Click adver­tise­ments have pro­vid­ed a pop­u­lar method for boost­ing sales for the past decade, but they’ve recent­ly been over­looked in favor of SEO and oth­er new mar­ket­ing meth­ods. While new­er tac­tics are prov­ing to be use­ful, PPC can still be tak­en advan­tage of to grow your brand, increase sales and com­ple­ment an exist­ing mar­ket­ing strategy.

What is pay per click ads?

Pay per click adver­tis­ing is a prof­itable type of adver­tis­ing that ben­e­fits every­one involved. Com­pa­nies place a bid for a price they’re will­ing to pay for their ad to run at a par­tic­u­lar time, in a par­tic­u­lar place, in front of a par­tic­u­lar audi­ence. If the placed bid wins, the adver­tise­ment shows up to the desired con­sumer; if the con­sumer clicks on the ad to the company’s page, the com­pa­ny pays for the ad at the bid amount.

Pay per click is effec­tive because it allows brands to pay only for tar­get­ed, effec­tive ads and for con­sumers to see only rel­e­vant, use­ful prod­uct sug­ges­tions. Along­side being eco­nom­i­cal­ly effi­cient, PPC is one of the few mar­ket­ing tac­tics that leads to imme­di­ate sales and overnight ROI.

Targeted pay per click advertising boosts sales

Since PPC plays with real-time bids and ad oppor­tu­ni­ties, the returns are also effec­tive imme­di­ate­ly. Once a bid wins, the ad appears in front of the con­sumer, the con­sumers clicks through and the com­pa­ny pays. If you’ve done your research, your ad fea­tures a rel­e­vant prod­uct to the appro­pri­ate con­sumer in imme­di­ate need, and a trans­ac­tion is made. And even in the event of no sale, a new shop­per is exposed to your brand, vis­its your site and trots along the sales fun­nel, clos­er to a transaction.

Here’s a brief look at how PPC boosts sales:

Enhances brand awareness

When it comes to get­ting the word out about your brand, every instance of face time mat­ters. Ads that show up along­side con­sumer search results imprint your brand name, logo and prod­uct on the con­sumer, even if they don’t click on the ad.

Validates brand

PPC ads show that your brand has the com­pe­ten­cy and resources to keep up with the lat­est adver­tis­ing invest­ments. Val­i­date your brand by using PPC.

Improves SEO

As con­sumers click through ads to your page, site vis­i­tor counts increase and SEO climbs high­er. Keep this in mind with click-through’s: even if a con­sumer does not pur­chase, SEO improves.

Gains traffic and readers

Anoth­er ben­e­fit of read­ers com­ing to your site is that they might return and invite their friends to vis­it your page, too.

Let’s look at a few tips to keep in mind as you build, exe­cute and eval­u­ate your PPC strategy.

PPC can be instan­ta­neous and lucra­tive. As soon as an inter­est­ed shop­per clicks through to your page, a con­ver­sion is ini­ti­at­ed, SEO improves, a poten­tial sale is made and a future loy­al con­sumer is wel­comed. How­ev­er, the effec­tive­ness of pay per click ads is con­tin­gent on a num­ber of vari­ables. To max­i­mize your results and get the high­est return, pay close atten­tion to these tips list­ed below.

  1. Research consumers

Before run­ning PPC, research to ensure that you are reach­ing con­sumers who are inter­est­ed in your products.

  1. Tar­get ready-to-pur­chase consumers

Tar­get­ed con­sumers should also be ready to pur­chase imme­di­ate­ly, as this leads to the high­est con­ver­sions, so be sure to include geo-loca­tion tags.

  1. Research keywords

Research keywords

Use the appro­pri­ate key­words in your ad! Key­words will vary accord­ing to prod­uct, con­sumers, type of ad and time of day.

  1. Cus­tomize the land­ing page

Let your PPC ad lead to a land­ing page so that you can cus­tomize what con­sumers see and extract rel­e­vant infor­ma­tion upon analysis.

  1. Run along­side SEO and adver­tis­ing campaigns

Con­tin­ue exe­cut­ing oth­er mar­ket­ing strate­gies, too. PPC is inde­pen­dent­ly effec­tive, but you will max­i­mize results by using it as a strat­e­gy complement.

  1. Bid realistically

Don’t let the bid­ding war get the best of you; there are also more con­sumers and per­haps a more intel­li­gent­ly tar­get­ed group of them. Before plac­ing your bid, con­firm your bud­get allows for the cost and ask your­self if the ROI is an even exchange.

  1. Mon­e­tize PPC sales

Your PPC cam­paign can make mon­ey for you, so let it. Find out when con­sumers are shop­ping for your prod­uct and choose these moments to show your PPC ad. Shop­pers at the point of pur­chase are more like­ly to choose your prod­uct over anoth­er due to prox­im­i­ty over research. As long as you are using oth­er mar­ket­ing cam­paign efforts, you will have the legit­i­ma­cy to prompt a sur­face shop­per to purchase. 

  1. Track and ana­lyze data

It is essen­tial to estab­lish a data track­ing sys­tem ear­li­er on and to use it to make sense of your mar­ket­ing efforts. Fol­low where con­sumers click through to your page, which visu­als they respond to and which adver­tise­ments prove effec­tive.  As you col­lect and ana­lyze the results, make respec­tive changes to your PPC strat­e­gy to con­tin­ue improv­ing performance.

Add your own tips

As you ana­lyze your PPC results, note what’s work­ing well and cre­ate addi­tion­al tips to fol­low as you con­tin­ue to imple­ment PPC as a part of your mar­ket­ing strat­e­gy to boost sales and gain loy­al consumers.


Have you worked with any of the men­tioned strat­e­gy tac­tics? If so, we’d love to hear from you. As the mar­ket­ing world con­tin­ues to evolve and encom­pass more mov­ing pieces, we aim to remain an author­i­ta­tive and inclu­sive voice on effec­tive, proven mar­ket­ing strate­gies. So, feel free to leave us a comment.

Rosy Strate­gies offers pre­mier mar­ket­ing ser­vices and resources to accom­mo­date any of your needs. Our team of pro­fes­sion­als will work with you to deter­mine how to best sup­ple­ment your cur­rent mar­ket­ing strat­e­gy with PPC or ana­lyze the tac­tics you cur­rent­ly have in place and reshape your strat­e­gy for max­i­mum results. Get in touch with our team when you are ready to learn more about PPC, boost sales and grow your business.