New manager empowerment capabilities make it easier for managers to focus on the right issues, stay accountable on progress, and take meaningful action.

Today, Glint, a leader in employ­ee engage­ment acquired by LinkedIn, announced three new man­ag­er empow­er­ment capa­bil­i­ties to help lead­ers thrive and cre­ate moti­vat­ed and hap­py teams. Designed using Glint’s AI-for-HR™and real-time engage­ment tech­nol­o­gy, these new fea­tures elim­i­nate tedious man­u­al analy­sis, auto­mat­i­cal­ly find pat­terns, and iden­ti­fy a manager’s most sig­nif­i­cant areas of oppor­tu­ni­ty to cre­ate more engaged teams:

  • Per­son­al­ized guid­ance: Man­ag­er Concierge™ pro­vides step-by-step guid­ance, tak­ing into account the actions a man­ag­er has already tak­en and mak­ing intel­li­gent rec­om­men­da­tions for what actions they should take next to help their teams be more successful.
  • Action­able sum­ma­ry of strength and oppor­tu­ni­ties: Man­agers receive a per­son­al­ized, sim­ple, and high­ly action­able sum­ma­ry of their strongest qual­i­ties and great­est growth oppor­tu­ni­ties as a manager.
  • A frame­work for improv­ing as a team: To sim­pli­fy the often intim­i­dat­ing task of act­ing on feed­back, man­agers can now uti­lize a three-step frame­work, the ACT Con­ver­sa­tion guide, to facil­i­tate fre­quent, ongo­ing con­ver­sa­tions with their teams. By fol­low­ing the con­ver­sa­tion prompts of “Acknowl­edg­ing where we are”, “Col­lab­o­rat­ing on where we want to go”, and “Tak­ing one step for­ward” togeth­er, man­agers can enable bet­ter qual­i­ty con­ver­sa­tions that lead to bet­ter team out­comes and sus­tain­able action-taking.

Impact­ful, ongo­ing con­ver­sa­tions are at the heart of Glint’s vision for the future of work. The role of the man­ag­er in the engage­ment and per­for­mance process is crit­i­cal­ly impor­tant, and embrac­ing real-time, focused insights will fuel worth­while dia­logue about pri­or­i­ties, per­for­mance, and growth.