Blog­gers every­where want to know how to get the word out about their amaz­ing prod­uct or ser­vice. It’s easy! With a strong strat­e­gy, con­cert­ed effort, and a will­ing­ness to con­sis­tent­ly pro­mote, blog­gers of any con­tent can grow their read­er­ship and earn a loy­al following.

Let’s look at exact­ly how to increase traf­fic to your blog so you can earn more fol­low­ers today. 

How to Get Blog Followers and Promote Your Blog

Get­ting blog fol­low­ers comes down to con­tent qual­i­ty, post­ing con­sis­ten­cy and spread­ing the word. No mat­ter how great your blog is, con­sumers won’t read it if they don’t know how it exists. Here’s how to let them know.

  1. Post frequently

Writ­ing con­tent often is an impor­tant way to get Google’s atten­tion as the search engine wants to give its con­sumers fresh and up-to-date information.

Updat­ing your blog serves you in sev­er­al ways:

  •  First, you earn points with search engines, bump­ing you up in rank­ings; climb­ing search engines increas­es your blog expo­sure, ulti­mate­ly yield­ing more traf­fic to your site
  •  Sec­ond, web­site vis­i­tors spend more time on your blog, either read­ing con­sec­u­tive posts or vis­it­ing more often to read; more traf­fic to your blog cir­cles back to bol­ster your SEO and keep push­ing you up in search rankings
  •  Third, post­ing con­sis­tent con­tent cre­ates a sense of com­mit­ment by your brand to your con­sumers and blog top­ics, help­ing you become one of the lead­ing blogs

When prepar­ing to post con­sis­tent­ly, work off a list of pre-deter­mined top­ics that might inter­est your audi­ence. As you get feed­back in com­ments or shares, you can start to tune into what your audi­ence wants to read and pro­duce more of this respec­tive con­tent. Aim for post­ing 2–3 times a week to keep con­tent fresh, but not over­whelm­ing to keep up with.

  1. Incorporate links throughout the post

When you hyper­link part of your text to anoth­er web­site, you boost SEO and give read­ers more infor­ma­tion to con­sume. Out­bound links are a way to let Google know you’re inter­est­ed in bol­ster­ing the pow­er­ful inter­weav­ing of the search engine. If the out­bound-linked sites notice they’re men­tioned on your site, they might link back to your blog post to show their own audi­ence where they’re legit­imized. Now, you have a new (or sev­er­al new) inbound links to boost your search rank­ings with Google’s algorithm.

   3.  Remember keywords

Key­words have been around for a while, and occa­sion­al­ly they might seem obso­lete.  Actu­al­ly, key­words still cre­ate the SEO roadmap for you web­page. The big steps with key­word phras­es are to research to find out what audi­ences are search­ing for,  and then to build con­tent around these phras­es. Sim­ply includ­ing key phras­es in your post is insuf­fi­cient. Read­ers will quick­ly real­ize your post does not thor­ough­ly address their query and the search engine will as quick­ly note the con­sumer behav­ior and reflect it in your rankings.

When choos­ing key­words, iden­ti­fy queries that are authen­tic to your con­sumer base. If your con­sumers are search­ing for a sub­ject just slight­ly dif­fer­ent from your top­ic, adjust your post to fit the key­word con­tent as this is what your con­sumers want to see. If your top­ic does not ade­quate­ly meet the query needs, look for dif­fer­ent key­word phras­es. Low­er traf­fic rank­ings that gen­uine­ly suit your blog post will gen­er­ate bet­ter traf­fic on the post, as read­ers will be engaged and read your post all the way through to CTA.

Remember keywords

  1. Up your title game

The title you post for your blog will deter­mine whether or not read­ers click through to your con­tent. Use titles that offer solu­tions to prob­lems; these might be prob­lems that you know con­sumers have or prob­lems con­sumers are unaware of but to which your product/service pro­vides a solu­tion. Take some seri­ous time to research key­words, trends, and con­sumer insights when nam­ing your posts.

  1. Toss in some photos

Pho­tos help break up a lengthy big piece and reit­er­ate mes­sages to read­ers. You’ll keep read­ers on your page for longer by includ­ing pho­tos (help­ful for SEO) and con­tin­ue to lead them to your blog by keep­ing their atten­tion with pic­tures. Hope­ful­ly, they stay engaged until they reach the call to action and add to com­ments, sign up for an email or re-share your blog post.

When choos­ing pho­tos, keep images rel­e­vant, only upload high res­o­lu­tion and be sure to include Alt image pho­to tags to improve the pho­tos used in SEO. If you don’t have orig­i­nal pho­tos, be sure to respect copy­right laws and only repost images that grant you per­mis­sion to do so.

  1. Include influencer posts

When you invite guests to write or par­tic­i­pate on your blog, you invite all of their loy­al fol­low­ers to tune into your page and see what your blog is all about. When choos­ing blog guests, con­sid­er influ­encers in the indus­try who your read­ers or shop­pers will respond to. How­ev­er, aim for some­body with a fol­low­ing that can help build your audi­ence, not repeat it.

  1. Promote posts with social media

When­ev­er you upload a new blog post, pro­mote it on social media. Use all of your plat­forms – Insta­gram, Twit­ter,  Google+, Pin­ter­est, Face­book, LinkedIn, etc. You nev­er know which plat­forms your read­ers will be most recep­tive to, so post about your new con­tent across all pro­files. Even if this tac­tic ush­ers a few read­ers to your post, it’s worth it!  When social media has such a far-reach­ing audi­ence, brands can­not afford to miss the chance to expose new posts to so many peo­ple. Remem­ber, if a post engages some­one with enough momen­tum, there is poten­tial for this read­er to share your social media post with the embed­ded link, dri­ving more traf­fic and new read­ers to your site.

Promote posts with social media

  1. Write for your target audience, staying close to your niche

There are so many sub­jects to write on and tons that your con­tent team can find a clever way to spin. The key with blog post­ing is to stay on brand and with­in your niche. If you offer a win­dow clean­ing prod­uct, keep posts relat­ed to prod­ucts, clean­ing meth­ods, weath­er tips or oth­er house­hold care­tak­ing top­ics. While it might be tempt­ing to throw in a post about your oth­er inter­ests, your audi­ence is most­ly com­ing to your blog to learn about win­dow cleaning.

Deter­mine your cen­tral theme before you begin post­ing on your blog, and let read­ers know what they can expect to find on your page. You might choose a broad­er theme that allows you more oppor­tu­ni­ty to veer from your niche in a few direc­tions. That’s okay, but try to keep all sub­jects in a sim­i­lar ballpark.

Rosy Strate­gies is a lead­ing provider of mar­ket­ing tools and ser­vices. If you’d like to learn more about how to increase traf­fic to your blog, reach out to our team. We’re here to help you learn and grow.