Rebrands are one of those non-triv­ial busi­ness deci­sions that usu­al­ly require not only con­tent but also design, includ­ing struc­tur­al web changes or migrations.

It is crit­i­cal to take SEO into con­sid­er­a­tion dur­ing rebrands to avoid brand relat­ed rank­ings and traf­fic loss and any poten­tial neg­a­tive influ­ence on “non-brand­ed” queries rank­ings tar­get­ed by the impact­ed pages.

Besides fol­low­ing gen­er­al web migra­tion SEO best prac­tices, dur­ing a rebrand, it’s specif­i­cal­ly crit­i­cal to:

  • Keep the rel­e­vance towards the old brand (as well as prod­ucts, ser­vices or busi­ness non-brand­ed queries) while also becom­ing rel­e­vant to the new one.
  • Avoid los­ing the link pop­u­lar­i­ty of the well-estab­lished brand-relat­ed pages that won’t be part of the site anymore.

There are a few dif­fer­ent ways to achieve this based on the type of rebrand­ing if it is hap­pen­ing to the com­pa­ny name or a spe­cif­ic line of products.

1. Company Name Rebrand

Let’s start with the like­ly most com­mon one: the gener­ic com­pa­ny name rebrand.

Chang­ing the name of a com­pa­ny is the most “dras­tic” rebrand­ing scenario.

The site will like­ly need to migrate to a new domain. This change is usu­al­ly accom­pa­nied by a new web­site design that reflects the new brand.

What steps can you follow to minimize the impact here?

In this case it will be fun­da­men­tal to 301-redi­rect every URL of the old domain to their new domain des­ti­na­tion, tak­ing into con­sid­er­a­tion these pages’ for­mer “nat­ur­al” rel­e­vance toward the old brand that was includ­ed in the domain name that will be now some­thing else.

Let’s say, if it was called “X” and the domain was and will now to be called “Y”, it should then be moved toward

The home page usu­al­ly ends up rank­ing for most of the queries relat­ed to the com­pa­ny brand name (as will the about us page, although it has less impact from a busi­ness perspective).

How­ev­er, in a new domain, the home page will usu­al­ly lose the rel­e­vance toward the old brand as it will now fea­ture the new brand information.

It will be then nec­es­sary to:

  • Cre­ate a new page in the new domain about the old brand (, which will serve as a “bridge” page to tar­get and rank for the old brand­ed queries. This page will also help to explain the company’s rebrand­ing details and will link to the home page by refer­ring to the new brand, with a link using a rel­e­vant anchor text for it.
  • The home page (and ide­al­ly all inter­nal pages) should also add an explana­to­ry text (at least for a while) explain­ing about the rebrand, and link­ing to the old brand page (with a rel­e­vant anchor text) that was cre­at­ed to explain further.

By doing this, as can be seen in the fol­low­ing graph­ic, although the home page won’t be able to “retain” the old brand rank­ings – as it won’t be rel­e­vant towards it any­more – it will help to refer the new page that will be cre­at­ed to tar­get them, in a way that makes sense and also helps from a busi­ness perspective.

Addi­tion­al­ly, it’s always a good idea to revise the Google Search Con­sole Search Ana­lyt­ics report or exter­nal data sources by using tools like SEM­rush or Ahrefs.

This needs to be done in order to ver­i­fy which oth­er pages besides the home page (or about us page) might be also rank­ing for oth­er types of brand­ed queries (e.g., more gran­u­lar, with “old brand + prod­uct name”) for which the new page about the old brand might not be rel­e­vant enough, and if so, to also tar­get them with addi­tion­al new pages that should be inte­grat­ed in a sim­i­lar way and should also ful­fill a busi­ness role.

2. Product Name Rebrand

Although prod­ucts or prod­uct line rebrands are usu­al­ly far less dras­tic than com­pa­ny names, they are not nec­es­sar­i­ly less impor­tant rebrand­ing scenarios.

Despite not requir­ing, in most cas­es, a full domain migra­tion and affect­ing a low­er num­ber of more gran­u­lar pages, prod­uct name rebrands usu­al­ly involve some of the most impor­tant pages on the site from a con­ver­sion and ulti­mate­ly, ROI per­spec­tive, and there­fore, need­ing impor­tant atten­tion and support.

Prod­uct rebrands will also like­ly need dif­fer­ent types of solu­tions in order to min­i­mize a poten­tial neg­a­tive impact while try­ing to make the most out of the already well-estab­lished prod­ucts pages, depend­ing on how the new brand name will dif­fer from the old one. These are a few of the most com­mon ones:

2.1. Product Rebrand with No Name Overlay

When the new name is com­plete­ly dif­fer­ent and won’t include the old one (for exam­ple, chang­ing a prod­uct called “Yel­low” to “Red” in the “X” com­pa­ny), you can then “lever­age” the old prod­uct page ( to be kept and start serv­ing as a “bridge” page that will explain about the rebrand, keep­ing the rel­e­vance and rank­ings for the old brand­ed queries like: “Yel­low”, “X Yel­low”, etc. while link­ing to the new prod­uct page that should be created.

At the same time, a new prod­uct page for the new brand ( should then be cre­at­ed. It is this one that will tar­get the new brand­ed queries for which it will be relevant.

