This year we’ve seen a tec­ton­ic shift in how Face­book ads – and the rest of the Face­book fam, Insta­gram, Mes­sen­ger, and more – work.

This has been a year of adapt­ing new place­ments, new Face­book audi­ence tar­get­ing strate­gies, new ad types, new Face­book ad tools, and machine learning.

Here are sev­en Face­book adver­tis­ing tips that will help you take advan­tage of the new world order of Face­book ads.

1. Take Advantage of Facebook’s Power 5

Many adver­tis­ers do a lot of man­u­al work in order to opti­mize the ads they run on Facebook.

Face­book, how­ev­er, has machine learn­ing algo­rithms that do most of this work for you.

Face­book Pow­er 5 is the platform’s auto­mat­ed ad tac­tics that help adver­tis­ers have ad success.

The best part of the Pow­er 5 is that, instead of pick­ing one place­ment, an adver­tis­er can just use all of them. The algo­rithms will test which ones work best for your ad, and cut the bud­get for the oth­ers, leav­ing all the bid­ding on the ones that are working.

This is great for adver­tis­ers as it leaves them more time to focus on things like ad cre­ative and ad testing.

2. Create Interactive Click-to-Messenger Facebook Ads

Face­book click-to-Mes­sen­ger ads are one of the most use­ful tools an adver­tis­er can use.

This is when the call to action but­ton on an ad found on the News­feed takes the user to Face­book Mes­sen­ger rather than a website.

Face­book click-to-Mes­sen­ger ads also have the low­est cost per acqui­si­tion of any Face­book ad objec­tive, includ­ing traf­fic, con­ver­sion cam­paigns, and more.

3. Run Instagram Story Placements

Insta­gram has the high­est engage­ment lev­els of any social media plat­form. That’s why so many busi­ness­es are tak­ing advan­tage of Insta­gram Sto­ry ads.

Insta­gram Sto­ries is a fea­ture that is more recent­ly being lever­aged for advertising.

It’s use­ful because Insta­gram Sto­ries has the low­est cost per impres­sion of any Face­book ad place­ment (see com­par­i­son of CPM by place­ment from my friend Savan­nah Sanchez, paid media buy­er at Com­mon Thread Col­lec­tive), but mil­lions of users view Insta­gram sto­ries every day.

Impor­tant: the ad cre­ative should be opti­mized for the Insta­gram Sto­ry for­mat. This includes a ver­ti­cal ori­en­ta­tion, pos­si­bly with text, emo­jis, or GIFs (all a fea­ture of Insta­gram Stories).

Anoth­er impor­tant aspect is the call to action, which, on Insta­gram Sto­ries, is the “Swipe Up” fea­ture. When a user swipes up on the sto­ry, they will be tak­en to a land­ing page of the poster’s choice.

Run Instagram Story Placements

4. Use Dynamic Creative

Pos­si­bly the most pow­er­ful of the Pow­er 5 tools is the dynam­ic cre­ative tool.

Sim­i­lar to dynam­ic ads for search, Facebook’s dynam­ic ad cre­ative tool uses an algo­rithm to test which com­bi­na­tion of cre­ative per­forms best.

Feed your ad a hand­ful of images/videos, text, head­lines, and descrip­tive text and Face­book will mix and match them, sci­en­tif­i­cal­ly dis­cov­er­ing which are the most effec­tive at obtain­ing the result you want.

With dynam­ic cre­ative, you can auto­mat­i­cal­ly be sure which is the high­est-per­form­ing ad cre­ative com­bi­na­tion, opti­miz­ing your ad performance.

5. Leverage Campaign Bidding Optimization (CBO)

Anoth­er use­ful tool in Facebook’s Pow­er 5 is the cam­paign bud­get opti­miza­tion algorithm.

Pre­vi­ous­ly, adver­tis­ers would man­u­al­ly allo­cate bud­gets to indi­vid­ual ads or ad sets with­in a campaign.

There’s a lot of work involved in man­u­al­ly mov­ing around bud­get to the ad sets and ads with­in a cam­paign that are per­form­ing best.

With the CBO algo­rithm, adver­tis­ers don’t have to wor­ry about adjust­ing bud­gets across a cam­paign. CBO auto­mat­i­cal­ly dis­trib­utes bud­get to the top-per­form­ing ads and ad sets.

This opti­mizes cost and time effi­cien­cy for advertisers.

6. Spy on Competitors Using Facebook Ads Library

Face­book Ads Library is a rel­a­tive­ly new tool, born this year out of Facebook’s effort to be more trans­par­ent when it comes to adver­tis­er and pri­va­cy issues.

With­in Face­book Ads Library, any user (even with­out an account) can search a data­base of all live ads on Facebook.

This is a great tool for adver­tis­ers to use to help make their own ads more effec­tive by review­ing what com­peti­tors are doing.

Research com­peti­tors to see which of their com­peti­tors’ ads have been run­ning the longest.

This allows you to see what is and is not work­ing in the Face­book ad space and man­age and cre­ate your own ads accordingly.

7. Use Sponsored Message Remarketing Ads

Spon­sored mes­sages are a unique form of Face­book remar­ket­ing that allows busi­ness­es to send mes­sages to their exist­ing Face­book Mes­sen­ger contacts.

Spon­sored mes­sage ads become a prime oppor­tu­ni­ty for adver­tis­ers to reach their audiences.

Spon­sored mes­sage ads are not vis­i­ble in the Face­book News­feed; they are only vis­i­ble to the user whose Mes­sen­ger inbox they reach.

This makes the expe­ri­ence more per­son­al to the user.

In fact, spon­sored mes­sage ads receive a click-through rate 10X high­er than oth­er Face­book ads.

Spon­sored mes­sage ads are a great tool for remarketing.

Send­ing a mes­sage that feels per­son­al to the poten­tial cus­tomer will re-engage them to your brand.

Take Advantage of the Shift

New tech­nol­o­gy and new ad place­ments com­plete­ly changes the strat­e­gy of how adver­tis­ers run Face­book Ads.

In order to best take advan­tage of new tech­nolo­gies like the Face­book Pow­er 5, new place­ments like Insta­gram Sto­ries, and recent devel­op­ments in Face­book Mes­sen­ger adver­tis­ing, adver­tis­ers need to stay up to date and put their trust into the shift to machine learning.

Tak­ing advan­tage of this shift will result in more effec­tive Face­book ads to pro­mote your brand and close more sales at low­er costs for your business.

SOURCE: Search Engine Journal