Online marÂketÂing strateÂgies are vast and varÂiÂous, and they work best in tanÂdem with traÂdiÂtionÂal marÂketÂing efforts. Find out what our experts have to say about the most advanÂtaÂgeous ways to boost marÂketÂing for proÂfesÂsionÂal services.
7 Marketing Techniques for Professional Service Firms
- SpeÂcialÂizaÂtion
DifÂferÂenÂtiÂatÂing your brand from the comÂpeÂtiÂtion is best done through speÂcialÂizaÂtion. You are likeÂly not the only comÂpaÂny after your niche tarÂget, so what is it about your brand that caters supeÂriÂorÂly to this audiÂence? Are your serÂvices more thorÂough? More underÂstandÂing of conÂsumer needs? Do you underÂstand someÂthing about the indusÂtry that comÂpetiÂtors fail to impleÂment in their prodÂucts and serÂvices? Have you had sigÂnifÂiÂcant outÂcomes that disÂtinÂguish you from your competitors?
Once you fulÂly underÂstand your speÂcialÂizaÂtion (notice it is sinÂguÂlar), your task is to adeÂquateÂly comÂmuÂniÂcate it to your audiÂence. AnyÂtime you post conÂtent, host or attend events, parÂticÂiÂpate in indusÂtry disÂcusÂsions, be explicÂitÂly clear about your angle on the subject.
The more speÂcifÂic you are in your niche speÂcialÂizaÂtion, the more you will natÂuÂralÂly attract your niche audiÂence. Once you find your niche, stick to it. Evolve as the nature of that aspect evolves; if you don’t, a comÂpetiÂtor will quickÂly snatch up the niche offering.
-Blogs and articles
Blogs and artiÂcles are an easy and effiÂcient way to conÂtinÂuÂalÂly spread your brand mesÂsage, update clients about behind the scenes news and even boost your webÂsite’s SEO rankÂings and overÂall conÂsumer appeal. ProÂducÂing good, fresh conÂtent attracts viewÂers to your site, increasÂes your credÂiÂbilÂiÂty and genÂerÂates potenÂtial for being shared through periphÂerÂal outlets.
-Lead genÂerÂaÂtion through website
Your webÂsite can be one of your most resourceÂful lead genÂerÂaÂtors. Find opporÂtuÂniÂties through conÂtent to offer disÂcounts, limÂitÂed time purÂchasÂes, and conÂtent that, through research, you know your conÂsumers want to click and read or watch. Be sure you do not spam your audiÂence; use research tools to idenÂtiÂfy interÂests and creÂate leads through this information.
SEO is an essenÂtial proÂfesÂsionÂal serÂvice marÂketÂing tool today, and it boosts sevÂerÂal aspects of the conÂsumer’s purÂchase funÂnel. Well-proÂduced conÂtent attracts more viewÂers, creÂates a sense of relaÂtionÂship between brand and buyÂer, earns credÂiÂbilÂiÂty on search engines and moves your site up in rankÂings which, in turn, sets the stage for even more viewÂers. Since SEO requires conÂsidÂerÂable, conÂsisÂtent work, workÂing with a digÂiÂtal marÂketÂing agency is a valuÂable deciÂsion for most companies.
-Trade show exhibition
WhenÂevÂer posÂsiÂble, send notable figÂures in the comÂpaÂny to trade shows and creÂate a conÂsisÂtent presÂence at the shows perÂtiÂnent to your indusÂtry. IdeÂalÂly, you want to sign up as an exhibitor and seize the opporÂtuÂniÂty to show your innoÂvÂaÂtive prodÂucts and serÂvices. If exhibitÂing is not in the cards, attend the show so you can gathÂer intel on movÂing pieces in the marÂketÂplace and make powÂerÂful netÂworkÂing relationships.
-VisÂiÂble experts
IndusÂtry experts as employÂees are inteÂgral to the sucÂcess of interÂnal affairs, but they’re also wideÂly helpÂful when it comes to attractÂing new busiÂness and retainÂing curÂrent clients. The more visÂiÂble your experts are in the marÂketÂplace, the more seriÂousÂly curÂrent and prospecÂtive clients are likeÂly to see your brand, and want to be workÂing alongÂside or directÂed by your comÂpaÂny’s leadership.
-SpeakÂing engagements
What do you have to say at comÂpaÂny meetÂings that your employÂees find inspiÂraÂtional; that driÂves them to do betÂter? What is it about your company’s niche that has proÂpelled your busiÂness and your own belief in its traÂjecÂtoÂry? If you have someÂthing valuÂable to offer about busiÂness inspiÂraÂtion or prodÂuct innoÂvaÂtion, arrange a speakÂing engageÂment. This is a strateÂgic way to remain visÂiÂble amongst comÂpetiÂtors and peers.
To get startÂed on your inteÂgratÂed marÂketÂing stratÂeÂgy, work with our inteÂgratÂed marÂketÂing agency team at Rosy StrateÂgies. We look forÂward to helpÂing you build your brand into your greatÂest expecÂtaÂtions and beyond.