockchain can proÂtect user privacy.
Improving Trust
FinalÂly, this all amounts to sigÂnifÂiÂcantÂly improvÂing trust between users and brands. AccordÂing to the 2018 EdelÂman Trust BaromÂeÂter, brands witÂnessed a sigÂnifÂiÂcant decline in conÂsumer trust over the past year, and improvÂing that relaÂtionÂship is difÂfiÂcult when the indusÂtry is fraught with fraud and priÂvaÂcy concerns.
By increasÂing transÂparenÂcy, improvÂing cyberÂseÂcuÂriÂty and elimÂiÂnatÂing the role of comÂpaÂnies like Google and FaceÂbook, there are many reaÂsons to believe that blockchain techÂnolÂoÂgy could improve the relaÂtionÂship between brands and consumers.
The Verdict
Will blockchain elimÂiÂnate the gateÂkeepÂers of online media and adverÂtisÂing? Its potenÂtial is infiÂnite and in tanÂdem with othÂer techÂnoloÂgies, and I believe it will revÂoÂluÂtionÂize everyÂthing from curÂrenÂcy exchanges to govÂerÂnance itself. But don’t call it a silÂver bulÂlet as of yet.