Want to try some new social media marketing tools?

Wondering which apps can enhance your social media audio, video, and images?

#1: Nar­ro


Nar­ro is an app that con­verts text arti­cles into audio files so you can lis­ten on the go.

To con­vert a text arti­cle into an audio file, you can use the Nar­ro book­marklet, Chrome brows­er exten­sion, or iOS or Android app. Nar­ro then adds the audio file to your lis­ten­ing feed. You select from a num­ber of male and female voic­es, and you can alter the speed to make the voice sound more natural.

For exam­ple, if you don’t have time to read today’s arti­cle on Social Media Exam­in­er, you would either click the exten­sion or book­marklet. Nar­ro will then scan that article’s text, con­vert it into an audio file, and put that file into your per­son­al feed. If you sub­scribe to a feed (like Over­cast), the audio file of the arti­cle shows up in your feed after a few min­utes or so.

#2: Work­from

Work­from helps you find remote work­ing spaces and con­nect with peo­ple who use them. To search for a remote work­space, you can use the web­site or the iOS or Android app.

Work­from takes you through all of the fac­tors you need to con­sid­er when decid­ing whether to work at a remote loca­tion. For instance, you learn whether a space is pub­lic or pri­vate, what the WiFi speeds are, infor­ma­tion about any WiFi costs, whether food and drinks are avail­able, if it’s open late, whether it’s indoor or out­door, qui­et or com­mu­nal, and more.

Peo­ple trav­el­ing to San Diego for Social Media Mar­ket­ing World who will be there days before or after the event may need an alter­na­tive to work­ing in a hotel room. Work­from can help them find locations.

#3: Loom

Loom is a Chrome brows­er exten­sion that cre­ates a share­able video as soon as you fin­ish recording.

When you want to share how some­thing works or speak to your audi­ence, Loom is a great choice, espe­cial­ly when video is the ide­al way to com­mu­ni­cate your message.

Because Loom cre­ates a link that recip­i­ents can access with­out an account, Loom is an easy way to share video over email, instead of writ­ing text emails back and forth to clar­i­fy cer­tain points. In Gmail, you can even play the video right in the mes­sage window.

After you install the Loom Chrome exten­sion, you can record what you’re doing on-screen or with your computer’s cam­era. When you’re done record­ing, a brows­er tab opens with a URL you can copy and share in an email or any­where on the web.

#4: TwIM

TwIM is an iOS app that’s ded­i­cat­ed to Twit­ter direct mes­sages. It’s like Face­book Mes­sen­ger for Twitter.

Com­pared with the Twit­ter app, TwIM gives you nuanced con­trol over your Twit­ter noti­fi­ca­tions. For exam­ple, you can see a noti­fi­ca­tion only when you receive a Twit­ter direct mes­sage so you’ll know when you have a mes­sage before you open the app.

With TwIM, you can also search for peo­ple by user­name to start a con­ver­sa­tion; send full mes­sages with emo­jis; block and unblock users; reply to peo­ple using text, pho­tos, maps, or URLs; and more.

TwIM could be a great new tool for social media man­agers who are heav­i­ly into pro­vid­ing cus­tomer ser­vice or inter­ac­tion with fans and friends in Twit­ter direct messages.

#5: Reverb

Reverb is an inter­face that allows you to use Ama­zon Alexa instead of oth­er arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence apps such as Siri on your Mac OS or iOS device.

Ask Alexa a ques­tion and it gives you a response type. You can con­nect Alexa to your home to turn on the lights, ask Alexa for weath­er and traf­fic reports, and so on.

Reverb also enables you to be less depen­dent on Ama­zon devices such as the Echo or the Echo Dot to access Alexa. For instance, if you have a Dot in your office but you’re on the go, you can pull out your phone, open Reverb, and ask Alexa any­thing. Reverb has all of the ben­e­fits of the ser­vice with­out the hardware.

This resource works on desk­top for Mac, and on mobile and tablets for iOS and Android.

#6: Just Good Copy

Just good copy

Just Good Copy offers inspi­ra­tion for writ­ing your email copy. The web­site is like a swipe file for writ­ing emails.

To find inspir­ing emails, go to GoodEmailCopy.com and enter the type of email you need to write in the search bar. Your search results show exist­ing emails from famil­iar com­pa­nies such as Upwork, Buffer, Trel­lo, Sales­force, Drop­box, Ever­note, and Pinterest.

Instead of search­ing, you can also click a tag for a com­mon type of email. The tags look like col­or­ful bub­bles and reflect pop­u­lar types of email such as thank you, wel­come, nur­ture, main­te­nance, can­celed sub­scrip­tion, and others.

#7: TouchRe­touch

TouchRe­touch is a cool tool for mobile pic­ture-tak­ers who want to edit things out of their pho­tos such as a pho­to bomber or util­i­ty lines.

The TouchRe­touch app, avail­able for iOS and Android, is incred­i­bly easy to use. After you open a pho­to in the app, you select a brush or selec­tion tool and run your fin­ger over the object or line you want to remove.

The tools cre­ate a mask over the unde­sir­able image con­tent, and the app ana­lyzes what’s around the masked area and wipes it out. Although the analy­sis isn’t 100% per­fect, the app does a pret­ty good job of remov­ing what you mask.

#8: Tab­Cloud

Tab­Cloud helps you man­age your brows­er tabs by open­ing groups of book­marked web­sites all at once.

For exam­ple, if check­ing major social net­works is one of your dai­ly tasks, Tab­Cloud can help you open those sites quick­ly and easily.

To set up the group, set the tabs for Face­book, Twit­ter, Insta­gram, and any oth­er sites you need such as your social media man­age­ment soft­ware. Then give the group a name such as Social Chan­nels. After you set up the group, you sim­ply click its but­ton and all of those web­sites open in your browser.

You can also sync Tab­Cloud with oth­er browsers and use the web­site fav­i­cons for easy recog­ni­tion. It’s a brows­er exten­sion for Chrome and Fire­fox, as well as an Android app. The iOS app is com­ing soon.

#9: Mark­ti­cle

With Mark­ti­cle, you can book­mark online arti­cles and mark your progress so you can pick up right where you left off. With the notes and shar­ing fea­tures, you can also share your com­ments about spe­cif­ic con­tent in the arti­cle through Face­book or Twitter.

Mark­ti­cle is avail­able as a Chrome exten­sion and Android app. After you install Mark­ti­cle, open the arti­cle you want to read, select the text where you’re leav­ing off, and press M to mark that text. You then have the option to leave a note or share the article.

#10: Emo­ji­pedia


With Emo­ji­pedia, you can find the emo­ji you’re look­ing for right away.

Scan­ning a full emo­ji key­board or list can involve a lot of scrolling. How­ev­er, Emo­ji­pedia allows you to type a search term and see only rel­e­vant emojis.

For exam­ple, for a Face­book post, I want­ed to add an emo­ji of a per­son mak­ing a mus­cle with their arm. When I searched for “mus­cles,” Emo­ji­pedia showed an emo­ji called “flexed biceps.” I clicked the emo­ji, and then copied and past­ed it direct­ly into my Face­book post.

Because emo­jis look slight­ly dif­fer­ent on the var­i­ous plat­forms (Face­book ver­sus Google, etc.), Emo­ji­pedia also shows how the emo­ji looks on each platform.

Emo­jis are great for social media posts because they evoke emo­tion and increase engage­ment. An emo­ji can also punc­tu­ate your post, save space, and allow you to be cre­ative and have fun.