Email marÂketÂing, when done right, can boost your business.
Most of us are signed up to receive e‑newsletters from our favorite sources on a daiÂly, weekÂly, fortÂnightÂly or even ranÂdom basis. More than likeÂly, you have your favorite e‑newsletters that you keenÂly anticÂiÂpate receivÂing and othÂers you might have forÂgotÂten about comÂpleteÂly until they land in your inbox.
There are so many chanÂnels where you can reach your cusÂtomers these days—Facebook, TwitÂter, InstaÂgram, LinkedIn—businesses should be putting just as much enerÂgy and effort, if not more, into their elecÂtronÂic direct mail (EDM) strategy.
Once someÂone has subÂscribed to receive emails from your comÂpaÂny, you’ve already estabÂlished some kind of relaÂtionÂship with them. We can’t always say the same for othÂer chanÂnels and espeÂcialÂly social media where we know there is a lot of noise.
Here are 3 reaÂsons why you should be using elecÂtronÂic direct mails (EDMs) to comÂmuÂniÂcate with your audience.
#1 – Email marketing is very cost-effective
Sure, social media marÂketÂing can be cost-effecÂtive but email marÂketÂing is even more cost-effecÂtive. The only fee you realÂly need to covÂer is the email marÂketÂing platÂform you choose. GenÂerÂalÂly speakÂing, the more popÂuÂlar platÂforms such as MailChimp are free to use until you genÂerÂate a cerÂtain numÂber of subÂscribers (and even then, it’s a relÂaÂtiveÂly small fee dependÂing on how many subÂscribers you have). Once you’re signed up, you can send as many EDMs as you need to withÂout payÂing a cent—the only cost is the resource you put into buildÂing the EDM (staff, any design costs etc).
#2 – It’s fantastic for relationship building
When you know who your cusÂtomer is, what they need from you and how to comÂmuÂniÂcate with them using the lanÂguage they underÂstand, you’re highÂly likeÂly to sucÂceed with EDM camÂpaigns. ExperÂiÂment a litÂtle in terms of what times and days work best with your audiÂence through open and click-through rates.
Once this is estabÂlished, conÂsisÂtenÂcy is key. So, stick to the same day and time so that your cusÂtomers know when to hear from you. Most email marÂketÂing serÂvices will allow you to schedÂule your camÂpaigns ahead of time and proÂvide you with the data you need to see what’s workÂing with your audiÂence and what isn’t.
SendÂing emails can be an effecÂtive marÂketÂing tool as it reachÂes your tarÂget audiÂence effectively.
#3 – Email marketing arms you with powerful insights about your audience
The more you know about your audiÂence, the betÂter. Email platÂforms such as MailChimp proÂvide powÂerÂful built-in anaÂlytÂics that allows you to track how your camÂpaigns are perÂformÂing. You can easÂiÂly ascerÂtain what kind of conÂtent your cusÂtomers are respondÂing to and what conÂtent is missÂing the mark. The folÂlowÂing tools will assist you in helpÂing to track audiÂence engagement:
- Opens and click-throughs
- Shares
- Google AnaÂlytÂics
- Email bounce rates
If you haven’t done much with your EDM stratÂeÂgy or have doubts about the sucÂcess of effecÂtive EDM strateÂgies, do your homeÂwork. You’ll quickÂly see that planÂning and impleÂmentÂing a strong EDM marÂketÂing camÂpaign is cruÂcial to your sucÂcess in busiÂness today. It’s one of the few ways in which you can comÂmuÂniÂcate directÂly with your cusÂtomers and tarÂget market.