Since the launch of YouTube in May 2005, the social media plat­form has grown to over 2 bil­lion month­ly active users! Over 1 bil­lion videos are watched every day, with 62% of busi­ness­es using YouTube to reach their tar­get audi­ence. As the sec­ond most vis­it­ed site in the world, it has become a lucra­tive vehi­cle for social media influencers. 

Why does this mat­ter? Remote work is becom­ing increas­ing­ly preva­lent. Your cus­tomer is most like­ly some­where in the YouTube tar­get mar­ket and look­ing for your prod­uct or ser­vice. As a proac­tive and cre­ative busi­ness own­er who watch­es trends, you already under­stand the pow­er of social media. Now, it’s time to take the next step to cre­at­ing more vis­i­bil­i­ty and engage­ment with your brand. Using YouTube will make it eas­i­er for poten­tial cus­tomers to find you and the solu­tions you provide. 

How to Build an Audience on YouTube

Like any oth­er social media plat­form, strate­gic use, and inter­est­ing con­tent with con­sis­tent mes­sag­ing is the best way to max­i­mize this pow­er­ful inter­net tool. When you want to take your busi­ness to the next lev­el, build­ing a Youtube tar­get audi­ence is a great way to do so. There are impor­tant steps to mak­ing the most of your Youtube pres­ence. Here are some tips on how to get an audi­ence on YouTube and cre­ate engag­ing content: 

  • Authen­tic­i­ty — The best mar­ket­ing strat­e­gy is being your­self. Your YouTube tar­get audi­ence wants to con­nect with you and is look­ing to place a face to the brand. With your charis­ma, sense of humor, and per­son­al­i­ty, poten­tial and cur­rent cus­tomers will grav­i­tate toward what you have to say. By using your per­son­al influ­ence to present your prod­ucts or ser­vices, you can give cus­tomers a “behind-the-scenes” look at how every­thing comes togeth­er. Keep­ing a pos­i­tive dis­po­si­tion in your videos will keep view­ers engaged but don’t be afraid to show chal­lenges you face in your busi­ness. Sin­cer­i­ty goes a long way! 
  • High Qual­i­ty — When you want to keep poten­tial and cur­rent cus­tomers com­ing back to your chan­nel, give them incred­i­bly high-qual­i­ty con­tent they antic­i­pate and look for­ward to! The last thing you want is to look like a rook­ie. You’ll want to have good gear to dif­fer­en­ti­ate your­self from your com­pe­ti­tion with good qual­i­ty YouTube video mak­ing gear! Here’s where to start:
    • Use a steady-cam. While smart­phones have cer­tain­ly evolved and can pro­vide qual­i­ty videos, you’ll want what the pro­fes­sion­als use to avoid blur­ry and shaky videos. 
    • Just like writ­ten con­tent devel­op­ment, you’ll want to revise your video con­tent at least twice. All videos should be free from mis­takes or poor content. 
    • Prac­tice your pre­sen­ta­tion and speak­ing skills. The more you prac­tice, the bet­ter you’ll get and the more com­fort­able you will be in front of the cam­era. Devel­op­ing your own style of pre­sent­ing is part of your online per­sona so per­fect it! 
    • We rec­om­mend adding cap­tions! Remem­ber, your Youtube tar­get audi­ence may be any­where in the world, includ­ing for­eign coun­tries. You want every­one to under­stand you and appre­ci­ate your prod­ucts or ser­vices. When you add cap­tions, you’ll see your tar­get audi­ence mul­ti­ply many times over!
    • Look at com­peti­tor con­tent and take note of what doesn’t work. You can learn from their mis­takes and make improve­ments on your YouTube channel. 

