Are you think­ing about adding YouTube to your dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing reper­toire? With more than two bil­lion active users, this social media plat­form can increase your engage­ment and web­site traf­fic many times over. For the best results, you’ll want to imple­ment a suc­cess­ful YouTube mar­ket­ing strat­e­gy that reach­es your tar­get audi­ence. We’ll show you how to do this and how we can be a valu­able part­ner and resource for build­ing your business. 

Why Create a YouTube Marketing Strategy?

Visual Contents Concept. Social Networking Service. Streaming Video. Communication Network.

When you’re look­ing for unique and engag­ing ways to con­nect to poten­tial cus­tomers, mar­ket­ing videos are high­ly effec­tive. As a mat­ter of fact, videos can help build more author­i­ty, trust, and reach that oth­er mar­ket­ing tools won’t be able to achieve. The use of visu­als and inti­mate behind-the-scenes shots give a feel­ing of an exclu­sive insider’s look into your busi­ness operations. 

Oth­er ways to incor­po­rate YouTube videos include: 

  • Show­case prod­ucts and ser­vices — YouTube videos can be used to intro­duce new prod­ucts and ser­vices to cur­rent and poten­tial cus­tomers. With over 1 bil­lion vis­i­tors every month, estab­lish­ing a chan­nel ded­i­cat­ed to reach­ing your niche audi­ence will ensure you reach cus­tomers look­ing for what you have to offer. There are dif­fer­ent ways you can pro­mote your offer­ings like webi­na­rs, pre­sen­ta­tions, and explanations. 
  • Show your exper­tise — Estab­lish your­self as a leader in your indus­try by show­cas­ing your exper­tise with answers to com­mon­ly asked ques­tions about your prod­ucts and ser­vices. By offer­ing exper­tise in the form of short videos of three to five min­utes, advice, and tips, you can posi­tion your­self as a sub­ject mat­ter expert. 
  • Cus­tomer reviews — There’s noth­ing quite like a pos­i­tive cus­tomer tes­ti­mo­ni­al that show­cas­es how great your busi­ness is to poten­tial buy­ers! Dis­play­ing rec­om­men­da­tions for your busi­ness shows a pos­i­tive track record and every­one likes mak­ing pur­chas­es from busi­ness­es with great reputations!
  • Cus­tomer tuto­ri­als — Have you ever watched a help­ful YouTube tuto­r­i­al? It is much eas­i­er than a com­plex user man­u­al. Show cur­rent and poten­tial cus­tomers how to use your prod­ucts and ser­vices using video tuto­ri­als. When it’s well done, cus­tomer tuto­ri­als are liked and shared with oth­ers, help­ing to spread aware­ness of your brand. 

What is an Impression on YouTube?

The pur­pose of a YouTube mar­ket­ing strat­e­gy is to max­i­mize your tar­get audi­ence reach. Like most social media plat­forms, YouTube will show your videos to peo­ple who may be inter­est­ed while pro­vid­ing ana­lyt­ics like views, likes, com­ments, and impres­sions. Your videos will be dis­played when some­one is search­ing for a key phrase relat­ed to your busi­ness or in the right side bar of sug­gest­ed videos. When you appear on a user’s screen, it is referred to as an impression. 

Develop a YouTube Marketing Strategy

A Woman Showing Screen Shot of YouTube on iPhone 6s With YouTube Open on a Laptop in the Background.

Now, it’s time to cre­ate a plan that will strate­gi­cal­ly dis­sem­i­nate the infor­ma­tion you want your cus­tomers to know about your busi­ness. Before you begin mak­ing videos, you should devel­op a YouTube video out­line that incor­po­rates these tac­tics for max­i­mum visibility: 

  • Know your audi­ence — What is an impres­sion on YouTube if it doesn’t reach the right audi­ence? Before cre­at­ing your videos, you should have a thor­ough under­stand­ing of the demo­graph­ics, likes, and dis­likes of your tar­get mar­ket to set the right tone. A YouTube mar­ket­ing strat­e­gy is meant to relate to poten­tial cus­tomers look­ing for your prod­ucts and services. 
  • Grab their atten­tion quick­ly — You only have a few sec­onds to grab a poten­tial buyer’s atten­tion on YouTube so make the most of it! Stud­ies show that the cur­rent atten­tion span is eight sec­onds so visu­als should be eas­i­ly relat­able to your cus­tomer. Some ways to guar­an­tee grab­bing atten­tion include: 
    • Present an inter­est­ing ques­tion or rous­ing statistic
    • Catch a buyer’s eye and ears with inter­est­ing music, text, and visuals
    • Pro­vide an overview of what the audi­ence can expect to see
  • Prac­tice, prac­tice, prac­tice — For begin­ners devel­op­ing a YouTube video out­line, it is wise to prac­tice until you get the hang of it. The film­ing, edit­ing, and record­ing process can present a learn­ing curve and test­ing out the vari­ety of tools avail­able is the best way to cre­ate a great video. You want the look and feel of the video to be as authen­tic to your brand as possible. 
  • Remain con­sis­tent - Authen­tic­i­ty is impor­tant when build­ing a brand mes­sage and should be con­sis­tent through­out your mar­ket­ing cam­paign. When devel­op­ing a YouTube video out­line, be sure to inte­grate your brand val­ues, humor, back­ground sto­ry, and staff to increase the con­nec­tion with your tar­get audience. 
  • Keep videos brief — Remem­ber the eight sec­ond atten­tion span? If a view­er con­tin­ues to watch your video, they will want to get to the point right away. On aver­age, most of the videos pub­lished this year were under two min­utes long. YouTube pro­vides capa­bil­i­ties for longer videos but if you want to keep a customer’s atten­tion, lim­it your video to two minutes. 
  • Use visu­als wise­ly — With one bil­lion active users every month, the social media plat­form is sat­u­rat­ed with visu­al con­tent. You’ll want to stand out by using images and thumb­nails that aren’t com­mon­ly seen. An inter­est­ing thumb­nail pho­to with vibrant col­ors, large text, and rel­e­vant graph­ics can attract view­ers to your chan­nel immediately. 
  • Tai­lor your videos — When cre­at­ing a YouTube mar­ket­ing strat­e­gy, keep in mind that the con­tent can be shared across sev­er­al social media plat­forms. This can work to your advan­tage when you tai­lor your videos with this con­cept in mind. By repur­pos­ing your video con­tent for oth­er plat­forms like LinkedIn, Insta­gram, Tik­tok, Twit­ter, and Face­book, you can save time and main­tain con­sis­tent brand messaging. 

We Start with a YouTube Video Outline

We are award-win­ning experts with an eye for strate­gic dig­i­tal detail. This means that we devel­op com­pre­hen­sive and indi­vid­u­al­ized mar­ket­ing plans for busi­ness­es of all sizes. We pro­vide mul­ti­me­dia and video devel­op­ment ser­vices that pro­duce results and increase brand aware­ness. When you want to out­source your YouTube chan­nel, we’re here to help. 

Give us a call today for a free mar­ket­ing audit of your business!