For any law firm web­site get­ting more vis­i­tors on the web­site is pro­por­tion­al to the rank­ing it gets in the search results. In case you are find­ing a posi­tion on the sec­ond or third page the num­ber of vis­i­tors you may get also dimin­ish­es accordingly.

With the rise in com­pe­ti­tion in this field the quest to remain ahead is unend­ing and only well- craft­ed SEO strate­gies can help you suc­ceed. Here we present to you Top 4 On-Page Opti­miza­tion Tips for Law Firm Web­sites list­ed by a Lawyer SEO expert.

Determining Target Keywords and Optimizing Them

Your first step towards get­ting traf­fic is fig­ur­ing out the key­words that can direct traf­fic towards you. You must be spe­cif­ic over what key­words are impor­tant in the case of your area of work. To start, you must decide which area of prac­tice can get you more leads. For each prac­tice area, you decide you should now list the key­words asso­ci­at­ed with it.

You can type a key­word in Google and also see any addi­tion­al key­words that are pro­vid­ed as a help in the bot­tom of the page. Here you can use a key­word tool that would give you an indi­ca­tion of the most suc­cess­ful and searched ones in the field.

All the effort would go to waste if you do not know how to place these key­words on your web­site and attract audi­ence atten­tion. Your head­lines, sub­head­ers, call to action and the entire con­tent should have these key­words placed all over. The key­word that you want should be tar­get­ed the most should be used in the head­line to gar­ner attention.

Competition and Search Result Pages Customization

It is obvi­ous that you are not the only Lawyer firm out there. There would be mul­ti­ple com­peti­tors try­ing to dis­suade cus­tomers from being at your site. You need to see what your com­peti­tors are up to. Have a look at those who are occu­py­ing the top posi­tions and under­stand what makes them dif­fer­ent from you.

You might have to see if they have a blog which they are updat­ing reg­u­lar­ly. Or is it the key­word place­ment that is so adept at get­ting them on top rank­ing. It is also pos­si­ble that their web­site loads quick­ly mak­ing it easy for the cus­tomers to oper­ate them a fac­tor that real­ly counts in SEO.

Next on the agen­da is find­ing how you want your search results to fig­ure on the final results page. The first is the title tag which men­tions every­thing about your com­pa­ny and ser­vices. Next would be the Meta descrip­tions which tell a brief syn­op­sis of what your ser­vice is all about.

Mov­ing on it is cru­cial that you see that your web­site is mobile-friend­ly. A major­i­ty of the peo­ple search the inter­net on the mobile and if your web­site is not com­pli­ant you are going to lose some real­ly good customers.

Keyword Specific Website Pages 

It is a giv­en that even the search engines pre­fer a web­site that offers mean­ing­ful con­tent. So much so that if you know your key­word but have not placed on your web­site appro­pri­ate­ly you can­not hope of fea­tur­ing high on the list. Google’s algo­rithms are rather smart and they would not let you get away with a shod­dy web­site and bad content.

Apart from that, the site struc­ture is also of prime impor­tance. If your web­site is easy to nav­i­gate and all the but­tons can be eas­i­ly tracked then you can rest as that means that it is going to per­form rather well. If you add more infor­ma­tion relat­ed to the sub­ject your website’s val­ue increase prov­ing to help get traffic.

You might have focused on one key­word but if you add sep­a­rate pages for oth­er relat­ed fields like fam­i­ly law, divorce, etc. then that also counts. As you go about cre­at­ing these pages make sure the

Meta descrip­tion and title tag is also SEO friend­ly as in the end, all these things would mat­ter. Always keep in mind that qual­i­ty and quan­ti­ty both are impor­tant in SEO and if you ignore even one of them your chances of doing well reduce.

Tracking Keyword Rankings 

After all the hard work if you do not track the per­for­mance of your key­words you are going to fail mis­er­ably. This exer­cise must be repeat­ed on a reg­u­lar basis as you would real­ly want to know which key­words are work­ing for you and which not.

The eas­i­est way to do so is to type your key­word and see how your web­site is fig­ur­ing on the list. This would show which page your web­site is on and after reg­u­lar inter­vals, the posi­tion is shift­ing in the upward direc­tion then you are prob­a­bly right on track.

Tracking Keyword Rankings 

Not to for­get that there are key­word rank­ing tools that are excep­tion­al­ly good at show­ing your web­site per­for­mance with respect to the key­word being used with it.  When you know which key­word is work­ing best you can focus all your efforts on devel­op­ing and plac­ing it in a man­ner such that the returns you get increased manifold.

Here Lawyer SEO experts advise that if your results are unsat­is­fac­to­ry no need to get upset over the same. You must be patient as some­times it takes time for these strate­gies to be effec­tive enough. Rush­ing and chang­ing your plan often can total­ly jeop­ar­dize the results you are expect­ing to get.


Get­ting traf­fic on your web­site is par­tic­u­lar­ly tough for Law firms as most peo­ple still pre­fer going the tra­di­tion­al way. If you are look­ing for quick results for the same then you would be dis­ap­point­ed. SEO though works won­ders to grab atten­tion the results are attained only with time.

Fol­low the above tips care­ful­ly to be assured of being on the first page of Google search results. How­ev­er, if things do not work right then change your strat­e­gy until you final­ly are able to find a per­fect plan which would get you, vis­i­tors. You can also take pro­fes­sion­al SEO help in case you feel inept at imple­ment­ing your ideas in a well-craft­ed manner.

SOURCE: Social Media Explorer