For PPC adverÂtisÂers, 2020 is going to be a pivÂotal year. TechÂnolÂoÂgy will be driÂving all the key PPC trends at the start of the decade and adverÂtisÂers are going to react to this in one of two ways.
Some are going to sit back and wait for the techÂnolÂoÂgy to progress. OthÂers will take the tech availÂable to them right now, grab it by the horns and use it to driÂve innoÂvaÂtion on their own terms. These are the adverÂtisÂers who will be setÂting PPC trends in 2020 and beyond, while the rest play catch-up.
Here’s what matÂters most for the year ahead:
Taking control of PPC automation
MarÂketÂing automaÂtion has proÂgressed a lot in recent years and we can now rely on softÂware to hanÂdle a wide range of repetÂiÂtive tasks. This isn’t speÂcifÂic to PPC but paid adverÂtisÂing arguably has the most to gain from automaÂtion due to the time-conÂsumÂing nature of manÂagÂing and optiÂmisÂing campaigns.
Google Ads has introÂduced a string of autoÂmatÂed feaÂtures recentÂly, includÂing smart camÂpaigns, smart shopÂping camÂpaigns, DynamÂic Search Ads and a growÂing list of autoÂmatÂed bidÂding strategies.
Google Ads has even been pushÂing adverÂtisÂers to let it manÂage camÂpaigns for them.
AdverÂtisÂers need to decide how much they’re going to allow tech giants to autoÂmate their strateÂgies. Keep in mind that Google’s priÂorÂiÂty is to maxÂimise clicks, which is at odds with the aim of most adverÂtisÂers. ThankÂfulÂly, you don’t need to give PPC platÂforms a free license to manÂage your stratÂeÂgy. You can creÂate your own autoÂmatÂed workÂflows to optiÂmise bids, budÂgets, marÂketÂing lists and a range of othÂer key PPC perÂforÂmance tasks.
PPC automaÂtion doesn’t necÂesÂsarÂiÂly mean surÂrenÂderÂing conÂtrol; 2020 is the year adverÂtisÂers can take it back.
Artificial intelligence & machine learning become accessible
For the averÂage busiÂness or adverÂtisÂer, matchÂing Google’s data-driÂven abilÂiÂty to autoÂmate might sound crazy. And, until recentÂly, it would have been. HowÂevÂer, artiÂfiÂcial intelÂliÂgence and machine learnÂing are now accesÂsiÂble to everyÂone, which means adverÂtisÂers can build their own algoÂrithms to autoÂmate highÂly speÂcifÂic tasks on their own terms.
Instead of relyÂing on generÂic automaÂtions, built for the massÂes by the likes of Google, it’s nevÂer been easÂiÂer to address the speÂcifÂic needs of your own adverÂtisÂing goals.
Are your sales affectÂed by weathÂer patÂterns? Then, you can autoÂmate bids to match the weathÂer conÂdiÂtions in each of your tarÂget locaÂtions, all in real-time. Are your remarÂketÂing camÂpaigns failÂing to engage with B2B leads over weekÂends when their mind isn’t on work? Then, autoÂmate a delay on remarÂketÂing camÂpaigns trigÂgered by site visÂits on FriÂdays and pubÂlic holidays.
Rising CPCs in Google Ads
The unwelÂcome PPC trend for 2020 will be risÂing CPCs and this will be most eviÂdent on Google Search. With the SERPs becomÂing increasÂingÂly comÂpetÂiÂtive and organÂic results falling furÂther down the page, brands with big budÂgets will simÂply increase ad spend and this driÂves up the cost for everyone.
HelÂlo, highÂer CPCs.
More budÂget-conÂscious adverÂtisÂers will need to spot new opporÂtuÂniÂties outÂside of simÂply increasÂing ad spend. This may involve analysing SERPs in real-time to find missed organÂic spaces, ploughÂing through camÂpaign data to lost leads or using third-parÂty data and AI to creÂate preÂdicÂtive anaÂlytÂics modÂels that can delivÂer more relÂeÂvant messages.
Either way, the answer is going to lie in data sciÂence and techÂnoloÂgies like AI and machine learning.
Rethinking your PPC platforms of choice
MovÂing away from the algoÂrithÂmic side of techÂnolÂoÂgy, adverÂtisÂers will also need to rethink their PPC platÂforms of choice in 2020. The obviÂous option for retailÂers is AmaÂzon Ads, which offers a powÂerÂful addiÂtion (or alterÂnaÂtive) to Google ShopÂping campaigns.
For local busiÂnessÂes, Google is also proÂvidÂing a new chanÂnel aimed at smallÂer busiÂnessÂes. Waze Local allows busiÂnessÂes to tarÂget driÂvers as they’re travÂelÂling through their immeÂdiÂate locaÂtion — ideÂal for peoÂple on the move who need to teak a break from driÂving and make sponÂtaÂneous purÂchasÂes on the way home.
QuoÂra Ads is makÂing big progress in a numÂber of areas, too — espeÂcialÂly in the B2B, softÂware and conÂsumer elecÂtronÂics nichÂes. MeanÂwhile, the big risÂing star of 2019 has been ChiÂnese social media platÂform TikÂTok, which has just embarked on its own adverÂtisÂing advenÂture that could give the likes of FaceÂbook and InstaÂgram a lot to think about — one to watch for 2020.
MeanÂwhile, Facebook’s reducÂtion in News Feed ads will likeÂly push more conÂsumer brands over to InstaÂgram and B2B adverÂtisÂers in search of othÂer options.
SOURCE: The Drum