This new prod­uct page should also be inter­nal­ly linked from the site nav­i­ga­tion, instead of the old one, so links should be updated.

Addi­tion­al­ly, an explana­to­ry text should be also added in this page at the begin­ning, to inform about the brand change and link to the “bridge”, old prod­uct page for more infor­ma­tion, with a rel­e­vant anchor text.

2.2. Product Rebrand with Low Name Overlay

When the new name over­lays with the old one (for exam­ple, chang­ing a prod­uct called “Yel­low Blue” to “Yel­low Red” in the “X” com­pa­ny), you can then also lever­age the old prod­uct page to help direct­ly estab­lish the new one much more quickly.

It will help make the most out of the name coin­ci­dence, as the new brand­ed queries to tar­get will include some of the old terms, and this is the page where ulti­mate­ly, you will now be offer­ing the prod­uct to sell.

To do this, it will be nec­es­sary to:

  • 301-redi­rect the old prod­uct page ( to the new one (, using the old estab­lished page’s pop­u­lar­i­ty to ben­e­fit the new one will also keep some of its brand rel­e­vance. Inter­nal links should be also updat­ed accord­ing­ly to go now to the new page. This new page should also include a text explain­ing about the rebrand at the start, from where it should link to the “bridge” page – with a rel­e­vant anchor text – that will be enabled to tar­get the spe­cif­ic old brand queries.
  • Since the new prod­uct page will keep only part of the old brand rel­e­vance, it is then also impor­tant to enable a “bridge” page ( that will specif­i­cal­ly tar­get only the old brand queries. This page should be linked from the new prod­uct page with an explana­to­ry text using the old brand as anchor text, and link back fol­low­ing the same log­ic, refer­ring also the users to the new prod­uct page so they can ful­fill their goal and buy it.

2.3. Product Rebrand with High Name Overlay

When the new prod­uct name not only over­lays but com­plete­ly includes the old one (for exam­ple, chang­ing a prod­uct called “Yel­low” to “Yel­low B” (adding only the B in the name) in the “X” com­pa­ny), you have more flex­i­bil­i­ty and choose between a cou­ple of alternatives:

Keep­ing the Old Prod­uct URL

You can keep the old prod­uct page ( to now tar­get not only the old but also the new brand­ed prod­uct names for which it will be rel­e­vant: “Yel­low” and “Yel­low B”.

The ben­e­fit of this option is that by not need­ing to be moved, it will direct­ly keep the old prod­uct URL brand­ed queries rank­ings, as well as the already exist­ing popularity.

You only have to expand its con­tent to also include the new brand name terms, so the page can also become rel­e­vant to them, as well as adding an explana­to­ry text inform­ing about the change.

Addi­tion­al­ly, in this case, you won’t need to update any inter­nal links as the new prod­uct brand URL will be the same.

The con is the that new prod­uct page URL won’t ful­ly include the new prod­uct brand name, although when assess­ing the impact of this it could be min­i­mized if the rest of the con­tent areas and ele­ments are now well tar­get­ed to the new brand too, con­sid­er­ing that the ben­e­fit is to be able to keep all of the for­mer page rank­ings and popularity.

In most cas­es, this will be the best option with min­i­mum changes for well-estab­lished prod­ucts pages, with a high­er vol­ume of exter­nal links, for which chang­ing the URL to add an addi­tion­al term wouldn’t compensate.

Mov­ing the Old Prod­uct URL to a New One

In instances like this one, you would need to 301-redi­rect the old prod­uct page ( to a new prod­uct URL (‑b) to also include the new brand term in the URL (which is the only con of the pre­vi­ous and most straight­for­ward alter­na­tive), so the new URL will be as rel­e­vant as pos­si­ble to both, old and new prod­ucts brands.

In this case, you’ll also need to:

  • Update inter­nal links to go to the new brand page URL.
  • Expand its con­tent so it is also rel­e­vant to the new brand.
  • Include the explana­to­ry text to inform about the change.

These should be accom­plished in order for the new prod­uct page URL to be seen. A struc­tur­al change will be need­ed for the ben­e­fit of hav­ing the full new name of the brand in the URL.

This will be the best alter­na­tive, in most cas­es, for prod­ucts pages that were not that well estab­lished in the past, with min­i­mal links, for which adding the full name to the URL to become more rel­e­vant to the new prod­uct brand, will be more beneficial.


By fol­low­ing the pre­vi­ous SEO best prac­tices for some of the most com­mon rebrand­ing sce­nar­ios, a rebrand shouldn’t mean that you need to lose your organ­ic search rank­ings and traf­fic loss, but an oppor­tu­ni­ty to start:

Tar­get­ing new brand-relat­ed terms and queries that you might not have been ranked as well before.
Secur­ing your old brand rank­ings and estab­lish­ing new ones.
Grow­ing your brand­ed organ­ic search performance.

Last but not least, if for some rea­son your SEO rec­om­men­da­tions for the rebrand­ing process are not fol­lowed and the site ends up los­ing its organ­ic search traf­fic in the process despite your efforts, check out this post I wrote a while ago about recov­er­ing your organ­ic search traf­fic from a migra­tion gone wrong.