Today, social media plat­forms are trans­form­ing the way dig­i­tal mar­keters pro­mote a brand to reach the tar­get audi­ence. But mar­keters should not treat all plat­forms equal­ly. While build­ing a social media strat­e­gy, as an entre­pre­neur, you should always approach dif­fer­ent plat­forms differently.

But unfor­tu­nate­ly, most mar­keters or entre­pre­neurs, who man­age their own social media account, usu­al­ly get con­fused fig­ur­ing out what con­tent to post where. It’s a lit­tle tricky to under­stand what con­tent to cre­ate and when to post across var­i­ous plat­forms with­out error. You first need to under­stand that not all con­tent should be post­ed every­where and also that not all con­tent is suit­able for all social platforms.

But how would you deter­mine what to share on dif­fer­ent social plat­forms? To know, you should first answer these ques­tions yourself:

  • Who is your tar­get audience?
  • What plat­forms are they on?
  • What con­tent would they like to con­sume on that par­tic­u­lar platform?
  • What should you post on each plat­form that nat­u­ral­ly fits their feed?

By going through this arti­cle, you can learn the tips to iden­ti­fy your tar­get audi­ence, along with oth­er cru­cial aspects, while build­ing your social media strate­gies for cre­at­ing cus­tomized con­tent for dif­fer­ent social media platforms.

Here’s how you can achieve your goal. By the end of this arti­cle, you’ll know exact­ly what to write and where to post. After read­ing this piece of con­tent, the com­pa­ny would know how to spread its wings across var­i­ous social media plat­forms and devel­op plat­form-spe­cif­ic con­tent that works.

Here is a sim­ple guide to cus­tomiz­ing con­tent for each social platform. 


Face­book is the largest social media plat­form in the world. As per Sta­tista, Face­book has about 2.41 bil­lion AMUs (active month­ly users) as of the 2nd quar­ter of 2019, which is almost one-third of the world’s pop­u­la­tion. These users spend a sig­nif­i­cant amount of their social media time on Facebook.

That’s why every entre­pre­neur and mar­keter pay extra heed to pro­mote their brands on this plat­form through well-thought-out and infor­ma­tive pages. There are var­i­ous rea­sons why users engage with Face­book pages — to read the review, see images and find con­tact info on the about page.  When post­ing con­tent on a Face­book account, you should share con­tent peo­ple can engage with.

Sim­ply put, con­tent such as videos, pic­tures, and curat­ed con­tent that your users can inter­act with, dri­ve engage­ment. Peo­ple share and com­ment on the post, and tag a friend or col­league if they find it com­pelling. It does­n’t nec­es­sar­i­ly mean that you should share orig­i­nal con­tent all the time; you can also share posts that are rel­e­vant to your brand and business.

While post­ing videos, embed the video direct­ly into the post and not just the link because it’s more like­ly that peo­ple will watch a video that is direct­ly in their feed than they’re to click a link.



Insta­gram is a place where over 60% of users are between the age group of 18–29 years, mak­ing it an ide­al social plat­form for pro­mot­ing youth-ori­ent­ed prod­ucts. So, you should focus on this plat­form if your ser­vices or prod­ucts are youth-centric.

Then what to post on Insta­gram: high-qual­i­ty pic­tures. Post­ing high-qual­i­ty pho­tos of your prod­uct (in case of a phys­i­cal prod­uct) and behind the scenes (events, mak­ing of a prod­uct) to grow your social media fol­low­ings. If you don’t find any rel­e­vant pho­tos, you can opt to post user-gen­er­at­ed con­tent. Also, you can get stun­ning images cre­at­ed by a graph­ic design ser­vice provider. But make sure you cred­it it cor­rect­ly if you’re curat­ing user-gen­er­at­ed con­tent. If required, you can request permission.

Good quotes. Post­ing moti­va­tion­al and inspi­ra­tional quotes on Insta­gram is pop­u­lar. So keep it in mind. If you don’t any such pho­tos hav­ing good quotes, you can cre­ate one using free graph­ic design tool such as the Design­hill logo mak­er. Sto­ries are also a great way to engage peo­ple on Insta­gram. Cre­ate great Insta­gram sto­ries and share them while keep­ing your Insta­gram mar­ket­ing strat­e­gy in mind.


LinkedIn is con­sid­ered the most busi­ness-ori­ent­ed social media plat­form. There­fore, it’s inevitable to share con­tent relat­ed to your busi­ness or indus­try. Con­tent may include impor­tant infor­ma­tion about your product/services or indus­try, videos, blog posts, and info­graph­ics, etc. Such pieces of con­tent would attract users to come to your page for rel­e­vant infor­ma­tion, job post­ings, and most impor­tant­ly, about your com­pa­ny and busi­ness. When cre­at­ing con­tent for LinkedIn post­ing, make sure that the sum­ma­ry is cap­ti­vat­ing so that users can look over first.


Twit­ter is wide­ly used for quick updates, news and inter­act­ing with peo­ple and brands. Things move light­en­ing fast here which neces­si­tates you to get away with post­ing here than any oth­er plat­form.  As per the Sta­tista report, Twit­ter aver­ages 330 mil­lion MAUs as of the 1st quar­ter of 2019.  With your com­pelling, rel­e­vant con­tent on Twit­ter, you can engage a sig­nif­i­cant num­ber of users dis­cussing your brands and prod­ucts, can ask ques­tions. Sim­i­lar to Face­book, you can share con­tent from oth­er sources if they are relat­able to your business.


Pin­ter­est is per­haps the most diverse social media plat­form where 80% of users are women and 40% of new users are men. Since this plat­form is very visu­al, you should post good qual­i­ty images here. But pho­tos on Pin­ter­est are most­ly ver­ti­cal, unlike Insta­gram. The best aspect ratio for Pin­ter­est pic­tures is 2:3, with a min­i­mum width of 600 pixels.

The bottom line

Although every social plat­form needs dif­fer­ent types of con­tent, it’s essen­tial to under­stand that they all require being on-brand and have the same tone. I hope, after read­ing this arti­cle, you would have more insight into how to cus­tomize con­tent for dif­fer­ent social media plat­forms. Also, you would be able to fig­ure out what type of post to lever­age and when.

SOURCE: Dig­i­tal Doughnut