Today I have some resources to help you max­i­mize your search engine mar­ket­ing with four great tools for your busi­ness. Here’s links with tips and tricks to kick start your Monday.

As con­tent mar­ket­ing con­tin­ues to evolve it’s impor­tant to have a fresh and updat­ed SEO strat­e­gy in place. Thank­ful­ly there are help­ful resources that will enable you to best opti­mize your con­tent for today’s search. Use these top SEO tools to bring about more vis­i­bil­i­ty for your web­site, and let me know how these work for you!

1) Easy page rank tracking – Advanced Web Ranking

Pro­vid­ing accu­rate and pos­i­tive web­site growth to your clients is impor­tant. Advanced Web Rank­ing allows you to cre­ate pro­fes­sion­al reports that include ana­lyt­ics data, web­site rank­ing, and social media data, which is acces­si­ble from any device. Learn what your clients are see­ing in their browsers and strength­en your brand image with accu­rate and fresh search engine rank­ings across all SERPs.

2) Get powerful website insights – Bing Webmaster Tools

Need to increase your website’s traf­fic? Then you will want to add Bing Web­mas­ter Tools to your resource list. The ser­vice helps you attract vis­i­tors and pro­vides help on improv­ing your web­site. From the dash­board you will be able to under­stand what is lead­ing vis­i­tors to your web­site, what peo­ple in your niche are search­ing for, and how to improve your visibility.

3) Simple local SEO – BrightLocal

If your busi­ness is local then you will love Bright­Lo­cal, which makes is easy to man­age your search engine mar­ket­ing on places like Google, Yahoo, and Bing. Your busi­ness can also get the best cita­tions and find out what the com­pe­ti­tion is up to as well. Track search­ing rank­ings, check how your busi­ness is doing against the com­pe­ti­tion, and con­vert more web­site vis­i­tors with this handy tool.

4) Protect your website – Copyscape

Web­site hijack­ing can be a real prob­lem on the Inter­net. Find out if your domain has been copied with a great ser­vice that is free and easy to use. Copy­scape does all the work for you, and pro­vides accu­rate results in sec­onds. Just type in the URL of your web­site with fast results.

Hope­ful­ly you will find these SEO tools use­ful to your con­tent mar­ket­ing strat­e­gy. Are there any that you would like to add as well?