Reasons why social media is the best platform for small entrepreneurs

Hel­lo, social Elites!

I was encour­aged to write this arti­cle to all social media users because it helped me to run my blog busi­ness across the globe.

I write this arti­cle today to inform you that social media is not just a catch-fun avenue but also a plat­form for small busi­ness entre­pre­neurs where you can pro­mote your offline businesses.

Back on the point, as a small busi­ness entre­pre­neur you have to take social media very impor­tant plat­form to pub­li­cize your adverts, be it Face­book, twit­ter, ins­ta. Or What­sApp. There are many rea­sons that will prove you the best way to use social media for business.

Why? Because as an entre­pre­neur your major pri­or­i­ty is the customers/consumers.

With the advance in tech­nol­o­gy, the major­i­ty of peo­ple are gath­ered on social media to catch fun, seek for knowl­edge or to digest news updates.

For instance, a face­book user can spend more than 3hours on Face­book every day, which if cal­cu­lat­ed in a week (3x7=21)you will  have a chance of

21hours(almost to 1 good day) to keep a Face­book user viewing/reading your advert or prod­ucts that you shared on Facebook.

There are many entre­pre­neur social media course that you can try online.

The more peo­ple are viewing/ read­ing about your prod­ucts the  More great Chance it will cause for some­one to request for your products.

There are more social media entre­pre­neur ideas that can guide you to sell your prod­ucts on social media

There­fore, I advise my fel­low entre­pre­neurs to take social media very seri­ous because nowa­days peo­ple are more buzy on social media than in real life.

Imag­ine a civ­il ser­vant work­ing about 8hours every week­day in his/her office can­not go to the mar­ket every day but he/she can stream on social media even dur­ing the work hours. You can find more tips about the best way to use social media for busi­ness in my oth­er posts.