A Girl Filming Herself With Camera

  • Col­lab­o­ra­tion — With all aspects of mar­ket­ing, col­lab­o­ra­tion with anoth­er brand, indi­vid­ual, or orga­ni­za­tion can ele­vate your plat­form and expand your reach. When you pair with oth­ers in your indus­try, your chances of recog­ni­tion and increased sales improve great­ly. Also, your col­lab­o­ra­tive part­ners may have more expe­ri­ence than you and it will give you a chance to learn from them.
  • Attrac­tion — Visu­al stim­u­la­tion for peo­ple is a huge draw on social media but many YouTube users for­get this impor­tant ele­ment. When cre­at­ing your chan­nel, you want to appeal to your YouTube tar­get audi­ence. Some of the best ways to lure new and exist­ing cus­tomers to your chan­nel include:
    • Pick­ing 2 — 4 com­ple­men­tary col­ors for your chan­nel is one of the best ways to cre­ate an appeal­ing YouTube chan­nel look. The goal is to make your chan­nel styl­ish and distinguishable. 
    • When you want to add pro­fes­sion­al­ism and class to your chan­nel, use a con­sis­tent and spe­cif­ic font for your channel. 
    • If you don’t have a logo yet, you should con­sid­er cre­at­ing one. When brain­storm­ing ideas, you’ll want to start with any­thing that would con­nect your audi­ence with your con­tent. You can use your pets, a favorite arti­cle of cloth­ing, or design one from scratch. The oppor­tu­ni­ties are endless! 
    • Your pro­file pic­ture should be neat and pro­fes­sion­al. In mar­ket­ing, per­cep­tion is a real­i­ty so choos­ing a pro­file pic­ture that show­cas­es your per­son­al­i­ty from the shoul­ders up will give you a heads start on con­nect­ing with your YouTube tar­get audi­ence. Only pos­i­tive vibes here!
  • Focus — It’s impor­tant to remem­ber that the num­ber of views you accu­mu­late is sec­ondary to build­ing your audi­ence. When build­ing your YouTube tar­get audi­ence, you should be focused on devel­op­ing a great expe­ri­ence through engag­ing and infor­ma­tive con­tent. This will help you not only attract new fol­low­ers but retain exist­ing ones.
    Peo­ple will stay with a YouTube chan­nel when they see that the audi­ence is pos­i­tive and engaged.
  • Thumb­nails — Have you seen the lit­tle pic­ture that is fea­tured before YouTube videos are played? This is called a thumb­nail and is anoth­er oppor­tu­ni­ty to cre­ate a con­nec­tion between your brand and the audi­ence. When this thumb­nail is dis­played, you want your YouTube tar­get mar­ket to instant­ly rec­og­nize you. It’s best to use a cus­tomized thumb­nail rather than the gener­ic thumb­nails provided.
  • Cross-Pro­mo­tion — This is one of the most enjoy­able ways to use YouTube videos! Embed­ding a con­tent video on your oth­er social media plat­forms like Insta­gram, Twit­ter, and Face­book will build your audi­ence and brand aware­ness very quick­ly! The best way to do this effec­tive­ly is:
    • Embed a link every­where you can, includ­ing your website!
    • Make update announcements. 
    • Always men­tion and refer to your chan­nel on oth­er social media plat­forms, includ­ing your website! 

Girl and Boy Looking at the Laptop

  • Trail­er — This step is one that you should not over­look when estab­lish­ing your YouTube tar­get audi­ence. You should have a short trail­er video that intro­duces your busi­ness and your prod­ucts or ser­vices. The video should be short, clever, and infor­ma­tive. You’ll want to high­light valu­able and inter­est­ing aspects of your busi­ness while show­ing your per­son­al­i­ty by devel­op­ing a hook that keeps your audi­ence interested. 

Contact Rosy Strategies To Build Your YouTube Target Market

With 90% of peo­ple dis­cov­er­ing new brands, prod­ucts, or ser­vices on YouTube every day, you’ll want to add this to your arse­nal of social media plat­forms to mar­ket your busi­ness. Visu­al con­tent is very pow­er­ful and peo­ple grav­i­tate towards inter­ac­tive expe­ri­ences. Build­ing your YouTube tar­get mar­ket is anoth­er way to bring your busi­ness offer­ings direct­ly to the peo­ple who are look­ing for them. 

Cre­at­ing con­sis­tent and tar­get­ed mes­sag­ing across all mar­ket­ing chan­nels will give your brand the vis­i­bil­i­ty it deserves. Exe­cut­ing this effec­tive­ly requires strat­e­gy, knowl­edge, and expe­ri­ence. At Rosy Strate­gies, we have over 20 years of inte­grat­ed mar­ket­ing expe­ri­ence and have been rec­og­nized for our results. When you want your brand to take off, you’ll need a part­ner with the exper­tise to make it hap­pen. With Rosy Strate­gies, you’ll have a col­lab­o­ra­tive mar­ket­ing part­ner who is focused and accountable. 

Are you ready to take that next step? We are here to help you. Give us a call today for a con­sul­ta­tion on how we can build your Youtube tar­get audi­ence now!